View Full Version : Silly poll about litterbox habits

07-16-2006, 03:57 PM
Each morning I get to observe Trevor in his box. He visits it like he is on some kind of time clock. He is very thorough and very neat and sort of a kitty with a routine. He does pee in one area and poo in another and covers ever so gently.

Andy, on the other hand, mostly uses his box when no one is around. :o I can tell that he has been in it because of the litter scattered outside of the box. He covers furiously!

There have been a few times (I can probably count them on one hand in 13 years) when someone hasn't covered their *contributions* to the box. What about your kitties? Do they cover carefully, cover furiously, or not cover at all? See I told you it was silly. :p

You may vote more than once as I know most of us have more than one kitty.

07-16-2006, 04:00 PM
JJJ3 and the Moose overcover and throw everything out of the box.
The other Cats sit do thier business and cover.
Sometimes if there are piles outside the box, they will use that.
Darned Big Cats.

Laura's Babies
07-16-2006, 04:08 PM
I find mine do different business in different spots. It depends on how Amy feels as to rather she covers hers or not. Sometimes she is lucky to get her business done inside the box... other times she will dig and sling and dig, and sling and dig and dig and dig. I just laugh at her when she does that. For the most part though, they all are gentle and cover it up.

07-16-2006, 04:29 PM
Shadow does NOT cover up after herself. She gets out of there as quickly as possible leaving a lovely smell behind. :rolleyes:

Whisper kicks litter ALL over and I must sweep on a daily basis, with a new round of litter on the floor. :rolleyes:

Callie covers up after herself and doesn't make much of a mess. If only the other two could take after her. ;)

07-16-2006, 04:32 PM
I voted for 2 - fast and furious and don't bother to cover.
Halo does her business. While still standing in the cat box, she digs furiously at the carpet (not the litter) then jumps out of the box. She knows to go in the box. She knows she's supposed to dig something. But, she's never figured out she's supposed to dig the litter. :rolleyes: Then she jumps out leaving it uncovered. :confused:

Cammie doesn't bother to cover. Pepper sometimes but most of the time she's in too much of a hurry to get back to playing.

07-16-2006, 05:01 PM
I have mostly 1 & 3 types. No one that I know of does the fast and furious cover.

But my funniest cat was RB Bear. When he would poop he would litterally SHOOT out of the box when he was finished, but not when he peed. :confused: We could not help but laugh at his behavior. :p

07-16-2006, 05:04 PM
Amusing thread,Lexie is my only litter box kitty, she does it anywhere, furiously digging and trying to cover but never manages to do that very often, I have the litter box near a wall unit, she scratches that every time, silly girl instead of the litter, and she misses a few times, so i have protective covering on the flooring just incase, plastic rubbish sacks do the trick, but yes she is not so neat in that department, but hey at least she uses one. :D

07-16-2006, 05:12 PM
I have a mixed pair - Mitzi is the fast and furious little litter flinger - litter everywhere. I call her Mitzi mess maker - Life is a beach, my apartment is a beach :rolleyes: with the little Ms. Mitzi around.

Mishi is a dainty guy (shh - don't tell him that! ;) ), not wanting to get his velvet paws dirty. He will pee and poop and then paw around the outside of the litter box, never getting his lovely golden gloves dirty by actually touching the litter. Lately I've spotted Mitzi covering up his stuff :rolleyes:

07-16-2006, 05:13 PM
I had to choose:
Fast and furious and
Doesn't bother to cover
and I've only one cat! :D

Haven't figured out how she decides.

07-16-2006, 05:55 PM
All three at my house :eek:
Eleanor is the "leave it & dont bury"
Skinny is the "dig hole to china, just so"
Cindy and Thumper "cover nicely and leave"

07-16-2006, 06:27 PM
I have a little of all 3 (and thats how I voted too! :D)

Allen REFUSES to cover. Any of the others smell his poo and they come running to do the honors for hm. They ALWAYS cover his iun a quick efficient manner.

Then depending on the day and what's going on, the other will cover their own poo in a leisurely and methodical manner, or fast and "lets get this done and over with" manner

07-16-2006, 07:56 PM
One cat, three litter boxes and they all get dug up, litter everywhere before and after he does his business! :)

07-16-2006, 09:26 PM
I voted for all 3. Samson doesn't cover.

07-16-2006, 09:46 PM
I voted for fast and furiously, because there's ALWAYS litter all over the floor outside of the litter boxes when I go to clean them out, and the litter boxes are all COVERED! I'm trying to figure out how to get them to face the doorway into the litter box when they cover their droppings, because then it would just all go up against the back cover. But NOO-O-O-O-oo-oo-ooo-ooo, they can't look out the door and cover it up that way. They have to have the door to their REAR when they do it! :rolleyes: :eek: :p :) :D


07-16-2006, 09:52 PM
Raven gently covers up her mess up, she is very good about keeping the litter in the pan, which i happen to be thankful for!!! :) My last cat kobe would fling litter everywhere trying to cover it, it was pretty ridiculos lmao

07-16-2006, 10:18 PM
Isis doesn't cover, Soni does so methodically, Lily is nuts. :p

07-16-2006, 11:04 PM
I really am not entirely sure but I voted fast and furious and doesn't bother to cover.
I think that both girls do it fast and furious b/c a lot of times I hear them in the box winging it around. A lot of times Kylie doesn't cover it at all.
She covers her poo more now since Kloe came then she did before tho. :)

07-17-2006, 12:34 AM
I have all 3 at my house. Storm and Pearl cover up their business gently and step out very slowly, Sunny and Sky are fast and furious and try to dig to China but usually end up just trying to scratch the lid of the litterbox so they sometimes don't even cover their stuff up completely, and Starr does the fast and furious when he poops and is much more dainty and gentle when he pees in the literbox. When Starr poops, he jumps out of the litterbox like a speeding bullet and runs away very fast. I guess he doesn't like the smell he makes.LOL:)

Don Juan's mom
07-17-2006, 12:48 AM
Hey, Don Juan, whatcha doing?

Trying to dig through the bottom of the box!

How come?

Mom says it's a Spare the Air Day tomorrow. That means we have to be extra careful about burying the yukky stuff.

OK. I hope she puts some baking soda in here.

Uh-oh, she's on the interbox thing again.

That's not an interbox! That's my royal throne!

Whatever. It means she's going to try to get around on the bicycle instead of her porta-prison. And she's got that "rehearsal" thing tomorrow.

Which means.....

She won't be home until late. We can kick the litter around the bathroom all we want.

What about the sleeping room?

They're ALL sleeping rooms, Zerlina.

I mean, the one where Mom sleeps.

That's gonna be a little harder, because that one has a cover. But I think if we work together, we can get the litter everywhere it needs to go.

All right. But I hope she's not too late. I don't want to miss dinner.

Don't worry. I've got the Humane Society on speed dial.