View Full Version : You Know You Want to Click...(Please Vote for Pumkin!)

07-14-2006, 02:14 PM
Hi everyone,

Some of you may remember my foster girl, Pumkin (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=107432) entered my life. She was found as a scared, neglected girl tied to a tire in Louisiana. A rescue I foster for flew her up here and and I was fortunate enough to foster her. In addition to an array of other health problem, she tested positive for heartworm, but we thought it was mild. However, further tested indicated that she was too far gone and the worms had actually travelled to many of her organs. In addition, a pin in her leg (which we can only assume was intended to fix a leg that had been broken in the past) was protruding and actually poking her. While this problem could have been fixed by surgery, she was not strong enough to undergo the anesthetic and we all felt it was inhumane to make her suffer any longer. Consequently, she was sent to the Bridge where she can run and play in perfect health on June 17th, 2006.

Even though Pumkin didn't make it, the cost to ship her up here and all of her tests were very expensive. In an attempt to try to raise some funds for the rescue who gave her the chance to experience love, I entered my three pups (Mocha, Panna, and Cannelle) in a Patriotic Pets Photo Contest (the grand prize is $500). However, they're losing miserably which is why I need YOU (think Uncle Sam...it is a Patriotic Photo contest after all) to PLEASE take a minute to vote and send this to your friends and family. I would be eternally grateful to you. They ask you for your e-mail to verify the vote, however nobody else I know who has voted has received any junk mail at all so don't worry.

The picture's here (http://www.tlcpetfood.com/contest/patrioticpets) and it's the first picture in the forth row (Mocha, Panna, and Cannelle). Voting ends in just under two weeks on Thursday, July 27th.

If you could please, please do this, I would really appreciate it.

Thanks SO much!

P.S. You can vote more than once with different e-mails, if you feel so inclined... :p

R.I.P. my angel...

Maya & Inka's mommy
07-14-2006, 04:32 PM
No problem, I voted, got an e-mail, and confirmed my vote!
Good luck!!

07-14-2006, 04:41 PM
She looked so cute! I voted for your pups Good luck!

07-14-2006, 04:43 PM
I voted! Looks like you got a ways to go to catch up with Meeko (254 votes)!

We can do this! Vote early and vote often!

Laura's Babies
07-14-2006, 04:57 PM
Done...and confirmed.

07-14-2006, 06:07 PM
Thanks so much Maya & Inka's mommy, Muddy4paws, AbbyMom, and Laura's Babies.

Looks like you got a ways to go to catch up with Meeko (254 votes)!
Hehe, Bentley's at 262 right now, but we've caught up to 80! We can do it, there's 13 days left! :D

Thanks again everybody, I REALLY appreciate it!

07-15-2006, 10:35 AM
Voted! :)

07-15-2006, 01:04 PM
Thank you SO much ChrisH and those who voted but didn't post!

We're in 3rd place with 146 votes, only 118 votes behind first place. Please spread the word everybody, we can do this!!! There's 12 full days left!

Thank you again everyone, you have no idea how much this means to me.


07-17-2006, 09:35 AM
We have officially moved into first place!!! Right now, we're sitting at 322 votes, Meeko's in second with 291, and Bentley's in third with 280.

There's still a lot of time left and a lot can happen until July 27th, but I really, really think that we can do this. Thank you SO MUCH everybody, and please keep spreading the word!


critter crazy
07-17-2006, 09:53 AM
You are now at 324!! I just voted and confirmed!!! You are still in the lead!!! YAY!!!!!:D

07-17-2006, 11:40 AM
Voted...but havn't confirmed yet, but I will!!! :)

07-18-2006, 01:15 PM
THANKS critter crazy and Flatcoatluver!!!

We're at 423 now! Second place is at 329 and third place is at 294...this is incredible! We're in the lead by 94 votes!

Thanks so much everybody!

07-18-2006, 01:24 PM
I voted but didn't recieve the confirmation e-mail.

07-18-2006, 01:31 PM
I definitely voted and confirmed for your doggies! :D I wish you the best of luck, and with my vote, you have 424 votes!!! Great job!

07-21-2006, 01:18 PM
I voted but didn't recieve the confirmation e-mail.
Thank you for trying to vote and sorry for my late reply, molucass. Did you check your junk mail folder? I know that sometimes e-mails like this sneak in there.

I definitely voted and confirmed for your doggies! I wish you the best of luck, and with my vote, you have 424 votes!!! Great job!
Thanks mustlovedogs!!! We're currently at 541 votes, 193 votes ahead of second place! It's incredible! The contest ends in just under one week; we're getting sooo close!!!

07-27-2006, 01:47 AM
We're at the last day everyone!!!

We're sitting at 662 votes, 252 votes ahead of second. There's still a day left and it's probably going to be the hardest day, but we can definitely do this.

Let's get those last votes in for the rescue dogs! We're almost there!

07-27-2006, 01:57 AM
Voted! :D

07-28-2006, 01:17 PM
You won with 709 votes!!! :D Great job! I'm so glad you won, you definitely need and deserve the money to pay for Pumkin's bills and shipping costs. Everyone who voted, you are such great people in helping chocolatecoffee! :D

07-29-2006, 03:09 PM
Thank you Aquamarine!

You won with 709 votes!!! Great job! I'm so glad you won, you definitely need and deserve the money to pay for Pumkin's bills and shipping costs. Everyone who voted, you are such great people in helping chocolatecoffee!
Thank you! Just to clarify though, I didn't pay for Pumkin's bills and shipping costs myself. The rescue covered everything, I was just her foster home. I just wanted to raise some money for them to help cover the costs and that means that ultimately, they'll be able to save more dogs.

Mocha, Panna, and Cannelle would just like to say...

THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYONE!!! I really appreciate all of your guys' support!