View Full Version : Ok, ok, Meowmie will get up!

07-19-2006, 12:41 PM
Hubby's been out of town all week. He's the one who feeds them every morning at 5:30. When he left, he laughed and bid me good luck in feeding them in the morning (he knows I don't crawl out of bed til at least 7:00). I scoffed and told him there'd be no problem. Til this morning there hasn't been any problems... they've just waited til I rolled out of bed. Yesterday they had ot wait til nearly 10:00 (such a hard life I lead in the summers). I sleep like a zombie. Not much wakes me up until I'm ready to wake up.

Well, the cats figured out my weakness this morning. They decided that meowing and crawling all over me was not cutting it. So they had a meeting and discussed their next point of attack. They apparently decided my bladder would be the best course of action. So I awoke this morning with 20 pounds of Allen on my very full bladder. No matter, I was still in sleep mode (and like I said, not much will wake me!) I simply petted Allen, taking advantage of the boy's closeness to me.

Realizing that didn't work, they abandoned the first line of attack. Which SHOULD have worked, considering he's the heaviest kitty and all. So off when Allen and I breathed a sign of relief and drifted back to sleep.

In came the second attack. Pouncer came and plopped on my belly. Oooof. Ok, only 12 pounds... not so bad. Ahhh.... problem! He started making happy feet right on my bladder! Ummmm........ ok ok, meowmie's up! stop making happy feet! That hurts! :p

Lets see if they do the same thing tomorrow. If they do, I am not drinking anything past 5:00 tomorrow night! :D :D :D

PS: Who said cats are dumb? For the record, Pouncer used to wake me my making happy feet, but he always faced me and this morning I had a face full of Pouncer tail. He hasn't woke me up like that since Abby and Harry came here. He knew what he was doing! I swear he did!

07-19-2006, 01:19 PM
:D I now sleep on my side because mine would come flying through the air and land right in my middle!!! Not a good thing with a full bladder!!! :D

Never underestimate a hungry cat! ;) :D

07-19-2006, 01:49 PM
Smart little critters, aren't they???? :D

07-19-2006, 06:47 PM
I thought I had that solved by leaving out dishes of Dry Food, but there a certain Gray and White Tuxedo who leads the anvil chorus for

07-19-2006, 07:44 PM
So I awoke this morning with 20 pounds of Allen on my very full bladder.

Therein lies the problem. You must start sleeping on your tummy. Trevor has walked on me many times in the early morning and if I am laying on my tummy he walks on my back and it feels oh so good. I wish I could teach him to make biscuits on my back. It would be like getting a cheap massage. :p

How are you managing to get some good sleeping done with a baby in the house? :)

07-19-2006, 09:00 PM
How are you managing to get some good sleeping done with a baby in the house? :)
Perfectly! Nobody but Ash misses any sleep ;) Even then, he wakes, she feeds him and he's off to sleep within a few minutes. He's really an awesome baby :)

07-19-2006, 09:57 PM
Skinny comes in the bedroom and starts scratching on the bed (mattress). If that doesnt work, Cindy comes in and hops on the dresser and makes a racket. We play "get down, squirt bottle" game for about 15 minutes until Mom finally gets up and feeds them. :rolleyes:

I thought my feeding 1/3 cup around 10 p.m. would hold off everyone until 6 a.m. at least NOT
Lately, 1:30 a.m. :eek: get mom up.
5:00 a.m. or around there :eek: get mom up.

Our new feeding routine during the day (started in the fall), has been small meals every 6 hrs. It's been working great but they forget over night this summer. LOL

Poor Thumper if her schedule is stretched past the 6 hrs, she wolfs and then barfs within 10 mins :( The small meal routine is great for her. She also gets to clean up everyone elses dishes, she got the memo about starving kitties in the world, so she is doing her part finishing up meals. :p
Thankfully tonight, just little bit came back up (mom gave food at 10:30 p.m.)

Hubby goes back to school schedule (teacher) in 2 weeks, so he will be getting up at 4:15 a.m. and leaving house by 5:15 a.m. During the school year they dont get me up until 5 a.m.
Guess they think since it's summer vacation alls far in love, war and food LOL

Cats are smart creatures :)

07-19-2006, 10:00 PM
OT on cats....but when can we see new pics of Cameron?