View Full Version : Scared of barking dogs

07-19-2006, 06:50 PM
Kirk has generally been a rather fearless puppy. He'll be 4 months old on the 25th and we just started taking him outside of our yard. Now that he is done with his shot series and his immunity is well developed, he has entered the big bad world of ....our neighborhood. :p

He gets pretty freaked whenever we're outside and he hears dogs barking, no matter how far away. He isn't at all scared of dogs that we pass, although none have barked at him while passing so that is another possible problem. He does need continued (and increased) doggy-doggy socialization, I realize. I guess I am just wondering if there is anything else I need to be doing on the walks to deal with this behavior? I'm just ignoring it at this point.

Kirk is only my second dog and my first dog had practically zero fear issues. Help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks! :)

07-19-2006, 06:56 PM
Beanie was scared of some barking dogs when we first got him. i just act like i don't even hear it and keep walking. walk like you are the best looking person in the world. Kirk should feed off of this energy and eventually not be scared of the barking. NEVER stop and cuddle him! this will only make you seem scared too. walk him as often as you can by barking dogs. keep on socializing! :D

07-19-2006, 07:07 PM
walk like you are the best looking person in the world.
Haha, what a great way to describe it!! Thanks, lute. :)

07-19-2006, 07:07 PM
your welcome! :D