View Full Version : Running around at midnight

07-18-2006, 11:06 PM
Nicki had to go potty. Grumble, grumble, I got out of bed to let her out. As she's picking her spot, I noticed a cat by the shed. Pouncer? I called to him. The silhouette darted across the yard. Definately NOT any of my kitties (this was a young skinny kitty)

So I quietly ushered Miss Nicki back inside (once she was done her business of course) and ran inside for the "good stuff" to plop on a plate. then ran quietly out front in search of this kitty. I couldn't see him/her anywhere. So I rustled around the neighbor's bushes, looking under porches, all the while carrying a glass plate holding wet food. I could hear Nicki barking (after all mom left barefooted with a plate of wet food -- where was mom going without her?) so I figured IF kitty was still around she/he wasn't going to appear in the wake of Miss Loudmouth.

So I returned to the house and had to feed my guys wet food too..... they smelled it and congregated around waiting :rolleyes:

Am I now a crazy lady? Who sneaks around blackened yards at midnight in search of a cat? Now I'm going to worry all night aout this cat. Has it been here long? It was most definately a tabby... of course I could tell black stripes in the pitch black yard ;) I know of a black and white kitty and a tortie on the block, but not a young tabby!

Ah, I'm off to bed (where I was when this whole escapade began) with my own fuzzies.

07-19-2006, 03:09 AM
That's really interesting, and kinda sad, if the baby is so thin.
I hope you find her, or that she is found, and that she has a good home or will have one.

I've had the same situations too, though my parents had always told me not to feed them "We don't want them to get attached to us, I don't want more cats around the house!"

of course I always snuck food out for them anyway. :rolleyes:

Laura's Babies
07-19-2006, 06:40 AM
I don't think there are many here that haven't been out in the night searching for a kitty we saw so I don't think you are crazy. Keep your eyes open and see if you will see the tabby again and keep food out for it.. (like anybody needs to tell you that? :rolleyes: )

07-19-2006, 09:49 AM
There are shadow Cats out there as all the food that I leave out vanishes.
The Found Cats and I love the fact, that you would bring the food out to that poor hungry Tabby, and we hope that that little one starts to trust you, and may be rehomed.

07-19-2006, 12:06 PM
Aww that was very sweet of you to go searching though Kim :). You have problems when you came home and find a Pony wandering up the road.. a friend found a little Pony when she got home from work this evening and had to call the ranger out and then walk him (The Pony not the ranger lol) home in the dark :eek:.

07-19-2006, 10:55 PM

No, you're not crazy. I would've done the exact same thing. Whenever I saw a cat in the area while driving, I'd get out and put dry food in a pile for them to munch on. Crazy??? You betcha!!! Damn proud of it too. But the least you could've done was put some damn shoes on, girl!!! :D

07-20-2006, 05:44 AM
I use to chase racoons away from my neighbors cat in the middle of the night
when we lived in Massachusetts.