View Full Version : Mr Buddy Holly!

07-17-2006, 04:47 AM
Oh Buddy, you sound like such a cute character. You are so lucky to have had such lovely people take you in who will now love you forever.
Happy Cat Of The Day!

Killearn Kitties
07-17-2006, 05:02 AM
What a handsome boy you are, Mr Buddy Holly, and so helpful around the house! We would all be very lucky to have a kitty who check the attic and retrieve our dropped grocery bags. Do you turn the water off too? :p

I hope you have a wonderful celebration today, as our Cat of the Day. Perhaps you will get a little plate of treats in honour of your day in the spotlight!

07-17-2006, 06:44 AM
Buddy, how sad a beginning you had, and to have lost your friend also. It's amazing that you are still the happiest of kitties after all that! You take care of your family as they have done for you, alright? Have a great Special Day!

07-17-2006, 07:30 AM
What a great story Buddy! You are a very handsome boy. I also have an orange and white cat named Buddy. I am so glad you found a good home. I can't really understand why your previous owner would put you out. :confused: Enjoy your day of fame Buddy!

07-17-2006, 07:37 AM
Buddy, what a funny kitty you are! I was smiling the entire time while reading your story. Quite a smart kitty to figure out how to turn on the water for "on demand" drinking and head wetting. LOL

I would never pretend to know God's plan; but I would guess he has special "plans" for people who abuse animals, children and other people. We are given many gifts in this world to enjoy while we are here and to mistreat or misuse those gifts is an abomination.

Buddy, I can almost say you will have a most marvelous COTD and I will keep my fingers crossed you find another kitty friend as special as your first! Please relay to your purrents how special they are and how lucky to have a kitty like you!

07-17-2006, 09:07 AM
I think that in Rock and Roll Heaven Buddy Holly is pleased that he has such a Furry Handsome Namesake.
Thats nice that that fine preformer is so honored.
The Found Cats are fans of both Buddy Hollys as am I.

Maya & Inka's mommy
07-17-2006, 11:24 AM
OMG, Buddy Holly in purrson....!!

You are such a handsome boy. I couldn't help laughing when I read that story about the dropped bag ;) What a great helper you are!! So you are not afraid of the water either? What a smart cat you are Buddy Holly!!

Congrats for being our COTD!!

07-17-2006, 11:26 AM
HOORAY!!! Yet another ORANGEMAN as the COTD!!! I cannot believe how you were treated by the people who first " owned " you!!! What a wonderful gift you turned out to be for the people that helped you when you needed it most. Please Buddy Holly, consider the safety of living indoors! HAPPY COTD!!!!

07-17-2006, 11:47 AM
Mr. Buddy Holly,
You are such a handsome cat and look a lot like a cat I used to have, named Precious, who passed on in 1998. It's sad what your former owners did to you. They must've been crazy because they missed out on a very nice cat. I'm glad you have a good home and a loving family now. Congratulations on being cat of the day!

07-17-2006, 12:42 PM
Buddy Holly how handsome you are!!!

I bet the lady cats in your neighborhood swoon when they see you!!!

I wish you could teach my cats how to "help" around the house! When they encounter a bag they tear it up or try to eat it.

Congratulations, sweetie, on being our special Cat of the Day!!! :D

blue girl
07-17-2006, 12:45 PM
Buddy, what a beautiful cat you are, and what a wonderful story you have. I can't imagine why your first family would have kicked you out of the home like that; some people are just so cruel--but lucky for you that you have found a wonderful new forever home! You sound like a very funny, sweet, caring cat. Congratulations on being Cat of the Day!

07-17-2006, 03:37 PM
My oh my.... what a stunningly handsome young man you are Buddy Holly! I am glad that you have found a wonderful home to have fun in and to find the love that you so deserve!

Congratulations on COTD! May you enjoy lots of extra treats and luvvins today!

07-17-2006, 04:15 PM
What a handsome boy you are, Mr Buddy Holly, and so helpful around the house! We would all be very lucky to have a kitty who check the attic and retrieve our dropped grocery bags. Do you turn the water off too? :p

I hope you have a wonderful celebration today, as our Cat of the Day. Perhaps you will get a little plate of treats in honour of your day in the spotlight!

Be asured that Mr. Buddy Holly has us well trained. He gets what we often call Treatza Pizza. He has a variety of treats and his favorite foods on hand at all times. When it's time for a late night snack or dinner, he'll join us at the table. Some times, we'll put a plate down for him with his food or treats, and he'll stand on the bench and only touch the table with his front paws while he eats, then he'll jump down when he's done and sit close by washing his hands and face until we're done.

07-17-2006, 04:27 PM
Oh, my, what a sweet boy you are, Mr. Buddy Holly! I am so thankful that you found a loving, caring furrever home after those a******* kicked you out. Let's hope someday they suffer the same consequence at someone else's hand.

However, you are so handsome and smart, no wonder you are COTD! And, so HELPFUL around the house!

Hope you got LOTS of treats and scritches; you deserve them dear boy!

Congratulations to a super kitty!!!

07-17-2006, 04:35 PM
Mr. Buddy Holly!! Wow arent you a handsome guy! You have such a sweet face, congrats of COTD!!

07-17-2006, 05:51 PM
Oh what a heartwarming tale of rescue, written so beautifully and lovingly, I have tears in my eyes! I just lost my Buddy of 18 yrs., my best bud and well, there's just something extra special about you "Buddy" boys!:):):)

I can't understand why your former "owners" would ever do such a thing, abandoning you so cruelly:( But Buddy, just look at you now! You finally found your forvever home, forever family, a Mom and Dad who will love you unconditionally, forever and always! I'm so sorry about Mr. Kipper, Buddy...what a sweet buddy you had in him and I'm glad you have him memorial to visit. And you know Buddy, I have a feeling he's looking down from the Bridge right now, so proud to see his pal honored here today!:)

Congratulations to you precious, beautiful Mr. Buddy Holly, CAT OF THE DAY!!!
I know your family is spoiling you today, but please have your Mom give you some extra hugs and kisses for me, ok? WE LOVE MR. BUDDY HOLLY!:)

07-17-2006, 07:17 PM
Your kind words and memories brought tears to my eyes as well. We're so sorry for your loss. While we can not always understand why Buddy's original family kicked him out of their house, we are, in the end, grateful that they did. The Lord works in mysterious ways. He brought Buddy to us during a difficult time and we are definately better for having him in our lives as much if not more than he for having us in his. He's just amazing some times. He is treated well and even has his own Christmas Stocking and Easter Basket and gets special treats for all the holidays, and well, pretty much every day is a holiday for Mr. Buddy Holly. Buddy is a smart cat and I think he's even bi-lingual (well he seems to understand english even if he can't speek it). We tell him to do something or point out to him that his friends are coming down the walk and he should go say hi, and he responds and proceeds to the walk way to wait for their arrival. We're very fortunate to have him in our lives! We thank everyone for all of your kind words and well wishes.

sasha the cat
07-17-2006, 08:48 PM
Wow! Buddy Holly in purr~sonhttp://members.tripod.com/~kasiface/music8.gif.

Meeow, I'm glad you are with the right humans now. Your former caretakers leave much to be desired. Mew, I'm being nice & polite but here is what my KatMa thinks: Your former caretakers (?) must be put out of the house this winter; nothing but their skin on. Let's see how long they last. Hiss, Boo, they are poor excuses for humans.

Now, on with the cheering section for your forever purr~ents who know how to take care of a pussycat. Let us all stand tall on our hind legs and clap our paws to honour of them. They are the kind of humans my purr~ents, KatMa and Paw-Paw like: people who respect animals, treat them well, and love them.

Live long & prosper, dear Buddy, always loved and cherished by your humans. It's nice to learn you are King of the Castle, Ruler of the Realm, Owner of human hearts. The only thing you now need is to become a strictly indoor pussycat so nothing happens to you as what befell to your friend, the late Mr. Kipper.

lots of nosetwinkies & kittykisses from me, Norman the Cat -- King of the Palace that my purr~ents keep for precious pussycats.

07-18-2006, 04:37 AM
Oh, those pictures are wonderful! I'm happy to see Mr. B.H. is very well-fed and cared for! ;) He is a lovely Big Boy.

Bask in your special day, Buddy, but I think every day is a special day for you and your purrents!