View Full Version : St. Bernards???

Minnie, Patches, and Jesse
07-15-2006, 12:47 PM
Are Saint Bernards dangerous..... Are they known to attack???? :confused: I reallly want one but I am afraid ???? Help!!!

07-15-2006, 01:03 PM
They are not dangerous unless ill or completely untrained. In general, they are sweet, gentle giants.

07-15-2006, 02:30 PM
I hope your not afraid because of the movie Cujo?! :) Saint Bernards, like most giant breeds, are known as Gentle giants, they are very gentle and kind, big softies actually. They make wonderful family pets. An untrained Saint can be dangerous , just because of his massive size, they can easily jump up and knock a grown man to the floor. Read up more on the breed, theres nothing to be afraid of, they are very sweet natured dogs.

07-15-2006, 02:32 PM
Well said, Danegirl! :)

07-15-2006, 06:04 PM
i agree with danegirl! :D

Miss Z
07-16-2006, 04:42 AM
St Bernards are beautiful and generally placid dogs. The only downfall with them I think is that they can be a bit of a slobber factory ;)

Minnie, Patches, and Jesse
07-16-2006, 12:33 PM
I feel a lot better about it now... :D I going to get one now!!!!!!!!!!

07-16-2006, 02:14 PM
Make sure you read up on the breed first and go to a reputable breeder if your not going to rescue!

We just got our 3rd Saint Bernard in at the Humane Society since I've worked there. The male, Brutis, got adopted. We still have Pumpkin, the female, and yesterday we got another male named Tiny.

Brutis I'd have to say was the worst, dangerous?, yes and no. He wasn't trained and he was well frankly stupid. He would pull when he wanted to go somewhere, he jumped up when he got really excited, and would roar when another dog barked. I can't tell you how many times I had to walk away from everyone so they wouldn't see me crying because of him. Once a dog at the end of the kennel was barking and Brutis flipped out and tried to run over to him to bark. I had just got done walking him, so I was trying to put him in his kennel. He pulled me, my skin got caught on a latch, and basically my shoulder was ripped on the latch being pulled by him, it took about 10 minutes to get him back in the kennel and that was when another person walked in the room and saw what happened.

Pumpkin is so much better, she doesn't pull but she does jump. She's smaller than Brutis so it's not as harmful, we still don't encourage it.

Tiny was a return, he was to aggressive with strangers, but from what I've heard from other HS workers, he was the best big dog ever at the HS. So I guess I'll see what happens with him.

07-16-2006, 03:08 PM
I feel a lot better about it now... :D I going to get one now!!!!!!!!!!
slow down. have you researched the breed yet? where are you going to get one? hopefully not a petstore! i agree with Megan, adopting is the best way to go.

07-16-2006, 03:52 PM
:( :( No, you cannot just get one that fast. PLEASE REASEARCH THE BREED INSIDE AND OUT BEFORE YOU GET ONE.

07-16-2006, 04:01 PM
I hope your not afraid because of the movie Cujo?! :) Saint Bernards, like most giant breeds, are known as Gentle giants, they are very gentle and kind, big softies actually. They make wonderful family pets. An untrained Saint can be dangerous , just because of his massive size, they can easily jump up and knock a grown man to the floor. Read up more on the breed, theres nothing to be afraid of, they are very sweet natured dogs.

well said. :) I haven't met a saint bernard in my life until maybe a month or so ago at the shelter. She went to a Saint bernard rescue in Washington. Can you believe NOBODY came looking for her?! It's very rare for people not to come looking for a dog like that. She was a big sweetheart! :) her name was Aspen. :)

07-16-2006, 04:03 PM
:( :( No, you cannot just get one that fast. PLEASE REASEARCH THE BREED INSIDE AND OUT BEFORE YOU GET ONE.

ditto. PLEASE research the breed so you know what you're getting yourself into! they are very sweet but you can't just rush into a breed you know NOTHING about!

07-16-2006, 04:05 PM
I read that they can be fairly unpredictable, but that was only one breeder's article. I'd do more reading if I were you. We have three regulars at the shop I work at. The one that comes in most often is only a puppy and she bites us all the time. Do some research and talk to some breeders and owners before making a decision.

07-16-2006, 10:23 PM
oh my.. please research the breed more! You cannot just go out and get one!..you need to research them and if you can, spend some time around a full grown adult saint, they are a giant breed dog. It is not uncommon for males to reach over 150lbs, make sure you are ready for such a huge dog. with big dogs comes big responsibilities, bigger vet bills, bigger food bills, bigger everything, belive me i know! They really are a great breed, i am glad you are considering one, but please, PLEASE familiarize yourself with the breed, THEN think about getting one. There are hundreds of saint bernards, and other giant breeds, across the country, because their owners really wern't ready for such a big dog, and the dogs are the ones who have to suffer

07-16-2006, 10:24 PM
So, Minnie, Patches, and Jesse, are you going to research the breed?? I REALLY hope so... :(

Minnie, Patches, and Jesse
07-17-2006, 08:17 AM
That is what I did all night at the bookstore.. I bought lots of books and picked one place that looks the best it is called the Saint Bernard Rescue Foundation, INC. It looks very trustworthy. I can't go today becuase my sister is having a baby so i will do a little more research in the waiting room bieeee ;) thnxs for all ur support

07-18-2006, 04:36 PM
Well, that's a great start... but you should REALLY research more. I'm thinking you are going to get this dog, not know what to expect, and then give him up... I hope not. :rolleyes:

07-18-2006, 04:41 PM
we shouldve lied and said they are great big eating monsters and are very dangerous :confused: not as dangerous as an uneducated owner though.........................what was that old saying? a LITTLE knowledge is a dangerous thing :(

07-18-2006, 06:47 PM
we shouldve lied and said they are great big eating monsters and are very dangerous :confused: not as dangerous as an uneducated owner though.........................what was that old saying? a LITTLE knowledge is a dangerous thing :(
I really hope she doesn't get a St. Bernard... :( :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

07-18-2006, 07:22 PM
ME TOO :rolleyes: however I think she will and I am afraid the dog will be the loser here. :mad:

07-20-2006, 06:02 PM
St. Bernards are actually VERY sweet dogs, just FYI>

07-20-2006, 07:04 PM
St. Bernards are actually VERY sweet dogs, just FYI>

ditto. they are big love bugs! :)