View Full Version : How do you all handle the pain of animal abuse?(graphic)

07-15-2006, 05:06 PM
I don't know if this belongs here, but I have to start somewhere...

I have read and heard two stories lately...and I haven't wanted to repeat them because I know how sensitive some folks here are. So am I - and they are sticking in my gut like little knives - grief and such sadness...

Another cat hoarder was arrested in Canada somewhere...he knew he had many many cats, and said if he hadn't gotten rid of several he would have over a hundred.

He'd put them in a plastic bag and bury them alive - and said it was really fast; they'd just meow a few times and that was it.

And I bumped into a friend who just moved here - she had broken up with a horrid boyfriend who had smashed one of her cats in the head with a hammer, right in front of her, killing it. She wound up in hospital for several weeks. (And, yes, the a**hole is up on charges).

How do I get rid of this pain? What do you guys do? I literally can't stand knowing this. It is SICK SICK SICK.

How do you balance this out? Or DO you?


Laura's Babies
07-15-2006, 05:08 PM
Just grab a hold to your own and love, love, love them. Then pray to God that this madness will STOP!

07-15-2006, 05:11 PM
There is so much frustration in the world and sadly Pets to some people have become scapegoats to take things out on.
I cannot imagine a crueler fate then be buried alive.
They should try it on that moron, and see how many times he meows.

07-15-2006, 05:18 PM
YES!!! Hug your cats and maybe drop off some food at a shelter. But it is a hard thing to get out of your mind. Despite their horrible ends, at least those cats do not have to suffer any more at the hands of awful people. I will stop here....

07-15-2006, 05:18 PM
I handle it only by knowing that, while these instances take place, these people are in the minority. The poor animals are no longer in pain, the perpetrators are being punished, and those of us who are sickened by this, who know it is wrong, do our bit every day to try to educate people, and work so that they need never happen again.

I have moved this to The Dog House, where such disturbing threads belong.

07-15-2006, 05:53 PM
There is no easy way to handle this pain ... I remind myself to be grateful for people like you and all others at PT who love their furkids and provide them with the best they can. I also cherish my friends who are animal lovers and share their experiences with me.

Singularly, we cannot prevent the cruelty that occurs in our world. Together we can embrace the goodness of people who know the difference.

Hugs to you,


07-15-2006, 06:16 PM
I guess that everyone has their own method, but the one thing I would
not do is let each story get me down to the point of being a sad, quiet
bystander who does nothing BUT cry. I try to let these cases make me more
determined than ever to work to towards an end to animal abuse in any way
I can.

07-16-2006, 12:36 AM
I sleep knowing that when they get to jail they'll get what they deserve! Here in Canada there are rules.. You don't harm a lady, a child or an animal, casue you'll get far worse treatment in jail!

There is no Bubba here in Canada, but there are BIG STRONG MEN in jail!!

It makes me feel good to know that the sickos have to hide in jail in order to avoid a good beating

07-16-2006, 11:37 AM
Ditto what everyone else has said here. Whenever I read or hear (or see :eek: ) one of these stories, I may cry and I always go hug my cats and tell them I love them and would never harm them and we say prayers for the animals, owners/guardians and the perpetrators.

Maya & Inka's mommy
07-16-2006, 11:42 AM
It makes me so sick in my stomack, I feel horrible then.....

I wish that person a slow hurtful death!

I hug my own cats and am happy that I saved their lives!!