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07-16-2006, 12:31 PM
A lot has been said and written lately about animal psychics and animal communication, which is a very fascinating subject IMO.

A while ago, I bought Amelia Kinkade's book "Straight from the Horse's Mouth: How to Talk to Animals and Get Answers" and it was really interesting to read. She mentioned that the found animals waiting for us to communicate with them on that level, that most of them are eager to "talk" to us that way, and that they would feel relieved when they meet a human who has this ability.

Now I wonder, if that's the truth, this form of communication is probably a normal thing for cats, and it's most likely that they use this method to talk to each other all the time. Maybe all animals communicate like this, and only humans have lost this ability, who knows. After all, there are still a few who can.

And if it's true that cats (or animals in general) communicate or share thoughts on that level, maybe they even have some kind of "collective knowledge", that they pass from one generation to another? Who knows?

Oh, what would I give to know what's going on in Luna's and Lily's little heads!!! *sigh*


07-16-2006, 01:21 PM

This is a fascinating topic for me as well. Oh to have the know how and ability to communicate with our furry friends!

Thank you for mentioning Amelia Kinkade's book - I have read some reviews on it but not many. Your recommendation now entices me to actually read it.

I spend so much time trying to understand both Eve's vocal communication and body language. She amazes me with her versatility. These, I know, are audio and visual communications.

The most astounding phenomenon, in my mind, is the sense of her presence and her ability to evoke such comfort and emotion just by being near. For example, when she is wanting to be cuddled and petted, she comes very close and looks directly into my eyes with such intensity. I often feel that she speaks to me with her eyes. There is such a purity that is conveyed that I cannot put into words, only feelings.

I felt the same bond with my heart kitty August. He was a very sensitive cat and his warmth and presence overwhelmed me at times. He passed many years ago now but I can vivdly remember his presence and still feel it at times. He was not extremely vocal however, he was very affectionate and communicated more with body language. He was also discriminating in his choice of human campanionship. Eve, on the other hand, is extremely social and curious about most people around her. She is selective about who she spends time with but curious about everyone and everything.

I suppose this is a topic one could muse about infinitely. I wouldn't expect to know all the answers, but it would be wonderful to know some of the answers.

The attached photo is just an example of the intensity in Eve's eyes when she is focused on something or someone. Thanks for letting me ramble,


Miss Z
07-16-2006, 01:41 PM
I'm not entirely sure how a human could 'talk' with an animal, as I do not believe animals talk in the way we do, with language and such like. I reckon that a lot of communication in animals is to do with body posture and actions rather than telepathic words. But, if this lady can talk to animals, that's an amazing gift. Of course I believe that animals try to tell us things all the time but I am skeptical on the fact that they use telepathic language.

Laura's Babies
07-16-2006, 01:46 PM
I firmly believe they can communicate somehow, even from long distances. My RB Sambo and I always understood each other and that time he came up missing for 3 weeks, I knew he had been carried off and was trying to make his way back to me. I could actually hear him calling out to me at night and I know he heard me calling him until the glorious morning he got home. Somehow, he let me know he had been carried off and was going to find his way back home to me.

I never had another one that communicated with me that way and I always felt we were so connected in mind...

07-16-2006, 03:18 PM
The fact that I find interesting is that the Found Cats
do not meow at each other very much, they basically only meow at me.
I know that the Cats communicate with thier eyes, as I have seen them ask if its all right to sleep her , and they seem to know when its all right to share the food dish by gestures.
It must be telepathy!

07-17-2006, 05:11 AM
I think cats do communicate to eachother telepathically. Whether they do this with humans I'm not sure, but I think it could be possible. Some people have enduring links with their animals, and I think it's wonderful.
Cats communicate with us by meowing, cause apparently they don't meow to eachother, that's for our benefit.
Jack & Sunny definately talk to eachother telepathically, Sunny sleeps in our bedroom most of the time, it's mostly her territory, many a time Jack has jumped on the bed, and Sunny looks straight at him and they stare at eachother, and then Jack slowly looks away, jumps down and walks out and sits outside the door. I am 100% sure she has told him to go away and not come into her territory. Likewise when it comes to sharing food or water in the glass.
Last night Sunny was drinking water out of the glass on the sideboard, Jack jumped up too and was behind her, she looked around, finished drinking and moved forward so he could then have a drink himself, I'm sure he told her to move along because he wanted a drink, they didn't meow, just looked at eachother.
I think perhaps they do try to tell us things when they look deeply into our eyes, and I love it when they look at us and open and close their eyes I've been told this is a sign of love that they're giving us.
I love it when Jack looks at me, doesn't meow and just stares into my eyes and then give me kisses, as if he's saying I really love you and then gives me a headbutt.

07-17-2006, 07:49 AM
I am certain that cats (I've not been around other animals as much but suspect horses too) can absolutely hear telepathically. How would they KNOW when I'm going to get out the carrier to go to the V-E-T before I actually do and disappear accordingly? LOL :rolleyes: I've always explained to them, in my head when I have to travel and I feel their unhappiness about it but understanding too.
I remember before she was even on TV I read that book by Sylvia Browne I think it was..the pet psychic. I believe she is in tune with animals the way that some people are in tune with people that have passed. I remember reading her book and at the time I had a cat that never slept with me and the book said to concentrate and get on the cats level of thinking. See what he was seeing etc. Sure enough one Sun AM I did just that and up comes Jersey onto the bed..first and only time I think..and lays down on my arm ..like he's been doing it all his life..LOL.. I KNEW at that moment we'd connected.
I have a foster kitty and wish I could see his story. I haven't connected with him like I have with my boys. :eek: we may need a psychic intervention..LOL

07-17-2006, 08:06 AM
I am a firm beleiver in animal communication. I was so unsure what to do about Gracie and her deformed eye. I always wondered if it bothered her or hurt her in some way. I was so unsure of myself and what I was considering to do for Gracie that I would lie awake at night and cry as to what was good for her. I happened to mention this to someone at work and she asked me if I would be interested in talking to an animal communicator.....so I did.

Brenda is remarkable, she was right on the money with all of my babies. All I did when I first talked to her was to give her a brief description of all of my babies. I told her that Gracie was a domestic short hair tabby and was a year old. Immediately Brenda told me that Gracie has "goopie eyes and one eye that does not close at all". I about fell off my chair. Gracie went on to tell Brenda that it feels like she has sand in her eyes and that the wind always blows on her eye....she does not like that feeling. I asked Brenda to tell Gracie that I was thinking of having her eye removed....Gracie said she would be sad but trusted that I was doing what was best for her. Gracie had her bad eye removed 3 months later and tells Brenda everytime I talk to her that she feels so much better without that bad eye.

There were also other things that she told me that only I knew....like my RB Tony who died from a spot on his lungs...she told her that there was nothing that I could have done for him and that he is always with me because I have him right by my bedside and that he likes it when I talk to him.....his ashes are above my nightstand in my bedroom and I talk to him all the time....I tell him how much Tigger (his sister) and I miss him and that I will always love him....so I know he still hears what I say.

07-17-2006, 12:45 PM
Oh I so believe this. My first kitty Willie, who I got after my divorce seemed to know all about me. I made a lot of mistakes with him since he was my very first cat, but he tolorated them. At that point in time I was anti-men and he knew it. Every time a male came into the house, including my father, he would hiss and stand behind me. There was one time this guy I was dating, came over drunk :mad: and we got into an argument and for some reason, we ended up on the floor. Well you should have heard the hiss and growl that came from Willie :eek: He kept hissing and spitting at him until he left, then came over and sat on my lap as if he were the sweetest cat in all the world! (BTW that guy never came back around again :D )

Now, if some people can actually communicate with animals? Well I'm still out on that subject (I personally think there are more con-artists than real people :mad: )

Yes, I can read body language and hear the different meow's made by my boys and I know what they need most of the time. And in their eyes, they always seem to know when I need some comfort.

07-17-2006, 03:23 PM
Thanks everyone for your inspriring comments, and for sharing your experiences! :)

Yes, it IS true that they communicate a lot by body language and scents, but I'm sure there's more than that! Have you ever seen cats sitting together, not moving, maybe not even looking at each other, but you're sure that there's something going on between them?

Amelia Kinkade says they are "sending pictures". This is also the level on which the communication between humans and animals work, according to her. She says everyone can learn it, it's an ability that only needs to be revived. Well, I'm not sure, I'm not good in these kind of things, but sometimes I would like to participate in an animal communication workshop.

Well, and even if I'm unable to "receive" their messages, I hope that at least they are able to receive those I'm sending... I hope they can read from my thoughts how very much I love them!

BTW, regarding meowing: Yes, I think this is something they came up with to talk to us. They have noticed that humans react best to acustic signals, so they developed this kind of language. They are so smart! :)


07-17-2006, 10:24 PM
Well, and even if I'm unable to "receive" their messages, I hope that at least they are able to receive those I'm sending... I hope they can read from my thoughts how very much I love them!

BTW, regarding meowing: Yes, I think this is something they came up with to talk to us. They have noticed that humans react best to acustic signals, so they developed this kind of language. They are so smart! :)


You're right - they are very smart and I believe, very intuitive. Kitties definitely know when they are loved and they have the most endearing ways of showing their love for you in return. They communicate with us on so many levels, some of which we may not think we understand. However, we respond in turn. Perhaps it is our own responses that we need to examine. Just a thought :)


07-17-2006, 11:40 PM
I think that cats, and other animals, can communicate with us in ways that may or may not be telepathic. When I had to take Sheba, my cat of 14 years, to the vet, to put her to sleep, the last thing I remember, before the medicine kicked in and she started to get sleepy, was her looking in to my eyes, really looking, and she told me that she was ready to go, and that she'd be okay. I don't like to think about it much, because I miss her everyday (I'd had her since I was 4, I don't remember a time when she wasn't around), but it made it..... Better somehow, to know that she wasn't angry.
I think cats have a sixth sense, in a way, they see parts of the world that we don't, or can't, and they can act on it.
I dunno, I've thought about it before, and will again, it's kind of neat to imagine what it would be like to be in a cat's head, even for a few minutes, but no matter what, it's fun trying to figure out what they're doing!:)

07-18-2006, 01:01 AM
This is all so very interesting to me. I do believe that all animals can communicate in some form or another. I've also recently used a pet psychic and she told me that she receives pictures from the animals and this is how she communicates with them. She helped me learn more about Starr and his problems and now I understand him so much better. I think he's a much happier cat now.

I asked her about my RB Pepper and she said that I did the right thing by having him put to sleep and that he had something eating away at his insides. I've always believed that he had early stages of cancer. I was also wondering if he was visiting me because I can often feel his presence. She received the comment of "yellow walls" from Pepper and didn't know what this meant. I told her that I recently painted my condo walls with pale yellow and a brighter yellow in the bathrooms. She said that this was his way of telling her that he was here. I knew he was visiting me. Sometimes I think I see him out of the corner of my eye but when I turn there's nothing there.

07-18-2006, 10:41 AM
I think it is human arrogance to think animals don't communicate... And I truly believe that most communication of all species takes place on many levels which include those most humans don't recognize. If it is telepathy or a combination of subtle cues, it certainly happens among the animals and humans I associate with. To me it seems to be a matter of being in harmony with an individual and then being open to what perceptions we need/want to share.... not unlike the communication that happens when I do a tarot or other reading for a client. (I also think this type of perception is what makes working with the "at risk" kids easier.)

07-18-2006, 03:18 PM
Sometimes I think I see him out of the corner of my eye but when I turn there's nothing there.

OMG!! That still happens with me and "seeing" Willie!!!! :eek:

07-18-2006, 03:20 PM
Kirsten!!! Our house is buzzing with the cats communicating!! Sometimes I do not hear things, but BArry does!!!

07-23-2006, 04:44 PM
Once again, thanks for all your inspiring comments.

The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced they are able to communicate this way. I also believe that they try to "send" us messages, too, when they sit there, just staring at us.
