View Full Version : I'm Sooo Upset

Lori Jordan
07-16-2006, 09:11 AM
My neighbor came over today and flipped out on me,Why?His compost is in the back corner of both our properties,Maggy was over sniffing at it and he threw a shovel at her,As you know im very light headed when stuff like this happens!I went over screaming i should have kept my cool but if Maggy was hit with it something serious coul have happend right?
Anyhow he said that if my dogs don't stop barking he will be calling the city on me.Dogs Bark...plain and simple if they barked all day all night i'd understand i really would but really there is no wonder why they bark at him right?I do not blame them and....

On the other side of the fence is a family with 2 teenage boys 13-15 they keep smashing there basketball off our wood fence so you know the noise it makes...Molly is terrified to go in that corner,Now her barking apparently is also an issue,My husband says "Oh Bring Her In"I don't they want to get her going they can listen to her we all know how Newfies barks are LOUD.

I'm just beside myself i went through the same thing with my RB Bandit,He had his head scuffed somehow he was hit with something,Hubby thinks he cought his head on something but our yard is clean nothing around to do so.It was our neighbor behind us i know it was just by the way he treats his sons dogs...The neighbors son just got a cocker spaniel pup...It was coming over into our yard to see Storm,,there both the same age and have a riot together.

Anyways he booted the pup right in the stomach over to his yard the sons wife and i completly lost it on him he is now up on 2 charges of animal cruelty..

It angers me to be dealing with this im seriously thinking on putting a FOR SALE sign at the end of my drivway,I love this house i love the property.

But i cannot take anymore of this chaos with my animals.I would love to find a small little hobbie farm,We will see i'm just beside myself at the moment.

07-16-2006, 09:27 AM
I tell you now if someone injured or even tried to injure one of my dogs with a shovel they would be wearing the shovel as a perminent fixture in there skull, I sure don't blame you for loosing it.
As to the neighbors kid, ask him nicely not to bounce the ball of the fence as it is disturbing your peace, upsetting your dogs and is a damaging the fence, if he ignores you speak to the parents. If they refuse do do anything complain.
I am glad the guy who kicked the puppy is up on charges, I hope he goes to jail and during his stay shares a cell with Bubba, hopefully he will recieve the same treatment, what a jerk, I hope they took the puppy away.

Lori Jordan
07-16-2006, 09:30 AM
They bang the ball off of the fence to annoy us!We do not get along with that neighbor those same boys used to shoot pucks at my RB Bandit that is why the fence went up.there doing it to be little Buggers!

07-16-2006, 10:40 AM
I definately would have have went off on the neighbor had he thrown a shovel at my dog. I had a run in with a neighbor earlier in the week but it was MINOR in comparison most definately. But if he would have thrown a shovel or anything at either of us I'd have gone off to then I would have went in and called my ex-marine dad and he'd have taken him down in a New York Minute.

Sounds like PT people are having major NEIGHBOR issues recently and that sucks. I'd hate for you to sell your property over something like this but it doesn't sound like you get along with 3 of your neighbors anyway. I'd scope the real estate section just to see if anything catches your eye and then go from there depending on what you and hubby decide. I have never had any problems with any of my neighbors until Thursday. And those people live in a rental property and have never had problems with any of the other people that lived there either.
Why can't everyone just be nice to each other?

07-16-2006, 12:01 PM
I don't blame you for being upset about your neighbor throwing a shovel at your dog. Had I been there the neighbor would have been eating the shovel for the rest of his life. If anyone even thought about hurting one of my dogs I'd probably end up in jail. I'm a patient person but not when it comes to hurting an animal or a child. That's when my blood boils!!

Lori Jordan
07-16-2006, 12:07 PM
Well i did go off said some pretty nasty things...i did not say anything before but i used the shovel and i smashed the **** out of his composter my husband was like :eek: But im a very nice compasionate person.I truly am id give anyone the shirt off my back...But when it comes to my kids,Husband and animal i go flippy.

07-16-2006, 12:21 PM
I don't blame you for being upset about your neighbor throwing a shovel at your dog. Had I been there the neighbor would have been eating the shovel for the rest of his life. If anyone even thought about hurting one of my dogs I'd probably end up in jail. I'm a patient person but not when it comes to hurting an animal or a child. That's when my blood boils!!

Same here!!!! Your neighbor really sounds "out there" !!

I'm sorry that you are having these problems, really!!!

The guy seems a bit coo-coo to me. Keep your dog AWAY from this misfit!!!! It's a crying shame that you have to endure such havoc where you are living. I'd be inclined to move to another location myself as it is just not worth the stress involved.

I hope and pray that they never hurt your dog!!!

Lori Jordan
07-16-2006, 12:36 PM
Well 2 of my kids are grown and have there life's of there own i wanted a little bit smaller a house anyways,(I'm not down sizing any animals)there here to stay,But me as a workaholic i really do not have time to keep up too such a big house..SOmetimes we all have to make a change!I'd love to be in the boon docks,so peaceful and pleasant!

07-16-2006, 01:15 PM
I'm sorry that you have such "dysfunctional' people living near by.

I wish you could just "click" your fingers and a screened dome would appear over you house and yard.

But , alas, nothing is further from reality .

These neighbors don't sound "family" oriented at all. How long have you lived at this location? It would be hard for me to move myself, having lived in this little ranch on the prairie for such a long time.

Lori Jordan
07-16-2006, 01:24 PM
4 years...I moved from my High Ranch to hear,reasoning when we bought the Highranch It had a wood Foundation..It was 18 years old and needed a new Foundation which it would of costed us fifty thousand to replace it so we sold the house to a couple that ended up lifting the house and put the new foundation...I found this house and had to have it.But it has dawned on me i need to get out of here or have a break down so that is where it is at right now....

07-16-2006, 01:32 PM
so you are now juggling the concept of mental break down, versus moving to another location?

Break down--- moving,,,,,,Break down, ..... moving--------

I'd be inclined to listing the house, packing up my stuff, my dogs, and moving to another location!!! Don't limit your options, as, mental breakdown is far worse than re-locating!!!

07-16-2006, 01:44 PM
That's horrible! If someone threw a shovel at my dog I'd surely end up in jail... because when it comes to my pets, I start going crazy. Just like labmomma.

07-16-2006, 02:15 PM
You should go and throw a shovle back at him.
What a retarted person..
I hope that puppy gets out:(
Go rescue it:)

As for those kids maybe you should get a ball and when they start throwing it against the fence chuck one over the fence and say "oops..:rolleyes: "
Cant you call the cops on them?

Lori Jordan
07-16-2006, 02:22 PM
Already have it is almost like i have to have a camera video taping them doing it,Before anything will get done.

07-16-2006, 03:10 PM
I'm with you 100%. Don't forget my wrist is shattered, my life altered, by a dumb smuck who can't fix his freaking fence and keep his dogs under control! I'm suing this Son of a Gun and I refuse to leave. I have to live next to him. I was here first, with dogs, under control and contained in their own property.

And a compost?! My God! It's a dog's DREAM! Those odors..he should be glad your dogs don't leap the fence and roll in that stuff!

What dog, on the face of the earth, wouldn't bark at the sound of a ball hitting a fence?? I'll bet it's on purpose too! Yet, you pay the consequences!

You better get that camera out! I've been taking photos since my accident of those dogs being out unattended, when someone is suppose to be out with them. They must have seen me because now the owners come out with the dogs, but you pay rent, taxes etc. It's your property. if that jerk kick drops that cocker again, you better get that on film and call animal control.. Easier said than done? Heck. My neighbors had their 1st party this weekend and no dogs in sight. Which tells me, yes, they are horrible around people, dangerous etc. I don't care. I'm NOT moving. I took pictures of their party to give to animal contol. Those dogs were taken somewhere else but it's OK if they roamed 24/7 with a doggie door and nobody home. Shoot. If you're moving just because of the dogs, and you've done nothing wrong, don't give your neighbor's the satisfaction. If you're moving cause you want to move, fine.

I think, seriously, YOU should call animal control FIRSt and let them know that yes, the dog barks because of the compost, doesn't hurt a fly, the guy throws a shovel etc. I've been through this. You need to cover your butt first so it's on record that your dog was almost bodily harmed etc. I'm NOT kidding. You need to look like the good guy cause once this jerk calls animal control, they'll be ringing YOUR bell!

Sorry to be so angry, which is unusual for me. But I don't want another person, going through what I am. It's torture, a living hell and all for the cost of a repair, conversation etc.

Lori Jordan
07-16-2006, 05:33 PM
I hear you 100%,The ball is deliberate it really is...These kids are monsters!As too moving here is the situation,The people i live around have lived here 30 years atleast they were born and raised here.Back in the fall of 2004 these kids were punching threatning my son.I called the police they could not do anything because he was 18 and they were 12 and 14 i guess.My son one thing you have to understand he does have problems he is 18 but acts 10 he is making progress,regardless they were punching him in the head smacking him and ripping his clothes.Police did nothing since then the hole town hates us.

The next door neighbor's sister used to live on the other side of her up until a year ago she had a hound mix..we all know they do not stop howling,barking etc right.

Nothing was ever said to her that dog made noise 24/7 and it was an outdoor dog of that..so offcourse it made noise the dog wanted attention.Simple,since then all the neighbors have gained up in there own little pack and as i said i'll do anything for anyone but i will not put up with BS.Not my kind of candy.

My best thing is too move nothing will change,and i cannot handle this anymore i'm on the verge of a breakdown!

07-16-2006, 06:28 PM
Reading all this makes me so shocked and angry. I've said it many times before ( so often I think I should change it to my motto ) I'm ashamed of humans. :o Some humans.

I'm so happy my nieghbours and I are so peaceful together. There aren't many teenagers in my nieghbourhood. ( only 3 houses on my street, my "nieghbourhood" is mostly forest. Phew !) But I do have two nieghbours who are both very peaceful.

I don't blame you for getting angry about the shovel and the kicking, but like K9karen says, make sure animal control knows you're the good guy.

I am also glad the guy is up for charges. What a relive ! I would be very, VERY angry if he wasn't. He will get his *reward* some day. We'll just have to wait. ;)

Wishing you the best of luck !

07-16-2006, 10:53 PM
Lori, get out of Dodge. No reprimand for beating up your son, no reprimand for a dog barking 24/7. You're right, it's not worth it. Luckily, my situation is the opposite. All the neighbors are keeping an eye out on my back neighbor and his dogs. It's like my own personal police force watching out for me. Remember, other people's attitudes is not worth your health. Geez.