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View Full Version : Cameron 1 month photos (and a huge thank you!)

07-20-2006, 12:13 PM
Cameron will be 5 weeks old tomorrow... a month and a week old already?!?! I swear I thought he'd never get here and he's already over a month old!

He's still an itty bitty little boy. 0-3 month clothes still swim on him. I tell you though, he's the mellowest, sweetest baby around! Not that I'm prejudiced or anything ;) Even though Ashley is tired, she says she's not utterly exhausted and their morning naps catch her up on sleep. I got in trouble yesterday for snapping this (I woke her... oops:o)

I never got around to posting last weeks' duckie photo... he's wearing the outfit we brought him home in... it almost fits! :D

Here he is with the only catnapper kitty willing to come within 5 feet of him. Believe me, thats the closest she'll go too. I even tried laying treats on the blanket to coax her closer. She did't trust that! LOL

Here he is sleeping in the swing Jen bought him. That was his first time... lookie at him blowing Auntie Jen a kiss!

More in next post.....

finn's mom
07-20-2006, 12:20 PM
what a sweetheart.

07-20-2006, 12:21 PM
Now onto this weeks' duckie photos


He has the bestest babysitter around: Miss Nicki. She's very watchful of him. I think she'll be like she is with me and hubby -- nobody is allowed to touch us without the bark alarm going off. I'm sure nobody will be allowed to slap or hug him tight! LOL

You talking about me mom?

I just LOVE this photo -- he's too sexy here! :D :p

07-20-2006, 12:25 PM
And finally, a very long overdue thank you to several PTers. Thanks to Mareche, Sirrahsim, and Vermontcat. All your gifts were fabulous and much appreciated! THANK YOU!

We never photographed anything til now... so ladies, PLEASE step forward and tell everyone what you gave Ashley. I know she thanked you individually but grandma here has no memory of who gave what! :o

I know Vermontcat gave the kitty Vermont Teddy bear since that arrived yesterday (ooh la la, thats a fancy kitty cat!) Sirrahsim sent a ton of formula (THANK YOU!) and necessitites... and some outfits (please I feel sooo stupid here for not remembering what came from whom!) Mareche sent Ashley the boppy as well as a few additional items.


Look how cozy he looks in the boppy. Awwwww.

As you might know, its been a CRAZY month getting used to life with a baby and then the robbery... I hope everyone understands if I'm a little ditzier than normal. So please step in and tell everyone what you gave! I feel awful I didn't do this sooner. :o

07-20-2006, 01:08 PM
Awww, thanks for sharing pictures! He's still a wee little one, but he IS growing, we can tell!

My Peanuts
07-20-2006, 02:11 PM
He is very beautiful and obviously very loved. :)

07-20-2006, 02:12 PM
How cute! Love the one of Ashley napping with her baby son :) Also - babysitter Nicki is so sweet!

The duck pictures (still LOVE that idea) are just precious and I believe that Cameron is changing already :D

Thanks for posting gramma Kim!

07-20-2006, 02:25 PM
AWWWW too cute.

I love the "sexy pose" he's so handsome. You are going to have to beat the girls off with a stick when he grows up (if you don't have to already hehe)

07-20-2006, 02:41 PM
Look how he is growing! :eek: And he is still just perfect!

I love the look on his face here.

07-20-2006, 03:16 PM
He is just the cutest lil' baby! Awww those are great photos! :)

07-20-2006, 06:21 PM
Awwwww! Cameron Nicholas is so beautiful! He has the sweetest little face!

07-20-2006, 09:19 PM
He is adorable! :D (I bought the girl version of that blue outfit for Mary Joyce.)

07-20-2006, 10:29 PM
I, too, love the "sexy" one. He looks like he's saying "I'm thinking, do you mind?"

What a sweet baby, and so handsome! :)

I love all the pics.

07-21-2006, 08:57 AM
He is getting so big. I love the idea of weekly Photographs with the Duck. It'll really make his growth more "real" and easy to gauge. Enjoy him now, while he's still little.

I'd love to cuddle with my Mimi again the way Ashley is with Cameron in the first picture. She's just too big and active now to even consider it. :( I guess I'll have to get another. ^_^

I'm glad to see he likes the Boppy. I love mine and Mimi still plays with it everyday.

Let's see I also gave the red striped outfit, a towel and some washcloths, baby wash and two lotions. I used the two lotions (one smelling of lavendar and one of honey) to help Mimi get acclimated to days and nights. I think it worked because she was sleeping through the night at 4 months. I hope this items are proving useful too.

Samantha Puppy
07-21-2006, 09:00 AM
He is so handsome!

Rie Rie
07-21-2006, 10:24 AM
What a cutie pie he is. Don't rush the growing thing, it will happen and you'll wish he was that tiny little thing again.

07-21-2006, 10:29 AM
oh my! he is truely adorable.. look at that face.. He has the cutest expressions.. and it does look like Miss Nicki is doing a great job at babysitting.

07-21-2006, 11:09 AM
Oh gosh, what a cutie!!!! I love the "sexy" picture. Richard was in here when I looked at it and he and I both got a laugh.

07-21-2006, 08:48 PM
Kim, thanks for updating us with some new photos.
Cameron is such a cutie, I love the photos of him with his duckie and his doggie and kitty sisters too. :)
I'm glad to hear that the Vermont kitty got there ok, it looks like he got a lot of other really nice presents too.

07-21-2006, 09:24 PM
Awww..he's utterly adorable!!! I love this picture..
And the "I'm too sexy for my onsie"...lol! Have you done any paintings of Cameron yet? Cutie pie..and Ashley must be so glad to have a supportive family around to help care for that sweet baby. :)