View Full Version : I wonder what I will put in the washing machine the next time!

07-18-2006, 08:03 PM
I once washed a kitten for about 5 mintues, on the short cycle, by mistake. I still have little Lucy and she was lucky I went looking for her when I did. Then a few weeks later, Chloe jumped in the dryer and went a round or two. I heard the thumping and immediately knew...........

I have washed credit cards, cat toys, shoes......darks with light and ruined some clothes. I have ruined wool sweaters, scarves....gloves....

and now............................................... .................................................. ...........................................my brand new cellphone. I have had it for only a week. It is sitting infront of a hair dryer right now. When I opened the washer, after hearing a strange thumping sound, counting kitty heads, I thought for sure I had washed a sandal or shoe, by mistake. When I opened the washer there was a residual vibration going on.....I thought my washer had gone on the fritz......no.......my cell phone was vibrating and would not stop. I had to take the battery out to stop it. I am so ticked at myself. Could I get anymore stupid?

Has anyone any hope for my phone? Do you think if it dries out (cool air only) it will work again? I know sometimes calculators will work after coffee is spilled on them.....

I could just kick myself. :rolleyes: :eek: :mad: :rolleyes:

07-18-2006, 08:07 PM
*cough cough*

I have done the same thing :o :o It got wrapped up in some bed sheets, and I didn't notice. Everyone told me the phone was ruined, but after about a week or less, it was completely dried out and working perfectly normal....

07-18-2006, 08:08 PM
Oh no!

I think Uabasson dropped hers in the toilet... so don't feel TOO bad ;) (sorry for using you as an example Laura! :) )

I am famous for washing interesting things. I washed a BIG check somebody wrote hubby... its was almost $1,000. He did NOT want to ask them to write another, so I had to call them up and explain what I did.... and hte wife was laughing her butt off when I got done explaining (apparently she had done the same thing not too long before I did!)

Edwina's Secretary
07-18-2006, 08:10 PM
I worked with a guy who always had to have the latest and greatest cell phone. Until the evening it fell in his martini and never worked again. I guess vermouth damage wasn't covered in the warrantee. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Sorry, SAS, not to offer more constructive advise but at least you aren't alone!

07-18-2006, 08:10 PM
can I send you some laundry *cough cough* since ahem there a few people who may benefit from tumble dry? :D

07-18-2006, 08:12 PM
OMG, we must be related :rolleyes: I do things like that too(although I've never washed a cat in the machine)
I have a new cell pone now because last week my husband kept complaining he couldn't find ours..so we searched the yard and found it...right where we stood a couple nights aog as something unidentified popped loudly and shot up in flames out of the bonfire he built ...you get the picture? Hmm, must have fallen off his belt...
No suggestions on your cell, all you can do it try to dry it out, just thought you'd like some company in your misery. Sometimes it's nice to know you aren't the only one... :rolleyes:

07-18-2006, 08:26 PM
OMG, we must be related :rolleyes: I do things like that too(although I've never washed a cat in the machine)
I have a new cell pone now because last week my husband kept complaining he couldn't find ours..so we searched the yard and found it...right where we stood a couple nights aog as something unidentified popped loudly and shot up in flames out of the bonfire he built ...you get the picture? Hmm, must have fallen off his belt...
No suggestions on your cell, all you can do it try to dry it out, just thought you'd like some company in your misery. Sometimes it's nice to know you aren't the only one... :rolleyes:

I washed a cd discman once.
I washed and dried - errrr melted 3 tubes of lipstick/balm in the washer and dryer on Saturday - that irritated me.
My cousin also flushed her cell phone. My boss dropped her pager in the toilet after she peed.
I have washed my driver's license.
Both of my cats have been in the dryer but neither in the washer.
A guy my dad works with 'dried' one of their cats and it was wrapped in a sheet and so warm that was hard to get it out and then it never got near the dryer again. It was fine.
I'm not trying to be sick or anything but my dad's cousin when she was a young girl put her cat in the oven b/c she had given it a bath and she wanted to dry it. The cat didn't make it and she felt terrible and cried for a week! She didn't do it to be mean she was just young and stupid. She is the nicest lady and wouldn't hurt an animal intentionally.

07-18-2006, 08:29 PM
The only things I have ever laundered accidentally were a few dollar bills in the pocket of my son's jeans (talk about money laundering!) After I dried them they were once again *spendable.* ;) I hope your cell phone will work again. Let us know how you make out.

07-18-2006, 08:40 PM
No Kim, that was ME who dropped my cellphone in the toilet. Fortunately, the water was clean as I had just finished cleaning the bathrooms at BB&B. I was also quick in retrieving it. I had a cover on it so it absorbed most of the moisture.


Do you have insurance on it?? My best friend took out insurance on her daughter's cellphone as she had lost 3 of them and figured it was well worth the money.

Good luck. Let us know if we should say a Hail Mary for it. ;)

07-18-2006, 08:43 PM
I used to check everyone's pockets when starting a load of wash.

Not any more folks!!!! My husband left a pack of cigerettes in his jeans pocket, what a mess!!!!

I've also found melted crayons in the freshly dried cloths, empty tubes of lipstick, chapstick, and the dreaded discovery of gum wrappers.
To this day, there is still a wad of hardened gum from the 90's in my dryer!!

07-18-2006, 08:46 PM
One time, I was a tad slow in getting to the bank, and had FOUR paychecks folded together in my back pocket. My co-worker was so annoyed with me when she had to reissue all four of them. Right after that, I changed banks to one that was convenient to get to. :o :rolleyes:

Best wishes that your cell phone will work again, SAS. I feel your pain. :)

07-18-2006, 09:05 PM
No Kim, that was ME who dropped my cellphone in the toilet.

Yes, but I was the one who managed to FLUSH it down the toilet!

07-18-2006, 09:06 PM
Oh SAS, what a pain! Sallyanne, did you happen to buy insurance on your phone? We all have insurance on ours ($3 or so/month), but they will replace the phone, no questions asked, if you do. Scott ran over his with the car one time. Darn thing would still ring, too, but it had no screen and the buttons were mashed. That insurance came in good that time. And I have had several replaced because they weren't working properly.
Good luck!


07-18-2006, 09:23 PM
OK I wont send you laundry but I will share this fiasco I once washed a load of laundry for my daughter and her hubby (see some in laws are good) and I accidentally washed a Pokemon card valued at over 3k (SIL was a tad perturbed) :o Daughter was caught between thanks mom and OMG. E bay to the rescue anyone?

07-18-2006, 11:38 PM
Well, I just bid on a phone on ebay and won. Won? Won what? A replacement that's what!

The phone I washed was one my brother sent me last week, after I joined his plan and got the phone for free. I have paid him for the use of the service for one year....I hardly use the phone, so the minimum amount of charge makes sense. I need it for travel and to keep in touch with my Mom who is 86.

Anyway, my SIL was just diagnosed with breast cancer (this week) and has the family in a tizzy, at best. Mayjor league worry etc. I don't want to bother my brother with the phone story since it is not really that important. I will have to pay the price for a new phone. I think I can program it, if not, I will send it to him to reprogram or take it to be reprogramed. But I will cross that bridge when I come to.

The real catch is that I am in Vermont my brother is in Pennsylvania- the TMobile phone service is not offered in Vermont, although the territory is covered. So I can't just walk up to a TMobile store etc. etc. Thus the purchase via Ebay. The phone is supposedly new and never opened. Guess the drug dealer didn't need it after all. :eek:

In the scheme of things, this is just a stupid (and expensive) mistake and boy have I learned my lesson about checking pockets.

I am fairly sure there is no insurance on this plan, as there are six phones involved.....I just don't think he would take out 6 times 5.00 per month for insurance. Maybe I COULD ASK HIM- DUH! I just don't want to bother him.....Gee, I am arguing with myself. Time for BED! :eek:

07-19-2006, 02:07 AM
having known about Lucy's washing machine tour the title of this thread really got me startled.
Now I'm glad it's "just" a phone. Plus: I didn't hear anything about Chloe in the dryer :eek:

Regarding water damage in electronical devices: I remember that day in Sri Lanka when we were lying at the beach near the water line and the flood came in slowly slowly. Then just one incredible slow little wave sneaked in and just didn't stop. It looked as if it would stop any second and it was not much water, but first it licked our towel, we jumped up and it still didn't stop. I jumped and grabbed my book that got only a little wet- but what we didn't have on our priority list was the camera :( RIP Camera.

Good luck for the future: May the worst you ever wash be a kleenex;)

07-19-2006, 08:43 AM

Wow, ya got me there!! LOL

Suki Wingy
07-19-2006, 03:22 PM
*raises hand* I've done that! It's dead. :( and my shuffle (ipod) but it still worked for a few weeks after that. I've washed paper stuff that was in my pocket that I really wanted to keep too. :rolleyes: you think I'd learn.

critter crazy
07-19-2006, 03:34 PM
I have washed just about everything including my cell phone!!! credit cards, toys, wallets, money ect......

But the funniest thing was what my SIL did!!!! She had just gotten a cellphone, and had it 2 days, when she dropped it in a pond while on a walk. Now mind you she lives in Florida, and there are numerous 'gators throughout this pond. Well she is furious, and we had just saw a big gator two minutes before hand, and starts taking her shoes off and tries to jump in after the phone!!!!! I stopped her and told her it wasnt worth it!!! If I hadnt have been there she would have been right in after it!!! She is crazy!! :D

07-19-2006, 04:16 PM
I'll never forget the time my new Palm E2 fell in the toilet. It was in its somewhat waterproof case. UGH (no I hadn't flushed yet :rolleyes: I retrieved it VERY quickly, thoroughly wiped it off and boiled my hands ... and it's still serving me well. I think I just got lucky.

07-19-2006, 04:22 PM
Sadly one of our cats died because he jumped in the dryer and my mom didn't see. This was when I was about a year or two old though. But my mom still gets upset about it. :(

Anita Cholaine
07-19-2006, 04:57 PM
This thread will remind me to take my cellphone out of my pockets! I always leave it in the sweater I wear for school, so there's a big chance my mum (or even myself) could put it in the washing machine...

I hope your cellphone is ok. I think there's a big chance it will dry and work normally ;)

07-19-2006, 10:11 PM
I've never (knock on wood) washed my cell phone (Buddy has chewed on a few...)
Countless tube of chapstick have gone through the washer, thats no big deal, but it's when they make it to the dryer that the damage is done!
This past Spring I had bought 4 news shirt and was washing them with other stuff... put them in the dryer. When I went to fold them is when I found the tube of chapstick. Took the lid off... and nothing was left inside. When I started folding my new shirts, they all were ruined. They all had melted chapstick all over them. I tried stain stick... everything.. nothing got it out. They are were ruined before I ever wore them! Ugh... they are in my "grubby clothes drawer" now! :mad:

edit.. oh yeah.. years ago I sent my hubby's pager through the washer AND dryer and it worked!! He never had a problem with it! (he never found out what I did to it! :o )