View Full Version : =( Just another day..

07-20-2006, 12:58 PM
Eh, I hate ranting and I don't care if you reply or not. Tomorrow's my birthday and it doesn't even matter seeing as I don't even get a cake because my mom's broke. It's just another day to me.. just another day in my poor sad pathetic worthless life. I hate to sound that way, but really it seems as if nobody cares it's my birthday. The only thing I asked for I have to wait a month after my birthday for (which doesn't bother me much, because I'm getting it eventually) but ugh. It's caused me and my mom to get into a huge argument, and I'm in tears right now because I absolutely can't stand her to be mad or upset with me. Eh, woop de doo it's my birthday tomorrow..

As I said, just another day..

07-20-2006, 01:03 PM

I'm so sorry you can't celebrate with a cake tomorrow- it does stink when you don't get the birthday you want. :( My last birthday, I had to work! Nobody there knew it was my birthday, either and the boss could care less so it was just another day for me, too. I hope you have a good day, anyway- maybe you can celebrate with some of your friends just by hanging out.

Here's to hoping your day is fabulous, cake or not- happy early birthday! :D

07-20-2006, 01:09 PM
Cake or no Cake, it's a birthday. Stick a candle in a doughnut and sing happy b-day!! :p;) my past B-day, I told mom I didn't even want a cake, just make my favorite food!!

Invite all of your friends over for movies and games!! If you can't do that, get the pets together and play outside all day with the music cranked up!! Make it fun!! :)

And if none of that works, PM me. We can get on chat and *I'LL* throw you a party!!! :D

07-20-2006, 01:10 PM
But I can't even do that. My friends were going to come over for a sleepover, but they can't since my mom hasn't had time to clean or anything. I told her to just forget it and that my birthday didn't matter.. She was going to stay up all night tonight cleaning, but I told her not to..

07-20-2006, 01:14 PM
Why cant you help your mom out and clean the house :confused: Then you can have your friends over. I know this is hard for you, but I'm sure its just as hard on your mom. I'm sure your birthday matters a lot to your mom. Cheer up, life could be so much worse. :)

07-20-2006, 01:15 PM
Can you go to a friends house?? :)

07-20-2006, 01:16 PM
Why cant you help your mom out and clean the house :confused: Then you can have your friends over. I know this is hard for you, but I'm sure its just as hard on your mom. I'm sure your birthday matters a lot to your mom. Cheer up, life could be so much worse. :)
I was going to stay home tonight from band practice and clean but she won't let me. I told her it doesn't matter and to just forget it so then we got into a big argument.. and now we're both upset. I did want a party, but it's not important to me. It's just my birthday. :(
Nope, can't go to a friend's house.. no way of transportation.

07-20-2006, 01:16 PM
Well, go help her clean, then your friends can come over. Your mom offered to stay up all night cleaning so they could, even though she has a lot on her mind. Tell her how much you appreciate her effort and go help her do it rather than being on PT and being upset about it. It has happened to everyone I know, and i have stories from my childhood that would make yours seem like a fairy tale. So please try to be happy and put some effort into it and realize your mom is dong her best. Even though it's your birthday, it would really be a great thing to do to help her out and then it would make it so you can have fun with your friends too. It may not be the perfect birthday, but it would be something. Band practice doesn't take all night, or all day, so do what you can when you aren't there.

07-20-2006, 01:24 PM
Cheer up Bri!! Maybe you could go help your mom clean, and even thought it is your birthday and you shouldn't be cleaning it will have a plus that your friends can sleep over.

07-20-2006, 01:24 PM
Can a friend come pick you up?? Someone else's mom take you and a friend to the mall, out to eat, or to the movies? DO you have a friends a band practice who you can go home with?? Go get the phone and call your friends and try to work something out!! :)

07-20-2006, 01:25 PM
Well, go help her clean, then your friends can come over. Your mom offered to stay up all night cleaning so they could, even though she has a lot on her mind. Tell her how much you appreciate her effort and go help her do it rather than being on PT and being upset about it. It has happened to everyone I know, and i have stories from my childhood that would make yours seem like a fairy tale. So please try to be happy and put some effort into it and realize your mom is dong her best. Even though it's your birthday, it would really be a great thing to do to help her out and then it would make it so you can have fun with your friends too. It may not be the perfect birthday, but it would be something. Band practice doesn't take all night, or all day, so do what you can when you aren't there.
I did tell her thank you, but I don't want her to sit up all night doing that, and she thinks that's what I want. It doesn't matter to me about a party or not, so I told her to forget it. I can't really have fun with my friends.. I dunno why, but I just can't. Actually I'm leaving in less than 20 minutes, and I have to get ready with no time between to clean. Then, I'm off to my grandpa's, then band practice, even though I think I'm not going anyways, then back to my grandpa's then not home till about midnight.. :/

Nope, my friends are all too busy.. As said, I'm probably not even going to band practice tonight. I can't go anywhere if I don't have any money, either. And can't call anybody since we don't have a phone.

finn's mom
07-20-2006, 01:29 PM
Every day you are alive and breathing and healthy is a day to celebrate. Trust me, there were about six years of my adult life that nothing went right for me. Work, relationships, nothing. I was broke for a long time, and, still am, really. But, it's important to realize you live in a free country, you have your mother (there are many people who don't have that), you have an internet community who cares about you, you have lovely pets (how many kids would kill to have a dog?!), you are intelligent and caring and compassionate. A birthday is a reason to celebrate, even if it's just sharing the day with your dogs. Cakes and presents and parties are great when you want them and can have them, but that is not what a birthday is about. Cheer up. Your happiness is all your mother wants.

07-20-2006, 01:29 PM
Well, I guess try to have fun at your grandpa's and not worry about it too much. You'll have another one next year and maybe it will be better, but life isn't always the way we wish it could be. I had crappy birthdays often as a kid too, and when you get older it won't seem as important.

07-20-2006, 01:30 PM
YOU are the ONLY one that can set your mood!
If you're going to be down in the dumps about your birthday than no one else can change that. You are very lucky to have the pets you do and a mother that loves you - even if she doesn't always agree with you. I'm assuming the present a month after your birthday is the VERY expensive camera... that's something to be happy about and look forward to! Especially since your mother is working hard for it. You are alive and well - with a roof over your head, right? That's something to celebrate tomorrow!

Who says you need a cake for your birthday? I don't remember the last time I've had a birthday cake.

I feel awfully bad for your mother.. I'm sure she is trying her hardest to make you happy.

07-20-2006, 01:32 PM
YOU are the ONLY one that can set your mood!
If you're going to be down in the dumps about your birthday than no one else can change that. You are very lucky to have the pets you do and a mother that loves you - even if she doesn't always agree with you. I'm assuming the present a month after your birthday is the VERY expensive camera... that's something to be happy about and look forward to! Especially since your mother is working hard for it. You are alive and well - with a roof over your head, right? That's something to celebrate tomorrow!

Who says you need a cake for your birthday? I don't remember the last time I've had a birthday cake.

I feel awfully bad for your mother.. I'm sure she is trying her hardest to make you happy.

Perfect word position, you posted exactly what I was going to say! :)

Bri, I know that it's hard to "miss" your birthday, but like Kay said-
You are very lucky to have the pets and mother that you do! :D

07-20-2006, 01:33 PM
YOU are the ONLY one that can set your mood!
If you're going to be down in the dumps about your birthday than no one else can change that. You are very lucky to have the pets you do and a mother that loves you - even if she doesn't always agree with you. I'm assuming the present a month after your birthday is the VERY expensive camera... that's something to be happy about and look forward to! Especially since your mother is working hard for it. You are alive and well - with a roof over your head, right? That's something to celebrate tomorrow!

Who says you need a cake for your birthday? I don't remember the last time I've had a birthday cake.

I feel awfully bad for your mother.. I'm sure she is trying her hardest to make you happy.
I'm trying not to be down in the dumps, but my mom's trying to make me happy, and I told her I'm happy enough and that it's okay. I don't need a party that she's going to work her butt off to make me happy for. I don't need that. I have her, and my 9 (10th pet should be here tomorrow!) pets. That's all I really need. Yup, the present is the camera. She said she feels horrible that she's broke on my birthday, but I told her everything is okay.

Thanks, everyone. I'm feeling better now.

finn's mom
07-20-2006, 01:34 PM
I'm feeling better now.

Good. :)

07-20-2006, 01:44 PM
Don't forget, your birthday is probably just as important to your mom as it is to you, she must feel awful. As a parent, you want to do everything you can for your kids, and it's very frustrating when they're mad at you. So cake or party or not, it's a special day for both of you, after all, she was there the day you were born too! (Maybe make her a card, she'll love it, you'll feel good for having done something to show your appreciation of her) Now Now you two hug each other, I'd give anything to have my mom come back to life for one of my birthdays! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, dear!

07-20-2006, 02:03 PM
YOU are the ONLY one that can set your mood!
If you're going to be down in the dumps about your birthday than no one else can change that. You are very lucky to have the pets you do and a mother that loves you - even if she doesn't always agree with you. I'm assuming the present a month after your birthday is the VERY expensive camera... that's something to be happy about and look forward to! Especially since your mother is working hard for it. You are alive and well - with a roof over your head, right? That's something to celebrate tomorrow!

Who says you need a cake for your birthday? I don't remember the last time I've had a birthday cake.

I feel awfully bad for your mother.. I'm sure she is trying her hardest to make you happy.
birthdays isnt all about presents and cake.
I know alot of people who dont celebrate their biirthday with that stuff.

07-20-2006, 02:05 PM
I'm sorry you're feeling bad. Your mom has offered to clean the house so your friends can come over, which shows she does care. I haven't had a party in years, nor have I had a cake. For my birthday all we do is go out to eat at a
restaurant and get some money. Even then we have to wait for a while till my parents get paid. Your lucky your mom is getting you that camera. It costs around $400 doesn't it? I would only dream that my parents would get me that expensive for my birthday.
well I'm glad you're feeling better!

07-20-2006, 02:36 PM
I've never in my life received a gift that expensive ;). I can really only echo what others have already said. Focus on all that you have and are blessed with. Your life is certainly not a miserable/pitiful existance unless you make it that way with your own attitude :)

07-20-2006, 02:58 PM
Do your friends even care if the house is messy..I know my kids friends could care less.

Miss Z
07-20-2006, 03:07 PM
PT's always here for you Bri, I'm sure we'll organise a little 'online party' for ya ;) Don't forget that you're a very special person here, and we will ALWAYS be here to cheer you up, so don't be sad! That's what friends are for! :D

07-20-2006, 03:11 PM
Every person who has posted has said things that I was going to say, yup, EVERY single one of them. You should be more than blessed to have what you already have. I hope you continue to chear up and have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! :D So many people have so much less than what you have and that camera, holy cow, I'd wait 5 birthdays to get something like that. ;)

07-20-2006, 09:59 PM
Aww, thank you everyone! *hugs to you all* Hehe, well I've been wanting the camera ever since it was $500, but now it's finally down to $349.99 and hopefully less by the time I get it :).

07-20-2006, 10:20 PM
I agree 100% with Kay..and everyone else. I bet your mom is trying her best to make you happy and just be thankful for that. :)