View Full Version : Fitness Fridays Health Club #3 - JOIN US!!!

07-17-2006, 07:47 AM
Starting a new week, our 3rd week!

Here's a link to:

Fitness Fridays 1 (http://www.petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=108183)
Fitness Fridays 2 (http://www.petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=108662)

I hope that we get more responses this week . . . I'd like to see more updates, more recipes, more active bodies. :D

I'd like to see more people on PT engaging in a healthy lifestyle!!! I know there's a lot of people lurking & not posting so I'm just hoping that eventually those shy bodies will come forth & join us.

Have a good week everyone!

07-17-2006, 07:54 AM
Is cous cous good for you? I just tried some and its actually quite nice if you mix it with some veg, anyway would it be more healthier than a sandwich for work? I'm also swaping white bread for wholemeal so that wont be as bad as white everyday.

Muddy4paws: Not sure if you're aware, but we start a new thread every Monday so the threads aren't a million posts long. Anyway, since you had just posted this in last week's thread, I thought I'd pull it over & answer your question about couscous & whole wheat bread. :)

First off, isn't couscous a type of pasta? If so, than it's probably just loaded with carbs. If you do eat it, keep it to lunch - so that you can burn those carbs off early!

And DEFINITELY switch from white bread! SAY NO TO WHITE BREAD! White bread is pure sugar. You want to eat 100% whole wheat bread. :)

Awesome that you've joined us . . . hope to see you often!!! :D

07-17-2006, 08:17 AM
Thanks for answering! I guessed that it probably wasnt good for me but I had more veg than cous cous so I will keep it that way, I mostly stick to sandwiches at work because I dont have much time to eat and prepare food there and its just easy I guess! But it will be wholemeal bread with low fat fllings

07-17-2006, 08:46 AM
Thanks for answering! I guessed that it probably wasnt good for me but I had more veg than cous cous so I will keep it that way, I mostly stick to sandwiches at work because I dont have much time to eat and prepare food there and its just easy I guess! But it will be wholemeal bread with low fat fllings

Sounds great! I just don't know much about couscous cause I've never had it. :) We eat sandwichs here - whole wheat bread, deli turkey, spinach lettuce. Have you ever tried making a wrap instead? (kinda gets you away from eating so much bread) Anyway, you can get whole wheat tortillas or even veggie tortillas . . . wrap up ANYTHING and make a super healthy lunch. (they're also really easy to wrap in plastic wrap & take with you to lunch - I used to make them for hubby's lunch all the time!) Anyway, I make mine with whole wheat or a spinach/veggie tortilla (my fav), and then I always use spinach lettuce . . . then whatever we have in the fridge . . . either tuna, turkey, chicken . . . then I sprinkle on some Feta cheese crumbles (love feta!), wrap it up and it makes the yummyiest lunch ever!!! just an idea, LOL!

07-17-2006, 11:49 AM
I couldn't post what happend last week since I was on vacation. But I did really good, and was active all last week with a lot of swimming and walking (the view was gorgeus so I wanted to walk a lot) This week I am very busy preparring for the agility trial so I have to get a lot of dog treat cooking and clipping done for Zoey. Luckilly everything is meat so I won't be eating the dog treats :D. I did really bad yesterday because we made brownies for a family get together. Sunday's are always hard for me. I just got back from the orthodontist (sp), they did some major work on my mouth so it looks like I can only eat soft food for another week. Anybody have any healthy soft food recipes for vegheads?

Toby's my baby
07-17-2006, 12:19 PM
I am very proud of myself ;) :p It was our county fair this past week, and I had horse shows all week. I can't say I ate right (I only got about one meal in a day, which was usually breakfast). But, I didn't eat ANY food at the fair, and I didn't drink any pop. I had water, and real lemonade (you got to watch them sqeeze it and stuff). It wasn't at all a "healthy" week, because I didn't get to eat at all. I wasn't hungry, but I should have tried harder to sqeeze in a few more meals. Joining this thread for me, was not about loosing weight at all, it was about eatting healthier, and exercising. Well, this week, I was on my feet all day, Wed. - Sunday. I only got about 4-5 hours of sleep every day. I was up at 5:30am and didn't even get home until about 12am. I lost about 10lbs in that time, I'm at about 115, and I'm 5'6". Today, I've at 2 meals, but I feel SO full, from not eatting this past week. Just wanted to share with everyone!!

Good luck to everyone for the next week!

07-17-2006, 02:04 PM
I'm still hanging around. I know I haven't posted lately but I've been lurking. I'm having a hard time. I had lost 9 pounds but I put 3 of them back on. I'm not giving up though. I woke up late today so I didn't feel like breakfast. For lunch we had chicken breasts w/mozzerella cheese over brown rice and some mixed veggies. I already have a nice salad fixed for my supper tonite. I can't seem to do any exercise. I really need some help in that area. So hard for me to get motivated. I'm just so tired and carrying around so much weight that it just seems so hard to me. I have out of state relatives coming to stay for awhile in Oct. and I haven't seem them for quite some time and I don't want them to see me like this. Alden just bought a motorcycle and I can't even ride on it with him because I'm too heavy. Those are two good incentives to go along with trying to be healthy. I can't believe I'm even talking about this stuff. Its so embarrassing. Thanks for letting me talk.

07-17-2006, 02:09 PM
It's 2:00 pm and I've been good so far today on what I've had to eat. My eliptical machine broke during my exercises, but (thankfully) we have a three year maintenance contract. NOTE: Always buy the maintenance contract on exercise equipment. They won't be able to fix it until next Monday, but I still have the treadmill and recumbant bike, so no excuses. We are having some awfully hot and humid weather, so my routine was a bit shorter than usual. Maybe I will pick up a bit more this evening.

I've just got to get into the routine of dieting. Christa, I know you don't believe in dieting, but as far as I've concerned, anytime one eats less than one wants to eat....that's a diet. I just have to eat considerably less or the weight just won't come off. For me it is a health issue. I know once I can get into the routine of eating less, it will be easier, but I just haven't been able to get past those necessary first 3 days, so every day, I start out again.

07-17-2006, 02:47 PM
Muddy4paws: Not sure if you're aware, but we start a new thread every Monday so the threads aren't a million posts long. Anyway, since you had just posted this in last week's thread, I thought I'd pull it over & answer your question about couscous & whole wheat bread. :)

First off, isn't couscous a type of pasta? If so, than it's probably just loaded with carbs. If you do eat it, keep it to lunch - so that you can burn those carbs off early!

And DEFINITELY switch from white bread! SAY NO TO WHITE BREAD! White bread is pure sugar. You want to eat 100% whole wheat bread. :)

Awesome that you've joined us . . . hope to see you often!!! :D

I wish i could change to 100% whole wheat bread but when i eat it i think i'm like allergic and i can eat white bread.. I thought they were mostly the same just with white more sugar. Is there anything else i can eat?

07-17-2006, 02:56 PM
Well, I'm happy to announce that today marks two weeks since I stopped eating meat!! Wooohooo! I am also starting to eat a lot healthier, whenever I have cravings for food I go and grab a carrot or two :D

Since the summer began I've lost about 10 pounds. Yesterday I was at the beach with some friends and they noticed that I'd lost some weight...comments like those make all the healthy eating and exercising worthwhile! :D

07-17-2006, 03:02 PM
Back from vacation, and here with a VENGENCE!!! LOL. Okay. I went to the gym at lunch today and did legs and shoulders. I have a feeling I won't be gettin' out of bed too easily tomorrow. BUT, I really hate going half speed. So, I jumped right back in where I left off, with less weight, of course. I did lunges, squats, hamstring curls, leg press and calf raises. For shoulders, I just did side and front raises, and shoulder press. THEN, I ran a mile, figuring it would help get the muscle spasms calmed down. :eek: :D

Re: couscous- as far as it being 'bad' for you, I am of the opinion you can eat everything/anything, in moderation. Foods are either carbs, proteins or fats. So, just because it is a 'carb' doesn't necessarily mean it is bad for you, in moderation. As far as whitebread? Unless you are feeding the ducks with it, I would stay away from it. It has no nutritional value. It is like eating sugar (since it is a carb, and carbs are sugars), of the worst kind.

I weighed myself at the gym today, and once I got the tears out of my eyes, I figured I could just break things down into 3 'parts'. First, just lose SOME weight. Second, get a bit more toned up. Third, work on my cardio. I am praying by Jonah's second birthday there is a decent show of things. How long can I claim, "I just had a baby"? LOL.

So, if I am not here tomorrow, I am stuck in bed! Good luck everyone!

07-17-2006, 08:37 PM
I didn't go to the gym today but I will tomorrow. I did go shopping/run errands and I tried to park far away and walk a lot but by the 4th stop I quit doing that because it was 95 degrees and the parking lots had to be over 100. I was melting!

07-17-2006, 09:39 PM
Re: couscous- as far as it being 'bad' for you, I am of the opinion you can eat everything/anything, in moderation. Foods are either carbs, proteins or fats. So, just because it is a 'carb' doesn't necessarily mean it is bad for you, in moderation. As far as whitebread? Unless you are feeding the ducks with it, I would stay away from it. It has no nutritional value. It is like eating sugar (since it is a carb, and carbs are sugars), of the worst kind.

Very well said! Moderation is the key . . . and "when" you eat it. I like to eat carbs early . . . and I agree about the whitebread. Since I've given up whitebread & white pasta, I can't imagine eating it. Actually, I HAD to eat it at someone's house not too long ago and it actually stuck to my teeth! GROSS! WW is so much better!

Glad you're back Cataholic! Sounds like you had a great workout!!! I'm so proud!!! :D And don't worry, with workouts like you're doing, that baby weight will come off in no time!

07-17-2006, 10:03 PM
lori: I hear ya about the heat! It's enough to drain the energy right out of you!

k9krazee: I am a "meat eater" myself, so I have no comment about your life change, LOL . . . but glad to hear that you're eating healthier!!! And congrats on the 10 pounds you've lost!

Almita: 100% whole wheat/whole grain breads are better too because of their fiber content. And we all know what's so great about fiber! It makes us feel fuller faster! Which helps with weight control.

Rachel: You'll never sell me on the "diet" . . . LOL . . . in my opinion, the word diet means that at some point, the "diet" will be over and you'll go back to old ways. That's why I like to say that I've changed my lifestyle. And I have! And over the past 2 years, this way of life that I've changed for myself has become a permanent thing for me - a total lifestyle.

Robin: I know it's hard for you to talk about this, but I'm so glad that you keep coming back!!! ;) Thrilled really! Please just keep it up . . . keep buying that healthy food & making those new recipes. It won't happen overnight, so try to keep realistic expectations . . . just keep walking, eating healthy, and TALKING to us!!! Hang in there sweetie! :)

Toby's my baby: That lemonade sounds yummy!

Flatcoatluver: I don't know about any soft food recipes . . . Do you like mashed cauliflower? I know some people just love that (I've never tried it but I've heard it's really good).

As for ME . . . LOL . . . today I went to the gym, did arms (biceps & triceps) and then did 30 minutes of cardio. I'm worn out!!! I've done pretty well eating today . . . breakfast - I had a protein shake . . . lunch, I had a chicken & spinach wrap . . . before I went to the gym I had a small bowl of turkey chili . . . and then for dinner I had a grilled steak & corn! Yum!

07-18-2006, 02:19 PM
Seems like there's nothing in the house to eat today . . . and I'm HUNGRY!

For breakfast I had half a Xyience breakfast bar & a soy/whey protein shake (after my cup of coffee of course) . . . lunch I had a spinch & feta wrap . . . and now I'm starving . . . getting ready to go to the gym soon & need some FUEL - SOME PROTEIN!!!

Guess I'll make some tuna or something . . . I hate not having anything in the house. I went to the grocery store last week - thought I bought enough to last all week - guess I was wrong.

How is everyone doing today???

07-18-2006, 02:31 PM
I went to the gym today and worked mainly on my upper body and cardio. It was hard because it was too hot inside the gym today. They have a lot of windows and the heat was coming through the glass. I hate to be hot! Even the swimming pool isn't refreshing because the water feels like soup.

So far I haven't eaten much, just oatmeal and a banana, but I tend to lose my appetite when I'm this hot. I think I'm starting to have hot flashes on top of everthing else. GGRRR!!! :mad:

07-19-2006, 12:53 AM
Can I join ...... I know I am abit behind on this.

I have not always battled with my weight, but have always eaten badly. Not badly, as in bad foods, but badly as in not eating. I am NEVER hungry, ever. I have seen dieticians, etc, and we know my metabolism is slow ...... so I have to force myself to eat.

I do exercise, not gym, but Karate. I walk alot, and far, and my body seems to be used to the exercise I do.
I am thinking of taking up something else just to get my body used to training differently ......... something like tennis (which I am really bad at, but it makes me MOVE! :-) )

So, this week, I am going to try and get back into swimming ......

Everyone here seems to be trying really hard, and focusing on the GOOD things you have done instead of the "BAD" always helps.

Remember, no matter how badly you may have eaten, or not have exercised today ......... TOMORROW is a new day and you can try again!!! :D

07-19-2006, 08:00 AM
Remember, no matter how badly you may have eaten, or not have exercised today ......... TOMORROW is a new day and you can try again!!! :D

Welcome captain!!! That is just the spirit that we need around here!!!

LOL . . . I am so sore today . . . I did legs with hubby last night. We went at it so hard, I thought I was going to throw up! He told me, well then you're doing it right! LOL . . . okay then . . . I could hardly eat dinner last night! Now I can hardly move! I need to go fix me a shake though. My muscles are craving some fuel!

Have a good one everybody!!! And don't forget to MOVE today! :D

07-19-2006, 11:02 AM
Lordie! FINALLY I can sit down without falling the last 10%. LOL. Finally. I knew Monday's workout would keep me sore for a few days. Last night I made it to the YMCA for chest and biceps, but, no cardio. Today, I will do triceps and back. This morning, I did 20 minutes on the elliptical at 540 am :eek: , and then heard a certain someone stirring in his crib, so, I jumped off.

Sadly, my eating is not so great. I mean, I do eat a great lot of food, but, WAY too much at the evening meal. I forgot my protein bar this am, so, I have to stop and grab something at lunch/gym time.

I do already feel, even after 3 days, a little bit better. It helped that we walked everywhere on vacation last week, but, I have 30 pounds to go! YIKES!!!

What is everyone doing?

My Peanuts
07-19-2006, 11:51 AM
I have been skipping a couple of workouts at the gym because I have been swimming a lot. It's been too hot here to go to the gym! I'm going tonight, but it's the first time since Saturday.

07-19-2006, 12:02 PM
I'm back from my mission trip. I had a blast! I was starving at every meal because of how much I was burning during the day. Literally, I was drenched in sweat everytime I took a break. My crew leader made me stop and take water breaks - I just wanted to keep working and get the job done! But, through all of the calories I burned, I don't think I lost any weight overall. I had little choice of what to eat because of my being a vegetarian and my allergy to dairy. Sooo, it wasn't my fault when I was hungry and all there was to eat was salad, bread, and cookies. ;) But yeh! Had a blast! And now I'm back, ready and fired up to get back into the swing of things!

About the white bread thing - one day for lunch, we had white bread for our sandwiches.. and I agree. Once you eat whole wheat, and have to eat white, it's GROSS!!! I almost threw up it was so nasty. Hah!

I've quit working all together. It was way too stressful, and I didn't have any time for *me*. So we'll see if my weight goes back down because I'll be eating at "normal" times. These last few weeks of "freedom" will give me time to get ready for vacation, college, AND give me time to exercise! ;)

Keep up the great work everyone!!

07-19-2006, 07:22 PM
I've quit working all together. It was way too stressful, and I didn't have any time for *me*. So we'll see if my weight goes back down because I'll be eating at "normal" times. These last few weeks of "freedom" will give me time to get ready for vacation, college, AND give me time to exercise! ;)

Keep up the great work everyone!!

Sara: I am So GLAD to hear this! You will have some time for YOU which is what you need right now! Glad to have you back! ;)

My Peanuts: I agree that this heatwave is hard to suffer through, just don't get too used to not going!!! Get in there & take an extra bottle of water . . . a little sweat will do you good! :)

Cataholic: Sounds like you're doing great! Don't you LOVE being sore for DAYS!?!? LOL . . . it's so great! :D

07-19-2006, 07:43 PM
Mind if I join you "losers" for awhile? (ha, ha, I meant that as a compliment)
I was inspired by Jess's thread about getting into her old suit. I lost a ton of weight last summer right before I had surgery, but I have managed to gain back every pound. I keep saying "I want to loose some weight", but I'm not doing much about it :( . maybe following along will keep me inspired. When I was younger it wasn't hard to loose weight at all, now it seems next to impossible. (It's true, girls, when you get older, your metabolism changes, and things droop, spread, and ache) I really don't like how I look and feel right now :( . My older son has managed to loose over 60 pounds in the past year and a half, he looks great! He's 23. I think it may have something to do with getting a girlfriend...

My Peanuts
07-20-2006, 12:08 PM
I went to the gym last night. No lifting last night. I did the elliptical trainer for 30 minutes (the most I've ever done) and I walked pain free for 30 minutes. :D

07-20-2006, 10:06 PM
Just a quick report in with successful news, I have finally shed the 2 kgs i put on over winter, now onto the next ten before summer hits officially. :)

07-20-2006, 10:22 PM
That is FANTASTIC news!!!

Well Done!!! :cool:

07-21-2006, 11:16 AM
Congrats Carole, that is great!

It cooled off enough that I could tolerate walking outside last night at 10 pm. We got about a mile in before we overheated.

Hubby is off today so we are going to the gym together. He's dealing with a pinched nerve so he won't last too long but I'm sure it will be long enough for me to get in my normal workout.

07-21-2006, 11:54 AM
Just as I suspected, I've already lost weight by just eating at the "normal" times. :) We'll see how much more I can lose! WOO!

I've been doing good food wise. Exercise wise, ehh, does sleeping count? ;) HAH! Yesterday, I went to Berea with a friend to visit some of his chums down there. We walked all over campus several times. The town was created around the college, so walking is your best bet! ((Plus, it's great for ya! I can't wait until August 28th comes! I get to move down there, and officially start my college life. :) But, I'll have access to a fitness center, along with all of the walking I'll have to do. YAY! But anyways.)) We walked everywhere, and I was starving almost all day. LMAO! Had a grreeaattt breakfast. Didn't think I'd be all that hungry, but I was starving after walking everywhere. :)

Anywho. I'll be back later, I suppose. ;P

07-21-2006, 12:49 PM
I went to Berea with a friend to visit some of his chums down there. We walked all over campus several times. The town was created around the college, so walking is your best bet!
Do you mean Berea OH, or another Berea? I got married in that very charming chapel on campus in '74. It's very nice to walk there. (I weighed 50 lbs. less back then :rolleyes: )

07-21-2006, 01:09 PM
Do you mean Berea OH, or another Berea? I got married in that very charming chapel on campus in '74. It's very nice to walk there. (I weighed 50 lbs. less back then :rolleyes: ) Berea, KY. :)

07-21-2006, 10:36 PM
Sounds like everyone has done really well today . . . sorry I have been so scarce . . . it's been such a busy Friday for me. Much to do today.

Berea, KY. :)
We used to live not far from Berea, in Richmond . . . just before we moved here . . . we lived there for about a year after we got married. My hubby went to Eastern. :)

07-23-2006, 09:20 PM
I dragged my lazy rear to the gym today! Just had to share since it felt like a major accomplishment.

Of course on the bad side I made a caramel and hot fudge sundae but I did use light ice cream with no sugar added and no sugar added, fat free caramel. It did taste good - honest.

07-23-2006, 10:19 PM
well another one kg off, i am so happy, i have not been this weight for many years, infact once i shed another kg i will be the lightest since my daughter was born 14 yrs ago,(infact i will only weigh two pounds heavier than i was after she was born)so i am working hard this week to attain it, mind you as i type this my tummy is rumbling somewhat, never mind i can do it,wish me luck with my goal folks, only ten kilos to shed now, ho hum seems like a huge amount, but i guess i must think positive and keep at it, at least i have gotten out of that terrible place my head was in for a while,and am moving in the right direction.

Good luck to everyone for a successful week, ooh Lori you sundae sounds soooo......wonderful, still i am going to treat myself to a wendys chocollo soon, love them. :)

07-23-2006, 10:24 PM
Yay Carole!! Congrats!!!!

I think what you are losing is finding it's way to me, no fair! Do you think it has something to do with the sundae, chips and salsa and tons of watermelon. :confused: :p

07-23-2006, 10:27 PM
Do you think it has something to do with the sundae, chips and salsa and tons of watermelon. :confused: :p

Hmmmmmmmm, Lori, let us think on that ................ :p

Random DIET fact - did you know if you eat a chocolate and drink a Diet soda, the DIET soda cancels out the chocolate ..................... :p
You KNOW I am kidding, right ............... but I do love that idea ..... :D

07-23-2006, 10:43 PM
Never mind Lori we all have those days, i am on a role right now, i just hope it can last, fingers crossed,gosh i am starving right now though and it is only like 4pm in the afternoon, better go have a drink of water i suppose.LOL :)

07-23-2006, 11:37 PM
Random DIET fact - did you know if you eat a chocolate and drink a Diet soda, the DIET soda cancels out the chocolate ..................... :p

ALRIGHT!!!! Thank you for that tip!!! ;) :D