View Full Version : New addition

Lori Jordan
07-16-2006, 12:13 PM
This is my Son and Daughter in-laws new pup"Bradey Boy"
And this is also a pic of me

07-16-2006, 12:28 PM
Wow Lori, small wonder that you posted this picture , as you are so beautiful!!!
Same goes for that PUPPY!!!!

You don't even look like a Grandmother!!!! :D

Congratulations are in order!!!!---- Furry Grand children are just as cuddley!!!!

Lori Jordan
07-16-2006, 12:33 PM
Well thank you!Ya i will be a Nanny to be in September!

07-16-2006, 12:42 PM
Isnt that a designer breed...

Lori Jordan
07-16-2006, 01:01 PM
Too be honest im not sure i have never seen these dogs before nor do i really know anything about them,My son got it from a Breeder in Toronto paid good money for the dog maybe so???

07-16-2006, 01:07 PM
Well thank you!Ya i will be a Nanny to be in September!
Do you mean that you are going to be a Grandmother to a "human" child?

What a lucky child!!!!

Can't wait to get my chance to be a a Nanny !!!

Lori Jordan
07-16-2006, 01:13 PM
Yes My Son and Daughter in Law are Due in September :D

07-16-2006, 01:22 PM
And....this is your first grand child??

I am way older than you, I have 3 children who haved moved on, yet, no grand children yet. while I don't "Press" this issue onto any of them, I would be swooning if I were in your shoes!!!

Congratulations!!! You are a beautiful Grand Mother to be!!!

I am still waiting for the stork to drop one off for me to hold!!!

07-16-2006, 01:24 PM
Aw, what a cute moment! =) Bradey Boy is very very cute. He looks super young to me... or maybe I'm just not used to tiny puppies. Even if he IS a "designer breed", he is a precious little guy and obviously in a loving home now. However, I do NOT envy them! Raising a puppy AND having a baby is a huge handfull.

It would suck if your Son & Daughter-in-law did pay excessive $$$ to a BYB-er for a mixed breed pup, but it is already done and they are obviously happy with their pup. Maybe try to talk to them about where to look (rescue, reputable breeders) next time they're looking for a dog? :p

Lori Jordan
07-16-2006, 01:27 PM
It is a purebred...as to BYB that was not the factor here.Dana seen the pup and wanted him she is kinda like me lol...impulse buyer as to Designer i really do not think that should be an issue it's an animal a loving sweet hearted little boy i dont mark any of my dogs as a material!

07-16-2006, 01:45 PM
Oh, he is sooo cute!

Isnt that a designer breed...

I don't think so, looks like a purebred to me..

07-16-2006, 02:11 PM
What breed is he?
He's cute but I dont know if he looks like any pure bred Ive seen thats why I wondered..
He looks like a cock-a-poo
or some poddle mix.

07-16-2006, 02:13 PM
What breed is he?
He's cute but I dont know if he looks like any pure bred Ive seen thats why I wondered..
He looks like a cock-a-poo
or some poddle mix.

Looks a little like a Cocker to me.

07-16-2006, 02:22 PM
Looks a little like a Cocker to me.:eek: I dont know when the last time you looked at a Cocker was but it DEFINATLY not!!!!!!!
My freind just got a American cocker she looks NOTHING like her or the breed..
And a English Cocker is one of my fav breeds and looks nothing like one.
THESE are cocker puppies

This is a Cockapoo
wich looks alot more like that puppy...

The fur on the head is too curly, and the head looks off shape, and the ears(too short and wrong shape)

Lori Jordan
07-16-2006, 02:25 PM
I think that is it cock-a-poo i have never heard the name before..mind you he is still a pup he aint full grown most puppies are desieveing mutt or purebreds..Look at storm when i first got him his hair was so short and he was sooo skinny you should see the feathers coming out on him now and he has put on a little weight which looks much much better than skin and bones.

Lori Jordan
07-16-2006, 02:27 PM
There not all going to look identical to the next this is not a thread to pick apart how purebred the dog is.I simply posted that our family has added a new addition and im not competing anymore,This thread in no way should be negative!

07-16-2006, 02:31 PM
There not all going to look identical to the next this is not a thread to pick apart how purebred the dog is.I simply posted that our family has added a new addition and im not competing anymore,This thread in no way should be negative!I know and I'm sorry that I made it that way but I know it isnt a pure bred and I just wanted to get my point across..
Are you going to be nany to him too?:)

Lori Jordan
07-16-2006, 02:33 PM
Actually it is a purebred,I find you very rude,Do not pick a part an innocent animal you have crossed the line.And even if the dog did not have papers which it does they have not been changed over as of yet to my knowledge,I would not really care this is not my dog but...it should not be picked appart bottom line.

07-16-2006, 02:54 PM
what breed is he!!?!?!?

07-16-2006, 10:42 PM
I don't think buttercup132 is being rude at all. She is merely exhibiting interest in the puppy, and I think it's a perfectly acceptable and valid question to ask what breed the puppy is. In fact, I'm curious, too! Personally, he reminds me of a Labrador/Poodle mix.

Like bckrazy mentioned, mixed or not, BYB or not, pound puppy or not, the dog is in a happy family and that's all that matters.

07-16-2006, 10:56 PM
I'm confused, you keep saying he IS a pure bred but are continually refusing to say what breed...

07-16-2006, 10:58 PM
I'm confused, you keep saying he IS a pure bred but are continually refusing to say what breed...EXACTLY!!! and designer breeds can come with fake papers.
Thanks Giselle

07-16-2006, 10:59 PM
If he's purebred, then why aren't you telling us what breed? :rolleyes: It's a very simple question.
Edit: I'm sorry I was being sort of rude, and I do think he's very cute, no matter what breed he is.

07-16-2006, 11:08 PM
Good grief she made a thread to show off the pup not to be grilled on what kind of dog he is. I'm against "designer" breeds as well and I think dogs should come from rescues or reputable breeders, but the pup has been purchased (not by her even) and he's in his new home so just be happy for him. He's very cute!

07-16-2006, 11:27 PM
Good grief she made a thread to show off the pup not to be grilled on what kind of dog he is. I'm against "designer" breeds as well and I think dogs should come from rescues or reputable breeders, but the pup has been purchased (not by her even) and he's in his new home so just be happy for him. He's very cute!
I agree 100000%
I'm so annoyed right now I could spit.

who CARES what kind of puppy it is when he is sooo friggin adorable.
Actually I did find buttercup rude b/c there was no 'Oh he's cute', "how precious" or anything it was just "isn't that a designer breed"
While I certainly do not agree that cockapoos or goldadoodles are pure bred at all and when I hear someone say I raise pure bred Labradoodles or puggles it feels like a hot iron right in my eye but it is still a cute puppy in an excellant home.
I mean good grief you wouldn't even say that to someone about a pair of pants.
You don't walk up to someone and say "are those designer pants" you say "those are cute pants are they designer" I mean what happened to common courtesy here?
also I agree Lori you are beautiful! :)

07-16-2006, 11:54 PM
What a lucky pup (and grandchild!) to have someone so beautiful (inside and out!) as their nanny. Best wishes to the parents! I, for one, look forward to many happy puppyhood "tails!" :D

07-16-2006, 11:55 PM
He's adorable.. Regardless of what breed(s) he may be..

Congratulations to your son and daughter-n-law on their baby boy.

Lori Jordan
07-17-2006, 08:47 AM
Well if that is not rude i don't have a clue to what is rude then.

07-17-2006, 08:52 AM
Congrats!! :D What an adorable pup!! And you are very pretty too.

07-17-2006, 08:56 AM
Well, what breed is he? :/ It doesn't matter, though, but I'm just wondering out of curiosity. He's cute no matter if he's a Mutt, a Purebred, or whatever.

Lori Jordan
07-17-2006, 09:11 AM
Well, what breed is he? :/ It doesn't matter, though, but I'm just wondering out of curiosity. He's cute no matter if he's a Mutt, a Purebred, or whatever.

No Roxy you were until the other reply's saying who cares he is a cock-a-poo im sure of i already said i wasnt too sure i have never heard the name before but i do appreciate the bashing it's so friendly in here :D

Thanks for the other reply's i do appreciate i really do i out up with enough iggnorance at home i figured i wouldn't get it here but oh well life go on..Thank you girls for the ones that had enough heart i appreciate the nice reply's
Also i seen the dog once my son lives in Toronto so if need be you can argue with him considering this is not my dog..I'm happy about the pup whether he is purebred a mix or as said a pound puppy he is still a loving little creature who deserves the best life could give him.

Lori Jordan
07-17-2006, 09:14 AM
I'm confused, you keep saying he IS a pure bred but are continually refusing to say what breed...

I was not refusing at all,I simply was not going to be argued with over a innocent puppy.The thread starting getting iggnorant(which to my thinking im not sure)I was not going to add anymore.

07-17-2006, 11:56 AM
The new addition is very cute. I just love the coloring. I wonder how big it will eventually get. I just love puppies. :)


07-17-2006, 02:27 PM
awww!! look at that big furball. :p He is adorable!

Congrats on the new addition!