View Full Version : Kittens/Cats in need of Help in Bellefonte, PA

07-14-2006, 10:48 AM
I'm looking for an organization or someone that will help me catch sick kittens as well as some adult cats that are in a desperate need of a home. These cats are living the worst conditions I've ever seen. They are lying in their own feces. I have contacted PAWS but they are full right now and so is the SPCA (the SPCA won't turn down any animal but if they are full and you drop off an animal there it will be euthanized regardless of how healthy the animal is). If you know of someone who you think might be able to help please have them e-mail me. Most of these cats are just kittens less than 4 months and they need a home. Please let me know if you can help out.



07-14-2006, 11:36 AM
Good luck with finding an organization who can help you. I know that several long-time PT'ers do rescue work in PA, though I don't know how close they will be to you. At least they may know of some groups that can assist - I certainly hope so. The kitten season here in the PNW seems pretty much as usual with plenty of kittens but a good adoption rate, I don't know why it is so bad in other areas this year.

Does the woman who has these cats on her property regard them as "hers"? Does it bother her that you are taking some of the kittens or doesn't she even notice? Does she think this is the way cats should live?

07-14-2006, 12:54 PM
I have contacted alot of organizations from around the area and they are all full or are having trouble placing the cats they already have.

I have spoken with this woman and she says that I can take as many cats as I can. She said she needs the help, but I don't think she realizes what she is doing to them. I told her to start putting their food in bowls on the other sidewalk area, so that the cat's don't eat their own s**t and pee. The last time I was there, she still didn't have the bowls out with fresh food or water. I know she was a volunteer for PAWS a long time ago so she should know that you can't let cats live like this. Her front porch smells so bad that since she lives up on a little hill you can't see it from the road so I don't think her neighbors complain or they just don't want to get involved.

The last time I was there when I got three more kittens which the total I saved so far is 12 but two passed away, I met a young girl about 12 whose grandmother lives on this same street and she told me that last year there were alot of dead kittens on this womens front lawn and she said nothing was done. I can't believe that no one did anything. It's just such a sad situation.


07-14-2006, 01:40 PM
So, even though she worked for an animal welfare organization in the past, she isn't getting the cats spayed and neutered? She sounds totally overwhelmed and has reached a point where she feels helpless so there is no point in providing the miminal care for the cats. Or do you think she is suffering from depression which can lead to such a mind-set?

It sounds like the neighborhood in general has decided that "it isn't their problem" and has accepted things, turning their heads away so they don't see the misery. I do hope we can get other people involved so you can get some support and don't have to keep trying to do this alone.

What are your main concers? Having the athorities involved to stop the woman collecting cats? Getting help in scooping up all the cats and getting them to a vet and then into homes? Financial help?

07-14-2006, 02:50 PM
Right she is not providing any medical care to these cats including getting them fixed which would help this problem. She is overwhelmed but she does not seem to realize you can't treat cats like that. There is no reason for it. I haven't spoke with her enough to know if she is suffering from depression, all I know if from what I've heard is that when her daughter and son come to visit her they don't even bother walking threw the front porch; they will go around back to her door. Which has me confused that her son or daughter won’t tell her that she can’t live like that? Yet she also had the nerve to come out of her house to talk with me, walking threw the awful stench and yet holding a cigarette. How can you afford to support your drug habit while these poor cats are walking around in the own feces. It makes me so anger that people can be that oblivious.

My main concerns are of course the welfare of these cats. I have been able to remove most of the sick cats and the first batch I took to Paws even though I knew they were full but they needed medical attention and there was no way I could afford to take care of 9 of the cats myself.

I have contacted the Health Dept. of Spring Twp. which is where she lives and they said if she has trash on her porch they can't do anything about it, if it's on her lawn he could tell her to remove it but as for the cats he can't do anything about it. But I figured if he went there, which I never followed up with him to see if he did go, then she would have moved some of the stuff around her porch or by her steps but yard doesn't look any better. She does have a dog, I've never seen the condition of the dog yet, but it was barking when I was there.

No one to my knowledge has gotten involved in telling this woman she needs to remove the cats from her property or get them fixed.

I had one volunteer who took in three cats into her home and cleaned them up and she is in the process of finding the three kittens a loving home.

Unfortunately there is no financial help; I'm just using the extra time I have to call people and to see if someone is willing to help me find homes for these cats. I even told the one volunteer that if the three kittens were too much for her to handle or she needed help with vet bills to call me, because most places are willing to work out some type of payment arrangement just depending on who you see.


07-14-2006, 06:12 PM
That is awful that these people think they are helping the Cats.
It makes those of us, who have several Cats guilty by association.
We hope that you can get help, and save as many of those poor Cats as possible.
Good Luck!!!

07-15-2006, 03:53 PM
Well today I stopped out to check out the situation and found a little tiny tiger kitten not moving but breathing and I picked her up and her whole back leg was infected and there were magets all over her back leg and she was dying so I made the decision to take her to the SPCA and have her put down.

I'm so upset just wondering when will something I do be helpful.


07-15-2006, 04:29 PM
Melissa -

http://www.altoona.net/cphs/ This page has an Abuse/Neglect form you can fill out. There's a link on the LHS.

How about contacting the media?

There must be a bylaw on pets...call your town office and ask. The Health department is obviously not the place to call.

Or if you can find out who her doctor is...


Laura's Babies
07-15-2006, 04:41 PM
You see horders on TV all the time and the filth they have their animals living in. I agree, get it on TV asap!

07-15-2006, 06:54 PM
I have contacted the one news station but they never called me back. I might have to try another one. Right now I'm going to try to work on trapping the mothers right now and get them fixed. It's just finding the resources to do so.

07-15-2006, 06:55 PM

I did check it out but I just want to make sure I can get as many as possible because our SPCA here if they step in will just kill these cats and not give them a fair chance at life. I know life is not fair but it's just upsetting to know that someone would let this happen to cats.



Melissa -

http://www.altoona.net/cphs/ This page has an Abuse/Neglect form you can fill out. There's a link on the LHS.

How about contacting the media?

There must be a bylaw on pets...call your town office and ask. The Health department is obviously not the place to call.

Or if you can find out who her doctor is...


07-15-2006, 07:48 PM
Is the SPCA the same organization as the link?

07-15-2006, 08:42 PM
I think so. I will look into it though, every option I get I look into. The SPCA is a humane society so I'm assuming it's the same but I'd rather wait till I can get at least all the I can out of the situation before sending them to a death sentence.

But thanks so much I have bookedmark the link so I have it.

Thanks again,


Is the SPCA the same organization as the link?

07-15-2006, 08:45 PM
Okay, you do have your hands full at the moment.

Just that the abuse/neglect form made me wonder if this was a different group.


07-15-2006, 08:51 PM
Other rescue groups in PA




07-15-2006, 08:59 PM
I have attached the pictures I took today, I won't send threw the one of the kitten due to the graphic that no one should have to see.

The one picture you will see a tiny little orange tiger cat. It's hard to tell sorry.


07-15-2006, 09:37 PM

I will check it out. Thanks again! It does seem like it's different, especially since our SPCA here in State College doesn't even have a form you can fill out online, the only way you can file an abuse/neglect is by calling them and most chances are they never go out to investigate even thought it's there job to.

Thanks again,


Okay, you do have your hands full at the moment.

Just that the abuse/neglect form made me wonder if this was a different group.


07-15-2006, 09:38 PM
Great thanks, I've been checking these links out, found maybe a few that might help spay/neuter these cats for free. We'll see. Thanks!

Other rescue groups in PA




07-16-2006, 10:13 AM

Just wanted to let everyone know so far I'm looking for some foster/permanient homes for these cats.

I'm not going to stop yet, I thought about just giving up last night and realized I can't do that.

Please let me know if you would like to help out.



07-17-2006, 06:37 AM
I just wanted to let you all know that I got one person who said they would foster a cat and so her and I went to this house yesterday and we were able to get two kittens, one I had to take back to my place because it had maggots coming out of it's butt. It died shortly last night. I'm not sure how much more I'm going to be involved. My heart is breaking.


07-18-2006, 07:57 AM
Well I decided not to give up just yet. I called the police but he was too chicken to knock on her door because of the smell.

I just want her behind bars!

Laura's Babies
07-18-2006, 08:34 AM
If you give up, who will help these babies? See if you can get help on the spay/neuter and go that route and the ones you can, find homes for. Someone has to help them and I know how heartbreaking it can get... who is it that says you can't save the world but it means the world to the ones you save?

07-18-2006, 01:33 PM
I know I thought about that as well. It just gets so hard when you I lost two in just one weekned. I did get an organization to help out with the spay/neuter costs but it just gets very emotional.

If you give up, who will help these babies? See if you can get help on the spay/neuter and go that route and the ones you can, find homes for. Someone has to help them and I know how heartbreaking it can get... who is it that says you can't save the world but it means the world to the ones you save?

07-19-2006, 02:02 PM

I just wanted to you guys know that I found a home for 2 kitties!

This women saw my ad that I posted online and at first she said she take one and then she decided to take two!!

I'm so happy. I just have to go catch two now. Oh well it will be fun knowing they are going to a good home.

This families pet of 14 years just died last week so they were looking for another cat and she said she has always had a cat that was rescued.

So two more down and more to go.



07-19-2006, 02:07 PM
Melissa - I hope you know how everyone on PT admires your work, especially that you are going it alone, keeping going despite all the horrible conditions you are seeing, focusing on the fact that those cats most desperately need your help. I keep wishing I wasn't on the west coast so I could help somehow, but I'm overloaded myself anyway. Perhaps when other people in the neighborhood see that you are taking the lead, they may offer a little help.

That's great news about the adoptions and you must feel over the moon that you are taking two more kittens away from the misery in which they live at present. Give yourself a huge pat on the back.


07-19-2006, 03:42 PM

It's very hard to go at it alone, especially since this girl told me she would foster the cats and get them homes and yet she called me yesterday to tell me she took in 7 kittens and can't foster these cats for me. I was very upset with her since she told me and acted on Sunday like she really cared about how these animals were living. Maybe it was too much for her to see sick kitties or to know that they were going die but only some and some will live a long life I hope. I know these cats need my help, although threw this it has caused some problems between my boyfriend and I because I've been very emotional lately and I brought a kitten to die at home where we couldn't do anything nor afford to take it to a vet to have it put to sleep since it cost $200. But that's over with now. He knows I'm doing what I have to for these cats but it is taking time away from my cats at home and him. It's hard to sort time out especially when it seems like a full time job. I started hanging flyers up at some vet officies hoping someone will see it and call me and want to help. So I'm sorta playing the waiting game for now, until I can come up with something better to do.


Melissa - I hope you know how everyone on PT admires your work, especially that you are going it alone, keeping going despite all the horrible conditions you are seeing, focusing on the fact that those cats most desperately need your help. I keep wishing I wasn't on the west coast so I could help somehow, but I'm overloaded myself anyway. Perhaps when other people in the neighborhood see that you are taking the lead, they may offer a little help.

That's great news about the adoptions and you must feel over the moon that you are taking two more kittens away from the misery in which they live at present. Give yourself a huge pat on the back.


07-19-2006, 03:58 PM
I am sure you will get responses from the flyers in the vet offices - what a great idea.

Another idea - is there a vet school anywhere near you?

Even just faxing a flyer and note to their office or even Animal Sciences at a nearby college might generate some help.



07-21-2006, 10:33 AM
Hi all,

Well I'm not sure if I told you guys that I found someone who would take two of the kittens and so last night I went out to the house in hopes to get the two. No luck last night but I'm going to out and try again tonight after work. They wore me out last night. I think they knew that I was trying to catch them.


07-21-2006, 11:09 AM
Ah! If only they could know how much better their lives would be, I'm sure they would be running towards you. Good luck in catching them tonight.

07-21-2006, 02:59 PM
Well I went home for lunch and I had a message on my answering machine from the women who owns the house with the cats in her yard saying she her a cat crying so she went outside and she saw one lying on her yard. She said she picked it up and wrapped it in a blanket and put it on her front porch.

What she didn't realize is that it is hot outside and that you can't wrap up a cat in this heat and second you don't put a kitten on your front porch where is smells like shit and there is shit everywhere. I wanted to go right out there at lunch time but I couldn't because I had to go back to work, I already took off earlier this week to try to catch them and I left early monday because I was so depressed about this situation.

I don't know what I'm going to find when I get over to her house, hopefully the cat was just hungrey and I'll be able to feed it or hopefully if it was sick enough it died and I won't have to have it put down.


07-21-2006, 08:41 PM
So I went to this womens house after work and the little kitten was dead on her front porch.

I just want this women to go to jail for what she has caused these kittens to go through.

I'm so upset. I'm starting to wondering if I'm really cut out to be helping these kittens, plus I tried to catch the two again tonight and I can't. They are just so fast. I'm just not that fast.


07-21-2006, 10:18 PM
Can you borrow a live trap or two?

How frustrating that no one is helping! How about some of the vet techs at the offices? Ask them if they even KNOW anyone - they might be assuming you have people helping you if you haven't told them otherwise!

You might just need them for one evening.

Do you get close enough to these two kittens that you can throw a towel over them?

I say go to the media - you will get help! People can contact you through the TV station or whatever, so you don't have you give out your phone # on the air!

Call them and plead for help and tell them what you are doing!


07-23-2006, 11:58 AM
I didn't try any vet techs yet. It's just so frustrating...there was a lady who contacted me and told me she was looking for an orange one but I told her that I would try to catch it but there is alot a all white with a little grey patch on it's head and would you like that one instead of a grey tiger (she said she wanted two in the beginning so I thought I better make sure she would take the white with grey patch befor even setting out to do so).

So yesterday night, finally I caught an all white cat with a grey top, but the only thing is, is the organization I'm working with informed me that the president had a nervous breakdown so the vice president of the organization doesn't know what is going to happen to the organization or anything or even the money that I was told would pay for the vet bills to get these guys checked out.

So I informed the lady of this and told her I would try to help her out as best as I could, although I'm pretty broke right now from running to bellefonte which is 20 mins from me and going there twice a day with gas prices.

So anyway I called her after I got this kitten and explained the situation with the organization and she said she would have to talk to her husband about taking both but they wanted the orange and white one, so she called back and said she didn't want this white and with grey patch on it's head and that she wanted the orange and white cat instead.

Now I had a cat in a dog crate outside my parent's house, not sure what to do with it, but I'm called her and left her a message to call me back and I'm just going to tell her that I can't catch the orange one, if she wants it she can come get it otherwise here is a beautiful white kitten that is scared and needs a loving home.

And at the beginning she went on and on about how this was meant for her to help out with rescuing a kitten/cat and now she's changing her mind. I'm so tired of people changing their mind, especially when I went to all the trouble of sitting outside this lady's house all weekend trying to get her a kitten.


Can you borrow a live trap or two?

How frustrating that no one is helping! How about some of the vet techs at the offices? Ask them if they even KNOW anyone - they might be assuming you have people helping you if you haven't told them otherwise!

You might just need them for one evening.

Do you get close enough to these two kittens that you can throw a towel over them?

I say go to the media - you will get help! People can contact you through the TV station or whatever, so you don't have you give out your phone # on the air!

Call them and plead for help and tell them what you are doing!


07-23-2006, 12:10 PM
Just now found and read through this thread...

Bless you dear Melissa for trying so hard to help these babies. I can only imagine how heartbreaking and frustrating all of this has been for you. I am really sorry that this one woman has now changed her mind. (((HUGS)))

Please keep in touch OK? We are here to encourage each other...

Also care for yourself. You cannot help the kittens if you don't care for yourself first. I don't think I could bear to see all that you have witnessed. But, some of those cats already have a new life because of you :) I totally admire what you and others are doing.

edit: corrected my typos!!

07-23-2006, 01:31 PM
Okay, so I can't read!

Melissa, I have just emailed your first two posts and this link to every station I could find in Wilmington. TV and Radio. I asked them to contact me.

Where can they reach you if they want to? PM me!


07-23-2006, 03:19 PM
Hi Melissa, I've been meaning to chime in on this thread, but trapping gazzillions of kittens & mamas have had me living on the streets lately. :rolleyes: I want to thank you for stepping in and helping those kitties as there are very few willing to do this important task. Best Friends has a network of people involved with many aspects of rescuing, I can't find the exact link, but I had a long distance situation I was dealing with via emails, and they sent me a list of persons in the general area that are involved in rescuing, feeding etc. Some were too far away from the area to be of any help, but some referred me to others closer by. The situation was resolved, but not the way I wanted to hear. Mom cat (friendly dumped girl) & her kittens were taken by a neighbor to be barn cats *sigh* A Best Friends Network member was ready to make the half day drive and take the mom & babies too.. grr!
Alley Cat Allies may also be able to find persons in your area willing to help out with the kitties. Here's their link...
A word of caution as well..if these kittens are dying like that, it could be a contagious virus such as panleukopenia aka distemper. Be careful not to expose your kitties to them! Fleas can also transmit viruses and cause severe anemia to the kittens you're helping. And be very careful about who the kittens etc. go to. There are many persons that will take 'free kittens' and come across as the nicest people in the world, and then turn around and sell the animals to labs for experiments. These people (pond scum :mad: ) are known as "bunchers" and make a living out of this. Others may use them as bait for fighting dogs, snake food....Always a good idea to check out who their vet is (and call them to assure they are legit, as friends will pose as a vet in order to obtain animals). You should always charge a fee for kitties even if you donate it to a shelter. Persons that have no problem paying an adoption fee generally tend to treat the animals much better. I hope some of this will be of help in your quest to help these poor babies. P.M me if you need any tips on trapping etc. I've only trapped a few 1000 so far. ;) Jan

07-23-2006, 08:45 PM
I wasn't saying you can't read.

I'm not sure maybe I'm just so confused and not thinking clearly at the moment.


Okay, so I can't read!

Melissa, I have just emailed your first two posts and this link to every station I could find in Wilmington. TV and Radio. I asked them to contact me.

Where can they reach you if they want to? PM me!


07-23-2006, 08:48 PM
Just wanted to let you all know that the white with grey patch on it's head found a home. The lady said her daughter said she didn't care what color it was and she came along tonight to get the kitten and just loved it, you could just tell how happy she was and so was the mother. They just lost their cat of 14 yrs. last week and they have been trying to find a kitten and she came across my ad and said at first she was interested in a orange/white tiger striped kitten but of course I turned out to be unsuccessful at getting that one and caught this beautiful white one and well now it has a home.


07-23-2006, 08:53 PM
LOL Melissa - no, it was ME that said I couldn't read! LOL I had posted earlier asking where you were - then your thread title read "Bellefonte"! Silly me!

The tv and radio stations closest to you seem to be in Wilmington, Delaware, am I right?

I contacted them all, and emailed some of your posts and this thread link.

They will contact me, unless you want to PM me your contact info that I can pass on to them



07-23-2006, 08:58 PM
Thanks for the great tips on about giving a kitten/cat away. I'll check into the websites.

Thank you again for your kind words.


Hi Melissa, I've been meaning to chime in on this thread, but trapping gazzillions of kittens & mamas have had me living on the streets lately. :rolleyes: I want to thank you for stepping in and helping those kitties as there are very few willing to do this important task. Best Friends has a network of people involved with many aspects of rescuing, I can't find the exact link, but I had a long distance situation I was dealing with via emails, and they sent me a list of persons in the general area that are involved in rescuing, feeding etc. Some were too far away from the area to be of any help, but some referred me to others closer by. The situation was resolved, but not the way I wanted to hear. Mom cat (friendly dumped girl) & her kittens were taken by a neighbor to be barn cats *sigh* A Best Friends Network member was ready to make the half day drive and take the mom & babies too.. grr!
Alley Cat Allies may also be able to find persons in your area willing to help out with the kitties. Here's their link...
A word of caution as well..if these kittens are dying like that, it could be a contagious virus such as panleukopenia aka distemper. Be careful not to expose your kitties to them! Fleas can also transmit viruses and cause severe anemia to the kittens you're helping. And be very careful about who the kittens etc. go to. There are many persons that will take 'free kittens' and come across as the nicest people in the world, and then turn around and sell the animals to labs for experiments. These people (pond scum :mad: ) are known as "bunchers" and make a living out of this. Others may use them as bait for fighting dogs, snake food....Always a good idea to check out who their vet is (and call them to assure they are legit, as friends will pose as a vet in order to obtain animals). You should always charge a fee for kitties even if you donate it to a shelter. Persons that have no problem paying an adoption fee generally tend to treat the animals much better. I hope some of this will be of help in your quest to help these poor babies. P.M me if you need any tips on trapping etc. I've only trapped a few 1000 so far. ;) Jan

07-23-2006, 09:06 PM
Here is the picture of the kitten that got a loving home tonight.

07-24-2006, 01:39 PM
Congratulations, Melissa, in catching a kitten and finding a good home for it. Even though there are lots more to save, it must make you feel good that one is out of harm's way and with people who want him/her. I hope they take the kitten to the vet soon, I'm sure they will, because the left eye needs help.

Have you found an organization that will loan you traps yet? You will need to stay nearby until the trap has sprung since you are dealing with kittens, but it should really cut down on the frustration of trying to grab a kitten.

07-24-2006, 03:16 PM

It does make me feel good, although I was a little sad that I didn't have more time with it, but I think it's when you hold them and they look at you, that you just want to keep them all but you know in your mind it's not fair to the ones I have already nor is it fair to this little one.

I'm sure they are going to take it to the vets either today or this week. I think the cat might be blind in the one eye. I'm not a vet of course but it seemed fine regardless.

I do know of an organization that will soon have a trap but I don't have a place to keep the cats, I have a small one-bedroom apartment with my four cats and there it no where to keep another couple of cats, not till I find them a home.

I agree a trap would be much easier to get the cats but I don't want to trap ones I can't take yet.

Thanks though and thanks for continuing to check this out.


Congratulations, Melissa, in catching a kitten and finding a good home for it. Even though there are lots more to save, it must make you feel good that one is out of harm's way and with people who want him/her. I hope they take the kitten to the vet soon, I'm sure they will, because the left eye needs help.

Have you found an organization that will loan you traps yet? You will need to stay nearby until the trap has sprung since you are dealing with kittens, but it should really cut down on the frustration of trying to grab a kitten.

07-25-2006, 03:22 PM
I found someone else how said they would take a cat we'll have to see if this person follows through, I hope so.

07-25-2006, 03:33 PM
One by one makes a huge difference over time. Every cat you rescue and put into a good home, as you know, cuts down on the production of more kittens to suffer. I'm so glad that you are sticking with your program despite all the set-backs.

07-25-2006, 08:57 PM
How is it possible to have a life beside this...I have four cats I don't see that much and any time I see my boyfriend which I live with we just fight.

I'm so frustered not at the problem, well I am but I'm just going to stop talking about that right now, we are here to talk about cats not him.

As far as an update on the kitten I saved, it is a BOY!!! and his name is JD and he weighed in at 2 lbs. He had worms so they dewormed him and they said he got that probably from the fleas who knew. They said he's so sweet and he's all cleaned up they said he looks like he has a third eye lid that might make his eye drup but hopefully not but they said they love him regardless.

I'm so glad he got a good home.


One by one makes a huge difference over time. Every cat you rescue and put into a good home, as you know, cuts down on the production of more kittens to suffer. I'm so glad that you are sticking with your program despite all the set-backs.

07-25-2006, 09:09 PM
Pardon me for asking...but why isn't your boyfriend helping???

Even if he just called the newspapers and tv and radio, and called the municipal office.

Is he doing ANYTHING? Or just mad that you are doing all this and "ignoring" him?

I hope he pitches in!


07-26-2006, 09:24 AM
He does help to be honest, I was just really angry at him last night. He said he's really proud of me for what I'm doing and he is always there for me, especially when one dies. He has helped out more than I expected. I just need to vent.

Have you heard anything back from any of the stations yet? I have one person that says she wants one so maybe tonight I'll go kitty hunting and I'm crossing my fingers that I don't see any really sick or dying.


07-26-2006, 11:03 AM
Nothing yet, sorry!

Maybe your BF could follow up with all the TV and Radio stations in your town(ask for the newsroom or news dept), as well as Town Council.

He can say he is following up on an email sent by me, Candace Carnie.

Even if he leaves voice mail, it will be something.


07-26-2006, 01:27 PM
I will and you are right even a voicemail at least it's a step. I just can't belive that I haven't had more responses for people wanting kittens/cats.

I'm so glad about the white kitten, I mean JD. He is so loved. I hope this next cat/kitten I'm able to get will be loved just as much.


07-26-2006, 01:47 PM
It's wonderful that JD found a home with both loving and responsible guardians and it must be a great boost to your morale. Good luck with your kitten hunting tonight or tomorrow. Perhaps you can get the orange one then.

07-26-2006, 08:11 PM
What is a good way to get people to come and take these cats.

I put out flyers and I've put them on the popular website to try to get someone to take 2 or 3 cats or even 1 but nothing yet, I got a call today from someone when I got home and then I called her back and told her the cats will need to go to the vet first and then spayed/neuter and she said she was looking for a healthier kitten.

I was so mad. These cats will make a great pet...just someone needs to have heart.

JD was covered in fleas and they said that fleas carry the ringworm diease so the vet also told the family that it was good thing we got him when we did because he would of died a week later probably from the fleas sucking his blood.

This situation now has me really scared into thinking maybe I should try the SPCA and see if they can help but I know if they do go out they may end up putting the cats to sleep and I'm against that to some degree.

I'm so confused about if I should call them or not.


It's wonderful that JD found a home with both loving and responsible guardians and it must be a great boost to your morale. Good luck with your kitten hunting tonight or tomorrow. Perhaps you can get the orange one then.

07-26-2006, 11:17 PM
Melissa - first, get your BF to do followup calls.

Next, call the SPCA, see if you can talk to someone who seems to know what's what, and ask them for referrals or suggestions. Surely they must know if any bylaws apply here?

Your town gov't has "ordinances" that are governed by bylaws...not sure exactly how that works...but I'd have your BF call them anyway - and not the health dept.

I'll check my email in a bit...but a few stations had an autorespond mechanism, and said the volume of email meant individual replies are unlikely. So a follow-up call can only help!


07-27-2006, 10:02 AM

I would have him do follow-ups but he works alot it's hard time to even see eachother he's working day shift now it's hard to call places because most places are closed by the time he gets home..

I will call the SPCA and see what they can do but they never seem to want to help and from what I've heard from all the organizations I have called around my area they don't even bother investigating small claims because it's usually a waste of there time but I do have a lead I'm going to follow up on and so we'll go from there. I just don't want these cats to have to be put to sleep but I also don't want them dieing of a diease that could of been helped. It's just I don't have money to help these cats and I don't have a place to put them.

I will go and catch the one kitten first before hand and see what happens.

There has been a stray outside my place that I've been feeding since last fall and now she's pregnant...so she's gaining my trust more and more and I want to get her before she has her baby so they can get a good home and she can get spayed and find a good home as well.

She's such a beautiful cat.

Gotta run for now thank you again for all that you are doing. I really appreciate it.


Melissa - first, get your BF to do followup calls.

Next, call the SPCA, see if you can talk to someone who seems to know what's what, and ask them for referrals or suggestions. Surely they must know if any bylaws apply here?

Your town gov't has "ordinances" that are governed by bylaws...not sure exactly how that works...but I'd have your BF call them anyway - and not the health dept.

I'll check my email in a bit...but a few stations had an autorespond mechanism, and said the volume of email meant individual replies are unlikely. So a follow-up call can only help!


07-27-2006, 07:48 PM
oh dear...call WHYY radio...if they won't take it, ask them to PLEASE pass it on!

Pet store??? They might help and contact the media and it's free advertising for them!

Hmmmm...gonna go Google.... he he he

07-28-2006, 12:36 PM
Well I went at lunch to get a trap from the SPCA so hopefully tonight I'll catch two.

I might try to get the pregnant girl outside my apartment maybe with the trap too, although she has come such a long way since last year with trusting me more and more, I'm afraid that it might really scare her and I don't want to harm her baby's if she is pregnant although I saw some pictures of pregnant kitties and she looks like them just not that big.

Well I'll let you all know how it turns out later.


07-28-2006, 01:21 PM
Good luck with the trapping, and, yes, please keep us updated.

Did the SPCA give you guidelines on how to use a trap? Did they tell you to cover all except the door part with an old towel or sheet? Did they warn you that you might get anything, including possums, racoons and roaming tom cats in the trap? I just say that so you are prepared. If you place it near where you know they are hiding and put something tuna-based in there, you'll probably get something very fast.

07-28-2006, 02:20 PM
Great ideas, I'll remember that and try that. I did use the trap before but I caught one cat that I couldn't take at the time so I'm sure he won't go in but maybe for the food.

Anyway, Ibetter go and I will get some tuna.



Good luck with the trapping, and, yes, please keep us updated.

Did the SPCA give you guidelines on how to use a trap? Did they tell you to cover all except the door part with an old towel or sheet? Did they warn you that you might get anything, including possums, racoons and roaming tom cats in the trap? I just say that so you are prepared. If you place it near where you know they are hiding and put something tuna-based in there, you'll probably get something very fast.

07-28-2006, 08:47 PM

She is a tortshell and so cute!!! It was so easy tonight. There were more kittens though and that was pretty sad but this one got a good home. They came tonight to pick it up and they had a little girl and she loved it.

I'm so glad. I just wish I could find familys for all of these other kittens that need a home.

But at least one is going to have a better life now.


07-28-2006, 09:03 PM
Good to hear!

Did you get any of the "office staff" to help out?

Actually, have you asked any folks at YOUR office if they can help? Maybe check with your supervisor and see if you can post something in the lunchroom.


07-30-2006, 12:04 PM
The kitten I gave away friday night died this morning.

The lady said she didn't eat or drink anything the day before. Not sure if it had cocicida or not.

I'm so upset now. I made this little girl so happy who got the kitten and now it's dead.

At least it didn't have to die in that disgusting house.


07-31-2006, 12:13 PM
I have talked with some of the office staff, my office is very small and everyone knows everyone else's business so they all know but only one was willing to forward on my e-mail flyer to her friends.

I think some of my co-workers think I'm a bit nuts when it comes to this.


Good to hear!

Did you get any of the "office staff" to help out?

Actually, have you asked any folks at YOUR office if they can help? Maybe check with your supervisor and see if you can post something in the lunchroom.


07-31-2006, 10:14 PM
Co-workers thinking you are nuts is normal and happens to all of us. You are the one making a difference, they are not. I'm sorry about the kitten who died. I wish a rescue organization would work with you because it sounds like this place needs a major effort - trapping, testing, spaying and neutering, the works.

08-01-2006, 09:00 AM

I did finally get a reply back from all the e-mails I sent around. It was from www.bestfriends.org.

They are trying to find resources here in pa to help me. Which is great, I just hope it's not too late for the kittens, especially in this heat. I'm afraid that the kittens have coccidia and without treatment they will die. Hopefully something will pop up soon.

I'm trying to keep positive but after I lost this little one in such a short time I don't know. I sent this women who is trying to help me all the pictures I have of this womens house and the cats dead and alive. It was pretty emotional going through the pictures and reliving each one.


Co-workers thinking you are nuts is normal and happens to all of us. You are the one making a difference, they are not. I'm sorry about the kitten who died. I wish a rescue organization would work with you because it sounds like this place needs a major effort - trapping, testing, spaying and neutering, the works.

08-02-2006, 12:44 PM
Hi all,

I spoke with the homeowner last night the one that feeds the cats and asked her if I could put up an automatic feeder once I get it in the mail and she said that was fine. So I just can't wait to get it now.

Last night while I was there I saw a calico kitten probably under 8 weeks and she was sleeping but I was able to get to her faster to pick her up and of course she bit the hell out of my wrist but I'll live I wanted to check her out, and well of course it's a little girl and I was looking at her butt, and it had a little bit of yellow around her butt so I made a vet appt. for tomorrow night and I'm going to take her in and hopefully she'll get fixed up and healthy and I can adopt her out. I'm just hoping I can catch her tonight.

I'll let you all know about the details later.


08-02-2006, 01:38 PM
I'm really pleased and relieved that a rescue organization might be willing to help you. They could help you even in quite small ways, for instance, loan you a large cage that can be kept outside so that if you catch a kitten as you did last night, you can keep it caged until a vet visit. Good luck on catching the kitten tonight.

I hope you took care of the bite wound. Bites from any animal, and I include humans in that group, can cause serious infections because our mouths are loaded with bacteria all the time. Tetanus shots up to date?

Please keep us updated. I hope you have seen that your thread has been viewed over 800 times. Lots of PT people are interested even if they feel they have nothing to add.

Edited to add: Has the homeowner told you how she collected so many cats? Does she talk about her philosophy on caring for them? Is she "just letting nature take its course"?

08-02-2006, 02:07 PM
Do you have those pictures on email?

How about dropping some off at the Congressman's office? And the pet store?

And even ONE TV or Radio station.

The pictures of the situation cause people to react!

I hope you get a lot of help soon!

Maybe the rescue organization already has media contacts they send pictures to. Maybe just let them know that is ok with you.


08-02-2006, 03:38 PM

Thank you so much for continuing to check on my thread. I hope I get this kitten tonight because she does need vet care. I'm just hoping it's not too late but if it is at least I've got some a good home.

I do have a cat carrier I should of put it in...I guess I just needed time to think about and check my financial state and to check with the vet if I can postdate a check before actually taking the kitten, which of course my vet is willing to let me postdate which I'm very happy about.

The bite wound looks like she hit some blood vessles but I'll live...I put some stuff on it last night. I'm checking with my dr. about the tetanus shot.

I haven't noticed about it being viewed that many times but I'm amazed.

When I talked with the homeowner she didn't say how she came across to having so many cats but she has lived there for 19 yrs. and who knows how many litters have come and gone.

I do think she believes in a way she is helping these cats by feeding them everyday, and she knows she has to keep her cats up to date on shots and her dog as well and also flea medicine because she, well her cats outside the house has fleas.

I tried to get across the point yesterday about coccidia and how the cats are getting it and passing it on but she just didn't get what I saw saying, I'm going to leave her some information on it and let her know that her porch is causing this most likely which is why it's so important to keep it clean, if that ever happens.

08-03-2006, 11:45 AM
I couldn't get the kitten last night because the homeowner lost her dog and the kitty's of course disappeared.


08-07-2006, 02:48 PM
I just thought I'd attach a few pictures of "JD" he looks so much better now than when I first got him.

08-07-2006, 02:58 PM
Any ideas on how I can start raising money to be able to take these cats to the vets and get them fixed and just re-release them till a better solution comes along?

I've thought about going to a neighborhood but would people want to give me money if I'm not with an organization? I've contacted the organization I've been working with to ask there permission to use their name when I'm going around to different neighborhoods so we'll see.


08-07-2006, 03:11 PM
Melissa - Did you try Alley Cats Allies as Queen S. suggested? Their page does have information on getting funds for your organization, but you are an organization of one at present. Perhaps you can email them for advice? You won't get much in the way of donations, especially from businesses until you become non-proft - and that means a lot of paperwork. Isn't anyone at work, neighborhood, friends, college, vet offices, etc. willing to join you?

08-07-2006, 03:26 PM
I don't have many friends and the ones I have are tied up financially as well as me. Maybe I'll try vet offices and I did go onto the Alley Cat Allies and I've gotten plenty of info there it's just seeming so hopeless right now.

Melissa - Did you try Alley Cats Allies as Queen S. suggested? Their page does have information on getting funds for your organization, but you are an organization of one at present. Perhaps you can email them for advice? You won't get much in the way of donations, especially from businesses until you become non-proft - and that means a lot of paperwork. Isn't anyone at work, neighborhood, friends, college, vet offices, etc. willing to join you?

08-07-2006, 04:17 PM
Try the congressman's office, please! Plead for help! If you did that already, and it's a no-go, ask them what they would advise!

They'll have connections and information that would boggle most minds!

08-08-2006, 03:28 PM
I'm going to have to do that...

I just don't have the money and it's getting harder and harder to keep feeding these strays plus the cats in my house and the cats outside my place.

I'm just not sure how to start talking or anything...I'm going to have to start writing things down...and etc.

Thanks again...


Try the congressman's office, please! Plead for help! If you did that already, and it's a no-go, ask them what they would advise!

They'll have connections and information that would boggle most minds!

08-10-2006, 07:17 AM
I just wanted to say a huge thanks to you Candance for helping me out. She faxed a letter for me to the Congressman.

I really appreciate it.


08-10-2006, 08:48 AM
...AND the governor's regional office...since he just cracked down on puppy mills, I thought there would be a chance.... :D

08-10-2006, 08:50 AM
Yes I forgot that one :D again Thank you so much!

...AND the governor's regional office...since he just cracked down on puppy mills, I thought there would be a chance.... :D

08-10-2006, 12:39 PM
I posted an ad on statecollege.com asking for donations to help with the spaying and neutering costs.

Hopefully I'll get some responses.


08-10-2006, 03:07 PM
You are incredible, never giving up when everyone else in your neighborhood ignores the whole situation. As well as the benefit to the cats that you are aiming for, you are benefiting in ways you might not be aware of at this time. Your battle for the cats' welfare, communicating with a wide variety of people to push your campaign, coping with distressing conditions and lack of response, and everything else you are dealing with has changed you and the experience has strengthened your mental abilities. I hated my time as a chilldren's nurse in the 60's, when most children died in a teaching hospital, but the experience certainly added strength to my character and the practical experience helps as I care for special needs cats.

Please keep posting. Since over a thousand people have viewed this thread, there are many who want to keep updated, and who wish they could help you more.

08-11-2006, 10:16 AM
HI All,

I got a phone call last night in response to my ad and I had a couple meet me over at the house and the picked out the kitten they would like so I tried last night but we didn't have much time since it was getting dark to catch the kitten and I'm going to try again tonight so I hope I get the kitten.

I'm so glad I have found a home for one more.


08-13-2006, 03:35 PM
I'm hoping that you haven't posted because you have been busy catching kittens for new homes - is that right? Or was there another disaster waiting for you?

08-14-2006, 08:27 AM

I haven't posted because I was busy trying to catch the kittens. I didn't have any luck this weekend but I did get a trap and so I'll go out again tonight and start trapping because my net idea just isn't working anymore.

I got a call too last week from this women who said her daughter wants a kitten for her 16th B-day and the only problem is I don't think I have anymore females left. I think they are all males. But I figured once I trap them, I'll know for sure. I did trap one outside my house on Friday night and it was a male so I had to release him for the time being, he was over six months I believe but such a cutie.


I'm hoping that you haven't posted because you have been busy catching kittens for new homes - is that right? Or was there another disaster waiting for you?

08-14-2006, 02:41 PM
Why does it have to be a female? Males are cheaper to neuter and, once socialized, will slobber all over your boots at the merest hint of attention.

08-14-2006, 03:26 PM
Well I just got an e-mail from her saying she didn't realize they weren't kittens, what 6 months isn't a kitten? Since when.

Well if she wants to be like that then she does not deserve one of these special kittens.

I'm still waiting to hear from the organization if they are going to be able to cover the cost yet of the spay/neuter assistance. I hope so. I just want this to end in a good way, mostly because I'm so tired...and it's getting harder to catch the last few kittens although I'm going to try the trap tonight to see who I get.


Why does it have to be a female? Males are cheaper to neuter and, once socialized, will slobber all over your boots at the merest hint of attention.

08-14-2006, 03:33 PM
How many kittens are left???

Try the congress' office - even to get the funds for spay-neuter. They must have kids that will help you catch the babies!

08-14-2006, 03:40 PM
I have about 4 kittens left over there although 2 look about 6 months old now and the other two are probably 3 months.

They are so!

I will give them a call tomorrow and see what happens. As for tonight it's off to the gym to warm up for trapping and hopefully I get a little orange bugger tonight.


How many kittens are left???

Try the congress' office - even to get the funds for spay-neuter. They must have kids that will help you catch the babies!

08-14-2006, 03:50 PM
I just needed to add one more thing that I think people who rescue cats should get gas for free, I just added up how much money I'll have left for the next two weeks and I really just don't think I'll have much to catch cats or feed them. Money sucks and it sucks not having any. I asked for donations on statecollege.com and centredailytimes.com but no one has replied saying they would give money towards this cause.

Reality is hitting very quickly.

08-14-2006, 04:33 PM
I think the C-man's office will help, especially if your friend still works there.

I would hope that they would like some good publicity, and notify the media...my fondest dream...

It's not that the person himself can do anything, but people in the offices are so well-connected!

That cat owner needs some help, too...


08-15-2006, 01:04 PM
Well last night the 16 yr old girl said she would take a girl kitten if I was able to trap it. But chances of that are pretty slim but we'll see. I did get two more phone calls last night and well one person sounded pretty interested but she wants to see a picture so I sent her the only one I had and I'm just waiting for the response now...

I just hope that when I catch these kittens that these people don't back out and decide not to take them.

It's just going to be hard to catch the kittens especially when the older cats like to go into the trap.

The other bad thing is I'm so low on money I can't afford to go out there every day like I want to.


08-15-2006, 07:03 PM
I will give them a call tomorrow and see what happens.

And did you? How did the call go?

You are getting broke and exhausted - CALL and tell them exactly what you are doing, how you are feeling, and that you need HELP!

Don't think about it - JUST DO IT! (thanks, Nike)

08-16-2006, 12:16 PM
I stopped by his office today, they gave me a number to the local dog catcher to see if he might have more resources as for funds she said this time of year is not a good time for funds.


Well I'll try the dog catcher once I hear back from Best Friends org.


And did you? How did the call go?

You are getting broke and exhausted - CALL and tell them exactly what you are doing, how you are feeling, and that you need HELP!

Don't think about it - JUST DO IT! (thanks, Nike)

08-17-2006, 07:49 AM

I have found homes for only one kitten so far. I have 3 that need a good home.

Man this is getting so frustrating. The 16-yr. old girl may not take the one kitten so I'm trying so hard to find homes for the other ones but it's not easy. I'm waiting to hear her answer today, hopefully.

I have attached pictures of the 2 that need homes.


08-17-2006, 11:49 PM
Well I found out tonight that the 16-yr. old girl isn't going to take a girl kitten if I have one, she is getting a puppy instead.

I'm still waiting to hear if I got approved yet for assistance or not.
