View Full Version : Bike buying advice pls

07-16-2006, 12:37 PM

My old bike was officially laid to rest on the curb outside my house last week, and I need transport!

I have never actually purchased a mountain bike before, all my other ones had been gifts or second hand. What should I look for? I am clueless when it comes to this sort of thing and need advice.

Knowing me, I will walk out with a crappy overpriced thing just because it was a pretty colour! :rolleyes:

07-16-2006, 12:40 PM
P.S. I am not going to be doing a lot of rough terrain riding and I want something sort of lightweight because my last bike weighed a ton!

07-16-2006, 12:44 PM
My bike is still in our pole building , waiting for me to get back into the saddle again.

If I were looking for a "NEW" bike, I would look for a sporty cross country bike that could handle a wide variety of terrain!!! so, Keep this in mind!!!

A mountain bike might just be what you are truely looking for. when you spy one, get onto it , ride it, try it out !!! Would you buy a new mattress without laying down on it? Ya get me? Good Luck with your search!!!!!

Wish It wasn't so hot, I'd go for a bike ride today otherwise.!!!

Please let us know what you purchase!!!!