View Full Version : Thunderstorms

07-18-2006, 04:41 PM
Looks like we have a doozy headed towards us In lancaster PA right now. I hate thunderstorms. They scare me. Has anyone else noticed more thunderstorms than usual?

We have had more rainy days than nice sunny days here since summer started. Everyday there is a flood warning or a thunderstorm warning.

Is your area having too much rain or too little rain?

07-18-2006, 05:04 PM
I am gleefully anticipating our predicted thunderstorms for this evening. I LOVE thunderstorms, I always have. AND it will mean at least a temporary surcease of this hot/sticky/icky weather.

07-18-2006, 05:11 PM
I believe we've had more rain and storms where I live in recent years. I too am not crazy about storms, just his past 4th of July we spent part of the evening in our basement as we had tornado warnings! :eek: We have had some bad experiences with lightning in recent years also. :rolleyes:

Laura's Babies
07-18-2006, 05:44 PM
I had bad experiences with lightening where we grew up in Virginia so I am as terrified as Chester of the storms. One of the last visits to see my Aunt before she passed away, lightening struck the house next door and set it on fire... So.... you will find me under the bed with Chester when it storms.

07-19-2006, 09:55 AM
Yikes the storm last night was pretty bad. Lot's of thunder and lightning, strong winds and we even got some pretty big hail. I was clinging to my husbands arm the whole time lol. it blew all our patio furniture around and blew the patio table right over and to the end of the patio. Lots of branches fell off the trees and then we lost our cable. Good thing we had just been to blockbuster to rent some movies lol.

Teddy is not scared of storms at all which surprises me because he is such a wimp dog :D

Any storms anywhere else last night?

07-19-2006, 10:22 AM
Yup, we got 'em, some raight, thunder, lighting - no hail, though!

07-19-2006, 11:11 AM
Nope... it's been extremely hot here... like 90's everyday and the humidity just makes it unbareable. Today is the most rain we've gotten in about 2 weeks... but still we barely got any. The grass is all brown.

07-19-2006, 12:48 PM
Thunderstorms rolled through MI Monday evening. Where my parents are camping tree limbs fell and damaged trailers and vehicles, tents were ripped away and one pop up camper ended up wrapped around a tree.

No one was seriously hurt though and the campground was without power for awhile. My parents and their trailer made it through without a scratch.

I love summer storms but hate the destruction.

finn's mom
07-19-2006, 12:51 PM
We have gotten too little rain. I love thunderstorms, so, I'd gladly welcome one or two soon!

07-19-2006, 12:58 PM
You're in Lancaster? We're in Reading. Yes, the sky is all grey and icky. Last night's storm was a doozey.... looks like anther is looming right now. Did you see the rainbow around 8:00 last night? Wow, have we had some storms this summer!

07-19-2006, 01:03 PM
I didn't notice the rainbow but yeah you are not far from us at all :D yeah it doesn't look very friendly out. Haven't you noticed a lot of storms lately? Seems everyday there is some kind of warning on TV. Did you get any of that flooding a few weeks ago?

07-19-2006, 01:14 PM
We got them in CT as well. We had a big one to the north of the house...it put on a really good light show that I enjoyed from the porch....but then it shifted south and it was like a disco, it looked like strobe lights going off everywhere....that's when I decided to hide under the covers. The lighting set off my phones several times and the thunder rattled our house so badly tht it set off my house alarm.

07-19-2006, 01:50 PM
I didn't notice the rainbow but yeah you are not far from us at all :D yeah it doesn't look very friendly out. Haven't you noticed a lot of storms lately? Seems everyday there is some kind of warning on TV. Did you get any of that flooding a few weeks ago?
You mean the flood in the attached photo? We were lucky - we're on high ground but only a few blocks away, the river was raging!

I'm so tired of rain and tunderstorms! They keep the customers away from work... and when there's no customers, its b-o-r-i-n-g! Though tonight can be slow since they begged me to work in the fish dept. I HATE working over there because I feel so inept and stupid. I simply know how to catch fish and bag them - don't ask me any more question than that! LOL

07-19-2006, 02:30 PM
You mean the flood in the attached photo? We were lucky - we're on high ground but only a few blocks away, the river was raging!

I'm so tired of rain and tunderstorms! They keep the customers away from work... and when there's no customers, its b-o-r-i-n-g! Though tonight can be slow since they begged me to work in the fish dept. I HATE working over there because I feel so inept and stupid. I simply know how to catch fish and bag them - don't ask me any more question than that! LOL


We missed the flooding too. the only thing was all the rain pooled in the driveway and then leaked into the basement :( Not bad though. a couple of towels and it was all good.

Yes I am sick of the warnings, the cloudy skies, the rain, the storms, the GLOOM. It's summer. isn't it supposed to be sunny?