View Full Version : Kitty

Dan Holder
05-19-2002, 04:51 AM
What a shame little Kitty's life started out so badly, but imagine how happy she is now to have a loving home. She looks like a sweetheart. Good luck.

05-19-2002, 06:22 AM
Dear Kitty. What a lovely backdrop for a beautiful British girl; an English garden in full bloom! My heart breaks to read how you were so cruelly mistreated earlier in life sweet Kitty. And while you may not be able to lift your voice, your spirit and big, big, forgiving heart speaks volumes! You haven't let those hard times get you down!! You are a survivor with a heart of gold and a treasure to behold! And we too love you "just the way you are!":) Congratulations beautiful, precious Kitty girl, our lovely and loving, most deserving Cat of the Day!

05-19-2002, 06:32 AM
Kitty, when a cat picks up the fun traits of a dog, nothing could be better!! And how special that you accompany your mother on walks every evening! I wouldn't want to let her out of my sight either! I'm so sorry that someone mistreated you :( but happy that you are now situated in your comfortable loving home, and you are the Cat of the Day!!! What a beautiful girl you are too!! Congratulations! :D

05-19-2002, 09:04 AM
Kitty, I love that picture of you, standing there, so regal. I am so glad your Mum rescued you from that facility and took you home.
I also love the fact that you can shake paws, many dogs can't even do that. Anyone can tell you are very much loved now and always will be. Congratulations dear, beautiful Kitty, Our Very Best Cat of the Day. I'm sure your Mum will be giving you some very special treats on your very special day.

05-19-2002, 09:44 AM
Whenever any of us hear about a rescue after mistreatment, it brings tears to our eyes. Thank goodness your human Mom came along just in time. It is clear you are very well loved and cared for now. That is exactly the way it should be and we honor you for being our very well deserved CAT OF THE DAY!

05-19-2002, 09:45 AM
Congratulations, Kitty, on being Queen of Cat of the Day today! I think we all have a unique place in our hearts for mistreated kitties...Nice to know you have a loving family that enjoys playing with you. Be happy, little one! You are just precious!

Purrs, snuggles and noserubs!

Bari and the Pride

05-19-2002, 11:34 AM

Oh dear Kitty such a beautiful furlady - how anyone could mistreat you amazes me. But I'm so pleased you found your forever home with your loving Mummy (or Daddy!)
I hope you enjoy your really Special Day and have lots of treats, neck scritchies and nose kisses.

Bagel, Ketchum and Dan also want to get in on the act and wish yuou 'Purry purry miaow miaow miaoooooows!!


05-19-2002, 12:12 PM
I'm so glad you now have a wonderful forever home and family. I'd like to see you shake paws. Congratulations on being our special Cat of the Day today.

05-19-2002, 12:52 PM
What a lucky pretty little girl your are to be rescued from those mean, horrible, cruel monsters. (I can't bring myself to call these type of people humans, cause in my books they are not).
Congratulations to your owner for bringing you into a loving home where you truely deserve it.
Congratulations to you for being our precious COTD.Lots of kitty hugs and kisses for you sweet thing on your special day.

05-19-2002, 02:33 PM
Awwww Kitty, you are so sweet looking (and smart too it seems).
I am sorry you had a rough start in life, but now you are with a very good home! :)

Congratulations on being our COTD! :cool:

05-19-2002, 03:05 PM

What Beautiful coloring you have. I love your great
long wiskers.:) Such a majestic pose for a sweet &
lovely kitty. Congratulations on being honored here
today as our very Special CAT OF THE DAY !!!
May the rest of your life be filled with love & tenderness.

Andy Perlman
05-19-2002, 05:05 PM
What a classy feline! Nice pic too, revealing a glimpse of her intimate charms, but leaving something to the imagination.


05-19-2002, 06:11 PM
My personal opinion is that Kitty does not have any traits of the dog in her, but rather that, throughout time, a good many dogs have emulated her without knowing that they were doing so, and certainly with a little less grace and poise than that demonstrated by Kitty.

I am glad that she has a good home now, far removed from that of anyone whose lives have gone so far akelter as to cause them to treat such a fine individual cruelly. I would not be too concerned about the "meow" part. It is my observation that the word "meow" takes on many variations and deriviations depending on the individual cat who happens to be expounding. The very finest cat I ever knew - indeed, perhaps the finest creature that I have ever known on this earth - seldom ever uttered a "meow" but only an "ow," and this so silent and soft that if one did not pay close attention it would appear that the cat had merely opened and closed his mouth, without voicing a single syllable.

But he had spoken, all right, and articulately so.

Whatever variation of 'meow' comes forth from her, I am certain that Kitty is speaking equaly well and thoughtfully.