View Full Version : The names we decided on!

07-16-2006, 08:45 PM
I think it's better to leave Sarah out of this thread if it's going to start a fight, but I wanted to tell you all we decided on the names for the puppies! We're getting them from Diesel's last litter, which is in about... 3 or so years. Sarah might get hers next year but mostly in 3 years. Anyway, we decided on names from the Lion King 2. Kiara and Kovu!

07-16-2006, 08:47 PM
Darn.. I was hoping you'd sway away from The Lion King theme. Oh well.

07-16-2006, 08:48 PM
Darn.. I was hoping you'd sway away from The Lion King theme. Oh well.

Why were you going to go on with the Lion King theme? Because if you are we could change it. :)
We were actually think about if we should name the dog Kiara or not but...

07-16-2006, 09:02 PM
Three years is a long time, if I were you, I'd wait and see the pups first. What if she doesn't LOOK like a Kiara?

07-16-2006, 09:09 PM
Three years is a long time, if I were you, I'd wait and see the pups first. What if she doesn't LOOK like a Kiara?

We have backup names :) Such as:
Zeera & Scar
Simba & Nala
And there's a couple more I have writen down.

07-16-2006, 09:31 PM
it would be weird to have two sets of Simba and Nala on PT. i really do wish you would see how Diesel is in the show ring before you talk about breeding him.

Cinder & Smoke
07-16-2006, 09:55 PM
My, how freakin original ... http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/rolleyes.gif

we decided on names from the Lion King 2 ~

Kiara ...

We have backup names such as:
Simba & Nala

Why don't you COPY a few more of the more Famous and
well known of the Pet Talk Pups ...


Now everyone hold your thoughts on this ...
the Thread Deleter will prolly wipe this one any minute ...


/s/ Phred

07-16-2006, 10:00 PM
Sorry if I am hijacking this thread but I didn't know their was a Kiara in lion king, what animal was she?

07-16-2006, 10:01 PM
What's wrong with copying names? If you're just naming her intentionally Kiara to copy Kay, that's not right.. but.. It's not like anybody owns the right to the name. It's a free country and you can name your dogs whatever you want. There's no reason you shouldn't name your dog Kiara if you like the name. I still think you should wait and see what happens with Diesel though before you even think about breeding him..

Bre, Simba's daughter in the Lion King 2.

07-16-2006, 10:01 PM
Sorry if I am hijacking this thread but I didn't know their was a Kiara in lion king, what animal was she?

she was a lioness. She's in the second one.

07-16-2006, 10:04 PM
My, how freakin original ... http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/rolleyes.gif

Why don't you COPY a few more of the more Famous and
well known of the Pet Talk Pups ...


Now everyone hold your thoughts on this ...
the Thread Deleter will prolly wipe this one any minute ...


/s/ Phred
wow it just a name. Lots of people name there dogs Kiara its a popular name.
And so is Nala and Simba.
You could yell at Kay for naming her dogs after the names Disney came up with but your not going to (no effence Kay and I'm not tryin to in some way make fun of you)
I just dont think you should lash out when it just a name,its also like saying oh you name your kid michale
like michale jackson the famous singer..
its a free country she can name her dogs what ever she wants alot of people name their pets after famous things.
My freind named her new puppy Ariel from little mermaid.
So what big deal theres nothing wrong with it..

07-16-2006, 10:05 PM
wow it just a name. Lots of people name there dogs Kiara its a popular name.
And so is Nala and Simba.
You could yell at Kay for naming her dogs after the names Disney came up with but your not going to (no effence Kay and I'm not tryin to in some way make fun of you)
I just dont think you should lash out when it just a name,its also like saying oh you name your kid michale
like michale jackson the famous singer..
its a free country she can name her dogs what ever she wants alot of people name their pets after famous things.
My freind named her new puppy Ariel from little mermaid.
So what big deal theres nothing wrong with it..
Agreed. You could yell at me for naming my pets after Disney characters, too. The Lion King is my favorite movie.. and I'm going to be naming future pets from it.

07-16-2006, 10:10 PM
My, how freakin original ...
Now everyone hold your thoughts on this ...
the Thread Deleter will prolly wipe this one any minute ...

I really wish one could only delete the words in their own post and not wipe out an entire thread where people have contributed their emotion, time and effort to give their thoughts in. It's fine when you want to delete things YOU typed but it drives me crazy when I take the time and effort and emotion to make a heartfelt post only to come back later and find the whole thing wiped out. After Phred's comment here, I went and checked, and sure enough two other threads have *disappeared*. I guess it's a lesson on whose threads not to bother opening, much less take the time to respond to.

07-16-2006, 10:10 PM
Why don't you COPY a few more of the more Famous and
well known of the Pet Talk Pups ...

I don't think that just because someone wants to name their dogs the same name as someone else's dogs on PT means they are copying them. There have been a couple of names that I've really considered naming future pets but feel I can't just because someone on here might think I'm copying them, even though I just like the name. Whether or not it can get confusing with same names, it's anyone's perogative to name their dog, cat, child, anything, whatever they want. If every time someone had the same name as someone else meant they were coyping them, we'd have alot of "copycats" out there. Honestly it reminds me of grade two when children complained that so-and-so was copying them. People should be able to name their animals whatever they want. Just my opinion.

07-16-2006, 10:12 PM
My only "complaint" is the fact that it'll be confusing to have pets of the same species on Pet Talk with the same name. I cringed when I saw that because I know how many countless times i've gotten two pets mixed up because of the same names.

I honestly don't care THAT much as I try to stay as far away as possible from the OP's threads.

07-16-2006, 10:13 PM
I really wish one could only delete the words in their own post and not wipe out an entire thread where people have contributed their emotion, time and effort to give their thoughts in. It's fine when you want to delete things YOU typed but it drives me crazy when I take the time and effort and emotion to make a heartfelt post only to come back later and find the whole thing wiped out. After Phred's comment here, I went and checked, and sure enough two other threads have *disappeared*. I guess it's a lesson on whose threads not to bother opening, much less take the time to respond to.

People can just "soft delete" their own posts. I can restore them, if I disagree with the reason for deletion. If this happens (a post is deleted that you wish were not) you can always PM me.

07-17-2006, 02:09 AM
Well, best of luck with all of that. I echo the recommendation not to get ahead of yourself, as you could end up very disapointed somewhere along the way.

I truly feel that dog names should really fit them, so I would wait. A lot of people I meet tell me my dogs look & act fitting to their names, which I really like. Generic names that don't have any meaning as to the particular dog are not my style at all, though.

07-17-2006, 06:10 AM
I agree with BCKrazy, don't get ahead of yourselves.

Somthing that I thought was cool, someone I'm friends with, got to name Kiara in LK2. She has relatives that work for Disney and Warner Brothers.

Lori Jordan
07-17-2006, 09:01 AM
I agree when i first got Maggy before even seeing her i wanted to name her sasha,Driving home hubby said to me he didn't really like the name..He kept driving i was in the back seat with her he turned around and said Maggy her ears popped up and Maggy it was.

Now for Lacy i had Lexi,Jenny and Jinxie picked out and her name is Lacy

Same as Molly her breeder had all the dogs names as diamonds example her mom is Opal aunt Diamond and her sister Ruby and they were calling her Crystal and i didn't really like the name and Molly suits her so well Storm on the other hand i always said if i ever owned a male BC i'd call him Storm well the name fits he's know as Stormin Normin and the name fits!Good Luck with Naming it can be tricky at times...Thank god hubby only named Maggy lol

07-17-2006, 09:22 AM
I really wish one could only delete the words in their own post and not wipe out an entire thread where people have contributed their emotion, time and effort to give their thoughts in. It's fine when you want to delete things YOU typed but it drives me crazy when I take the time and effort and emotion to make a heartfelt post only to come back later and find the whole thing wiped out. After Phred's comment here, I went and checked, and sure enough two other threads have *disappeared*. I guess it's a lesson on whose threads not to bother opening, much less take the time to respond to.

Yeah I agree. I find it generally rude to erase a whole thread people have put their time into, just because they don't agree with the OP or give ideas they may not like. Amazing how those threads pertaining to lies or "bad things" told by OPs just up and disappear and they go on like they didn't do it! Just interesting, and there are a few who do it. Makes it pointless to post to some poster's threads. Good lesson learned on threads to avoid in the future.

07-17-2006, 11:42 AM
Isn't copying a form of flattery? :)

But I have to tell you, I brought Fenway to his obedience class and the instructor said "boy, we've had allot of Fenway's here lately." And I was like, "well MY Fenway is 3 years old and he is THE Fenway".

I couldn't believe I said that! :o

I like to think my Fenway is the only one and I started the "Fenway craze", but I know in my heart he is an originial. :)

07-17-2006, 12:36 PM
I'm not copying anyone, it's not like Kay just came to our minds because her dog was named Kiara, I mean, there's hundreds of dogs out there named Kiara. :rolleyes: I agree with Bri and buttercup132...

07-18-2006, 12:24 AM
My, how freakin original ... http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/rolleyes.gif

Why don't you COPY a few more of the more Famous and
well known of the Pet Talk Pups ...


Now everyone hold your thoughts on this ...
the Thread Deleter will prolly wipe this one any minute ...


/s/ Phred

Man, I'd expect better from you.

Great names, I love Lion King too.

07-18-2006, 12:45 AM
i had a cat named Kiara..YES! i admit it! i "stole" that name from Disney :eek: Better lock me up ;)

But in all seriousness..Come on now,Its just a name, nothing to have a fit about

07-18-2006, 04:05 AM
serrriously.. what's wrong with naming your pets after someone else's pets??

you know what they say, "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."

07-18-2006, 07:29 AM
I'm not copying anyone, it's not like Kay just came to our minds because her dog was named Kiara, I mean, there's hundreds of dogs out there named Kiara. :rolleyes: I agree with Bri and buttercup132...

Zoomer, I didn't think you were copying anybody. I probably didn't say what I wanted to correctly.

vinjashira said what I was trying to say much better....Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

If Fenway wasn't called Fenway when I adopted him, I would have called him Benji. I've always wanted a Benji. I wonder if Benji is copywrited? :D ;) :)

I'd stick with the name Kiara if that's what you really like. Take care.

07-18-2006, 10:25 AM
We named Teddy before we saw him :D We named him before we even knew what kind of dog we were going to end up with lol. I named him after an NHL goalie lol. Now it just worked out that he couldn't have a name that would suit him better. (except maybe scooby lol everyone says he looks like scooby doo).

Sometimes names work out even when you haven't seen the dog but if it doesn't you can always change it :D I think it's fun to think of names for future dogs. I already have a few picked out for certain breeds we are hoping to have some day.

07-18-2006, 11:46 AM
serrriously.. what's wrong with naming your pets after someone else's pets??

you know what they say, "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."

My thoughts exactly. I really cant believe this is still an issue?

At the end of the day it will be YOUR dog and YOUR decision, no one elses. If anyone else has a problem let it be theirs and not yours

07-18-2006, 11:51 AM
I really doubt the frustration that came out was simply based on the fact they wanted to name the dogs after someone else's. If you had seen the posts that were deleted before this, two entire threads, you might understand why there were some people frustrated about the whole thing. Just keep that in mind before deciding some people got upset just because of the names. There was a lot more to it in the first place.

07-18-2006, 12:03 PM
I really doubt the frustration that came out was simply based on the fact they wanted to name the dogs after someone else's. If you had seen the posts that were deleted before this, two entire threads, you might understand why there were some people frustrated about the whole thing. Just keep that in mind before deciding some people got upset just because of the names. There was a lot more to it in the first place.

I know you were not replying to me. However, I never saw those deleted posts so I and probably some of the people replying to this thread didn't either so we're going by the posts that haven't been deleted.


07-18-2006, 12:09 PM
I really don't think that zoomer was copying anyone...she just liked the names Kiara and Kovu, is all. I just don't see why everyone thinks that she is copying Kay...

07-18-2006, 12:11 PM
OK I didn't know about any deleted threads so my opinions are purely on this thread :)

07-18-2006, 12:15 PM
I know you guys probably didn't see the other threads, that's why I was just trying to explain why some people seemed so upset. I personally don't care what they choose for names, either way. I did see the other threads though, so I can understand why some people posted they way they did. It was just kind of to clear the air so it didn't seem petty to those who didn't see the rest=)

07-18-2006, 02:27 PM
I really don't think that zoomer was copying anyone...she just liked the names Kiara and Kovu, is all. I just don't see why everyone thinks that she is copying Kay...

Yes, thank you Danielle.

07-18-2006, 02:35 PM
I'll believe it when I see it ;) You have plenty of time to think of names in the next 2+ years. :p

I honestly believe this thread was just started to attract attention or to get people riled up. *shrugs* Whatever floats your boat, Zoomer.