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View Full Version : Lookie what I made!!

07-17-2006, 11:17 AM
I made a Chute last weekend...so that makes my agility equpiment total up to 1 jump, 2 sets of weaves, a makeshift table...and a chute. YAY! :rolleyes: :D

I don't have the right kind of fabric though, I called every fabric place around and nobody carries ripstop nylon fabric! So me being my impatient self attached an old sheet to it...and it works, I just can't leave it out.




Video of Jack going through it...
http://www.dropshots.com/photos/139044/20060712/213025.jpg (http://www.dropshots.com/videolink.php?userid=139044&cdate=20060712&ctime=213025&showVideo=1)

And a video Kyra & Micki! YOu might get a little dizzy watching this one :o ..sorry!
http://www.dropshots.com/photos/139044/20060712/213159.jpg (http://www.dropshots.com/videolink.php?userid=139044&cdate=20060712&ctime=213159&showVideo=1)

Next weekend Jack will be going to his first agility trial :eek: I am unbelievably excited!! :D

07-17-2006, 11:30 AM
You did a great job on the chute :D. Cute photos aswell. Goodluck with Jacks first agility trial, i hope all goes well and you have fun.

07-17-2006, 11:34 AM
Wow! That's really cool! I love it and I'm sure the pups do too!


07-17-2006, 12:40 PM
You did a really good job on that chute! I have one that... I have to say, yours it ALOT better! LOL.

Ginger's Mom
07-17-2006, 03:38 PM
Nice job. And nice job to you too Jack, you made concurring that chute look easy. :) At least easier than the little ones did, lol. That's alright everytime I see Kyra I just want to snatch her up. ;)