View Full Version : Beau's vet appointment...not good news..Updated again--better news!

07-14-2006, 06:30 PM
I took Beau to the vet today as I was concerned about him. He seems to have lost a noticeable amount of weight in a very short time. He doesn't eat much and he drinks alot! I thought I was prepared for not great news, but Beau is worse shape than I expected.

His kidneys are extremely small and the vet thinks they aren't functioning much at all. He weighs a mere 7.5 pounds! She took some blood and urine today. He got some fluids as he was a bit dehydrated today. She'll have the results on Monday. I have another appointment for one of the dogs then so I'll get the results then. The vet is already talking about admitting him next week and pumping IV fluids into him for a few days. I'd much rather do sub-q fluids at home. We'll decide on Monday after seeing the test results and how he does over the weekend on which way to proceed.

He also has a broken canine tooth, (just the tip is missing) which explains why he doesn't like to eat kibble. I bought every kind of canned renal diet food they had at the clinic. He's not a big fan of the Medi-Cal kind I already have at home for him. Maybe he'll like one of these ones more.

I'm a little suprised by my reaction. I am much more angry than sad. I had a little cry at the clinic while the vet was getting the blood sample. Now I just feel like kicking something! Just doesn't seem fair. He just got here! He's such a nice, laid back cat. I wish I'd taken my camera to the clinic. When I let him out of his carrier, Beau sprawled across the exam table like he owned the place! Never seen a cat so relaxed at the vet! He was even purring and making biscuits!

07-14-2006, 06:34 PM
Thats always a terrifying time when your Vet comes out with a sad face, and says I have some bad news about your Cat.
You feel guilty, at least I did, and felt like a Bad Cat Dad.
We are praying hard for Beau, and if he has to stay at the Vets, there will be Guardian Pets 24/7.
Please get better Beau, there have been too many new Angels this month.

Laura's Babies
07-14-2006, 06:36 PM
Sorry to hear this news.. I will remember to say a prayer for him tonight. Hope he gets to feeling better.

Cinder & Smoke
07-14-2006, 06:47 PM
Hi God ~

Need sum Help Up North fur Beau Kat - anna {{{God's Hug}}} for Momma Glacier!

Please let Beau *like* wunna the new foods an want to EAT more.

We'll be Krossin Klawz & Pawz an sendin Purrayers fur Beau!

Thanks, God!

/s/ the KAT anna Prayer Pups

07-14-2006, 06:50 PM
Oh, I hope the wet food and sub-Q fluids at home make all the difference for Beau!

He is a gorgeous special boy...and SO loved, I am sure that will carry him a long way.

HUGS HUGS HUGS and prayers to you and Baby Beau!


07-14-2006, 08:00 PM
Hugs to you and to Beau. I understand how you must feel - life is so not fair. This sweet little guy has finally landed a great home and should have nothing but glorious days to look forward to.

I hope Beau rallies with the new food and can be as comfortable as possible. There is consolation in knowing that he will be cared for and can live out his life with dignity. Thank you so much for being the person that you are and making this possible for Beau.


07-14-2006, 08:03 PM
:( :( :( ((( hugs )))

07-14-2006, 08:04 PM
I have LES! :( Beau, I sure hope you can hold your own for a while with some supportive care. You deserve all the quality of life that you have left.

07-14-2006, 11:07 PM
Fingers and claws crossed here that Beau is going to be ok for a long time yet.

07-15-2006, 01:05 AM
Thank you all for your kind words and support for Beau. I've shed some tears, kicked a few rocks around the yard and yelled a few trees--trees are good for that! Then I drove back to town and bought every flavor of baby food I thought might be vaguely appealing to a cat, a case of Fancy Feast fish flavors, some catsip milk, and some Pepcid AC. I'll find something he'll eat this weekend! He can have all the deli ham and cheesey noodles he wants too!

When his test results come in, if the vet recommends it, I will let him stay at the clinic for a few days to get fully hydrated again. I've done lots of sub-q fluids on Paxil(a dog with chronic pancreatitis). I can do them on Beau too.

I knew when I adopted him that I wouldn't get years and years with him. That is the problem with adopting seniors, but I'm not settling for six weeks. As long as he's comfortable and happy, as he is right now purring on my lap while I type, I'll do whatever it takes to keep him that way! When the time comes and he has to go, he will leave this life knowing nothing but love.

07-15-2006, 04:05 AM
Oh, sweet Beau, I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you and praying that all will be better. NOT FAIR! :mad:

Doesn't it make you angry and sad at the same time to hear something like that? Beau is supposed to be happy, healthy, and ready to start on the rest of his 9 lives.

And, wouldn't you know that Beau would act like such the gentleman even at the vet's?

Please give him some gentle scritches from me (and HUGS to you). :(

07-15-2006, 04:21 AM
Oh noooooo Beau, I just fell in love with your sweet old face when I saw you, you have to get better. You're an old fighter and have to get through your rough sick patch. Try and eat the food that you're given, you have to stay longer in your new home for your mum's sake and so we can see lots of new photos of that old sweet handsome face of yours.
Paws and fingers crossed you get better soon...we are thinking of you old guy.
Love Kate , Jack & Sunny

07-15-2006, 06:00 AM
Oh no, poor Beau!!!

I'll keep you in my thoughts and hope the sub-q-fluids will help him to recover.

Please get better!


07-15-2006, 08:36 AM
Thank you all for your kind words and support for Beau. I've shed some tears, kicked a few rocks around the yard and yelled a few trees--trees are good for that! Then I drove back to town and bought every flavor of baby food I thought might be vaguely appealing to a cat, a case of Fancy Feast fish flavors, some catsip milk, and some Pepcid AC. I'll find something he'll eat this weekend! He can have all the deli ham and cheesey noodles he wants too!

As long as he's comfortable and happy, as he is right now purring on my lap while I type, I'll do whatever it takes to keep him that way! When the time comes and he has to go, he will leave this life knowing nothing but love.


You are the best meowmie Beau could ever have hoped for and he knows it. Lots of prayers and gentle hugs coming your way. Let's get that baby feeling better.


Queen of Poop
07-16-2006, 04:38 PM
With all that love and care that Beau is receiving from you I can't see how he could not get better. Hugs to you both, prayers too.

07-16-2006, 04:55 PM
Many prayers are being prayed right now for Beau and for you! Hoping and praying that your vet will give you some positive news tomorrow. Please let us know what your vet says?

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-16-2006, 05:27 PM
Oh my gosh, poor Beau! Somehow I missed this until today and I'm so sorry to hear his results weren't better. However, like Queen of Poop says, he can't help but get better with such a good meowmy. :)

I will be hoping and praying he has many many many months left with you and I'm sure he has known more love in the last six weeks than he knew his entire previous life. :)

PS, I'll have to try the kicking rocks and yelling at trees form of therapy. I can see how it would work well since they can't talk back. ;)

07-16-2006, 07:02 PM
I am sorry to hear about Beau.

May he, and you, have more time than you could imagine together. I hope the fluids help. Hugs to you, and gentle scritchies to Beau.

07-16-2006, 09:48 PM
Good thoughts and prayers on the way for Beau. Hope that those fluids helped. I know they helped my RB girl Quasar who only had one kidney.

07-16-2006, 10:53 PM
so sorry to hear this
will keep you in my thoughts and prayers

07-17-2006, 04:32 AM
How is that sweet boy doing? :(

Killearn Kitties
07-17-2006, 04:49 AM
Sending all my positive vibes to you and Beau. That boy deserves a lot more time for cuddling yet!

07-17-2006, 07:24 AM
Ohh Tamara i am sorry {{HUGS}}. Good thoughts on the way for Beau, all fingers, paws and claws will be crossed for you.

07-17-2006, 08:53 AM
We are sending more Prayers for your Big Beau, and we pray that all is well with him.
We want our Friend Beau to be well soon.

07-17-2006, 09:22 AM
I am so sorry Tamara. {{{hugs}}} Yous will be in my thoughts & prayers.

Maya & Inka's mommy
07-17-2006, 09:29 AM
Please get better soon, dear Beau!

07-17-2006, 11:24 AM
Glacier, Beau, and you, are in my prayers. Thank you for loving him for however long he will be with you.

He is a lucky cat and you are a lucky lady to know him.


07-17-2006, 11:29 AM
PRAYERS FOR Beau and his MOM!!!

07-17-2006, 11:58 AM
I'm so sorry for all you are going through.I will send extra prayers for your Dear Beau :(

07-17-2006, 12:27 PM
tamara, here's hoping for good news today.

07-17-2006, 12:28 PM
How is that sweet boy doing? :(

He held his own over the weekend. He likes the Hill's formula food. I've been giving him lots of soft food. He doesn't eat much at a time, but he eats a little every time I offer him some. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v38/Glacier1998/Cats%202006/Beau/content.jpg
He seems pretty content right now. Doesn't seem to be feeling too poorly! :D I will have his full test results later this afternoon.

07-17-2006, 12:37 PM
Such a smoochable face. Hope you keep feeling OK, Beau.

I'll be waiting to hear the test results.

07-17-2006, 04:28 PM
I got Beau's test results today. It's mixed news. The good news is that his kidneys are working...not perfectly, but much better than expected. His kidney values are within normal limits for a cat of his age. The bad news is that his problems are being caused by his liver. Not sure why but his liver values are off the charts, very high! The vet says there are several reasons--feline hepatitis, tumor or toxin exposure. I'm willing to bet on toxin. Beau was a stray before he got here. Who knows how long he wandered or what he got into! Most of the potential causes can only be diagnosed through a biopsy.

I have decided not to proceed with any further tests at this point. Beau is comfortable, happy, content and not in any pain. His appetite is good. He doesn't eat much on his own, but if I stick food under his nose he eats a little every time. I can't see much benefit from putting him through surgery. The vet says that her treatment plan wouldn't change much regardless of the diagnosis. She had no definate prognosis. He could get weeks, months, maybe even a bit longer with good management. So for now at least, I am just going to manage the symptoms. Beau will get sub-q fluids as he needs them, a little milk thistle to help his liver, a low protein diet when he'll eat it and all the loving he can handle.
Oh, and nip! He'll have to get regular doses of nip! :D

07-17-2006, 04:30 PM
Please give that sweet boy some scritches from me.

Beau, honey, I will be praying for you. and, keep eating!! ;)

Queen of Poop
07-17-2006, 04:39 PM
Oh, Oh, use the milk thistle for sure. When Sebastian (ferret) had awful liver values I put him on it. Next month his liver values were back to acceptable. He's doing fine now as far as his liver goes. Baldness is another story.

Prayers for Beau that he gets better with all the TLC he's getting from his meowmie. I'm sure your sheer will alone will keep him going!!

07-17-2006, 04:46 PM
It sounds like a perfect plan. We love you Beau and are hoping you keep your appetite up.

07-17-2006, 04:50 PM
We are praying for Beau to fool everyone, and have many more years of good health.
They told me that when I took Smokey in that he would have six months , tops.
He had almost 7 years.

Cinder & Smoke
07-17-2006, 05:18 PM
> smile < http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/wink.gif Tamara!

There's a lot worse things he could be suffering from!

So for now at least, I am just going to manage the symptoms.
Beau will get sub-q fluids ...
milk thistle to help his liver ...
a low protein diet ...

and all the loving he can handle! http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/biggrin.gif


Oh, and nip! He'll have to get regular doses of nip! http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

I'm sure if you asked Beau, he'd say the Plan is just *FINE* with him!

Beau sez:
Hey MOM!
Ya mentioned "NIP" ... now that ya mention it, a NIP Partee would be
just GREAT rite now! Let's get started wiffa PLAN!"

Feel Better, Beau!!

07-17-2006, 05:55 PM
That FACE is so KISSABLE! And milk thistle and all that love will do him a world of good.

Oh, and the NIP! YAH!


07-17-2006, 06:59 PM
I hope he's happy and healthy for many more years, at least he's in a place where he is loved. :)

07-17-2006, 07:20 PM
Beau is so lucky to have you! Your plan for him sounds like the best option. He looks like such a loveable, huggable, kissable, smoochable fellow! Keep up the good work, and keep us posted!


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-17-2006, 07:41 PM
I agree, sounds like a perfect plan. As long as he's comfortable.....that and all the loving he can take sounds like a pretty good life to me. ;)

He really does have such a sweet face. Please give him smoochies from me. I will be hoping and praying the fluids, the loving and the milk thistle do the trick and he's with you for many many months to come.

(milk thistle? have to go look that one up)

07-17-2006, 08:35 PM
Please, please KISS THAT CAT FOR ME! :D

07-17-2006, 10:01 PM

Beau you are the sweetest boy. I hope you have many wonderful times ahead of you because you certainly deserve the best.

Lot of hugs to you Tamara to taking such good care of this little guy.


07-18-2006, 04:03 AM
Beau, you sure are going to live a long long time in such a happy home. You'll have all the nip you can handle and lots of loving, and this is all you need to keep you going isn't it. You're so so handsome and I just wish I could cuddle you, you're meowmie is so lucky to have a great gentleman in her house.
As long as you're happy that's all that matter, and you know what I think you're probably the happiest you've been in you life aren't you ;)

07-18-2006, 07:49 AM
I'm sorry to hear that Beau is not feeling well but I think with your plan of action he will be very happy.

07-18-2006, 10:39 AM
My new vet just called again--new in a couple ways--literally she looks like she just graduated from high school and she's just started working for my regular vet(he's away on paternity leave, the proud daddy of a baby girl born last week!). Dr. Lise may be very young, but she seems to know her stuff!

She called me at work this morning and said she'd been thinking about Beau's liver numbers and what would cause them to be so high. She thinks hyperthyroidism is a possiblity. The thought occured to me last night too! Fortunately, she took enough blood last week that Beau doesn't have to go back for another appointment. Part of me hopes that it is hyperthyroidism. At least I can treat that with medication(Radiation therapy isn't available here). Will update again when she gets me the test results.

07-18-2006, 11:27 AM
I'm so glad that Beau is with you now and enjoying a wonderfully comfortable life; I hate to think of him wandering alone when he's feeling so rotten. He looks like a handsome and cuddlesome cat, one who likes to tuck himself against you when you lie down.

Sometimes liver values can be high due to an infection, at least that's what happened to one of my elderly cats. After antibiotic treatment, they went back to normal. I don't really want to say this, but hyperthyroidism and renal failure can be a difficult combination to treat. I went through this last year with my very special Artful Dodger (who also had heart problems). Hyperthyroidism actually forces more blood through the kidneys and so makes them work more efficiently and keeps the values closer to normal. When you treat the hyperthyroidism, you can increase the renal failure. However, since Beau still has "within normal range" kidney function values, the hyperthyroidism treatment may make them go up only a little - and extra sub-q fluids should help there. Hoping for the best for you both.

07-18-2006, 11:42 AM
I am so sorry to hear that Beau has not been feeling well lately... but it sounds like "the plan" is a great one for everyone! Beau's face is so very kissable! I could just smooch on it all day! What a cutie patootie! Give him a kissie from me, and Tabitha, Sasha, and I are sending lots of prayers your way from Indiana.

07-18-2006, 03:24 PM
Beau is hyperthyroid! My vet just called to confirm his test results. A normal result is around 35. Beau's t4 level is at 51!

I know it's still not great news. He's still ancient and sick, but I can treat this--just a pill every day! I'm so happy that I can do something! That he has a chance to get better! :D I will be picking up his medication later today. He'll go back in a couple weeks for a progress exam.

Thank you all so much for all your support! Beau and I both appreciate it very much!

07-18-2006, 03:28 PM
I am SO glad it is something treatable! Like you said, of course, he is still old, but hey! this could help him have so much more time with you than you thought. Hugs to Beau!

07-18-2006, 03:36 PM
That's great news that you can help him with one pill a day.Prayers still coming Beau's way for a longer life filled with love with you.

07-18-2006, 03:36 PM
:) :) :)

So happy to hear this news! Now Beau, be a good boy, and take your medicine when Meowmie gives it to you. No spitting it back out at her. It is to help you feel better!

What great news!

07-18-2006, 03:45 PM
That is good news, that it's something treatable.

07-18-2006, 03:54 PM
Sorry I'm so late with this post, best wishes goes out to Beau, and you for being a great cat-mom!

Fluffy, our senior is also going through pretty much the same problem, and let me tell you, a month after his sub-q's started, he is back to his same ole self!
He even has started to put a few ounces back on :D (we are working up to a full pound!) Hopefully you will notice a quick turn a round in Beau, from what I have been told, they can live for many years this way :D

All fingers & paws are crossed over here for you! Get well Beau!

Queen of Poop
07-18-2006, 03:59 PM
Ya hoo!!! Some good news for dear, sweet Beau and his loving meowmie. I'm glad your new, young vet kept him in her thoughts. Give that sweet boy a big, gentle hug!!

07-18-2006, 06:24 PM
Finnigan hopes Beau will take his pill and get well, he doesn't like to see his Canadian cousin so ill. :)

07-18-2006, 09:30 PM
Where theres life, theres hope.
When I took in poor Smokey, it was thought taht he would last 6 months, he lasted almost 7 years.
We wish you the best of luck with Beau.

Laura's Babies
07-18-2006, 10:14 PM
YA HOOOOOoooooooo! I am happy dancing now!! WAY to GO BEAU!!! May you turn around and be back to normal very soon!

07-18-2006, 11:03 PM
Oh Happy Days!!! How wonderful that the new vet took the initiative to do some further testing.

Well Beau, it's up to you now dude ... take your meds like a good boy and let's hope it makes you feel better :D


07-18-2006, 11:14 PM
YAAAY! He looks so laid back, he'll probably eat the pill from your hand.

Ok, maybe not.... :D

But what GREAT news that this is treatable!


07-19-2006, 04:25 AM
I'm relieved to hear such good news!!! "Treatable" is always something wonderful to hear, esp. when it deals with our furbabies.

Now Beau, we expect you to continue to act like the gentleman you are and take your daily dose calmly and without fuss!! :D ;) You will feel so much better, sweet boy.

Kudos to your vet!!!

07-19-2006, 04:48 AM
I'm glad things are working out!
I'm new here on Pet Talk, and I've cried to several of the stories that I have read, this was one of them. It is very sad to see a lovely kitty get sick, but I'm very happy that he can be helped! There are so many that can't, it's always a wonderful thing when things work out.

Killearn Kitties
07-19-2006, 05:08 AM
This is better news! Please give Beau a little squeeze from me while you give him his pill. :D
Get better Beau!

07-19-2006, 05:50 AM
Yay Beau! Just one small little pill everyday and you'll feel a whole lot better. Make sure you are good and take the pill properly for yourself and fo your meowmie ;)
Get better soon Beau, we really love you here on Pet Talk!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-19-2006, 10:28 AM
What wonderful news! I sure hope he responds well to the treatment.

Just one observation. Hyperthyroidism is normally exhibited by being tense, jittery and on edge. If this is Beau with hyperthyroidism, how much more laid back can he get once the meds start kicking in? ;) :D

07-19-2006, 10:46 AM
That's great news for Beau. :)

07-19-2006, 11:45 AM
I'm so glad to hear that you now know what his problem is and that it can be treated. I hope he's back to his old self very soon.:)

07-19-2006, 12:02 PM
Wonderful news Tamamra :D.