View Full Version : HUGE break through with Cyrus!

07-18-2006, 10:01 PM
Cyrus gets an A+ in my doggy class :D
I got him to heel for about 4 blocks!! A few slip ups but the second I said heel, BAM he was back!!

Rose is going to be thrilled!

I even got him to sit quickly & on first command! That was a shock! Usually I have to force him to sit & I'm lucky if he sits for 2 seconds.. But not tonight!!! I told him to sit at the front door, he did right away. when I opened the first door he stood up.. I said sit & he did.. I unlocked the door & slowly opened it, he stood up & I said sit & he did! I opened the door all the way, I stepped in & then told him to come in & he did... Then I told him to sit & holy smokes he did again! I took his muzzle off (remember is the law here), & then slowly took his prong collar off & he was STILL SITTING!!!!

Ok I knew I could do it, but Rose didn't.. Never underestimate my dog training abilities :D

I cannot wait to get him to start laying down & teaching him to stay & then come..

*does a little jig*

07-18-2006, 10:23 PM
Congratulations both to you and Cyrus! Joining you in the happy dance!

07-18-2006, 10:33 PM
disco fever! wtg!

07-18-2006, 10:34 PM
thanks guys.. I just hope I catch Rose getting home so I can tell her the good news..

07-18-2006, 10:44 PM
YOU deserve the credit, really. It takes patience and determination.

When Cody was around 7 months, he was already a big old "bad" boy. The trainer HATED him and let it be known. Actually, she yelled at me all the time. So, like you, I practiced, praised and when he graduated, she said that after 25 years, he made the most progress of any dog she trained. Yep! First in his class, never missed a lesson.

He wound up being a smart, and easy to train. Congrats to YOU and Cyrus!!! He's learned to honor and respect you and know you're alpha!! Whoopie for YOU!!!! And a huge big old nose kiss on Cyrus!!!! *Clicks heels together*