View Full Version : A baby phone for the girls

07-14-2006, 03:25 AM
Call me crazy, but I just ordered a baby phone for Luna and Lily. LOL

The reason is that in the summer, I need to close my bed room door because I have to open the windows wide. Cannot sleep with temperatures in the 90s in my bedroom, and this muggy air. I thought about putting nettings in the bedroom windows so the girls can stay inside, but it won't work because Lily would walk on the upper edge of the opened window (she's doing the same with doors).

But that means I don't have the girls around at night, and I couldn't even hear when they are in trouble. In the rest of the apartment, the windows are tilted at night, they just have to be to get at least a bit of fresh air in. But I know this is risky. As I have small windows here, these protection thingies won't really fit, and I would even have problems to fix them because the gap between window and wall is so tight. Most likely, an adult cat wouldn't even fit between this gap, but you never know...

So I came up with the idea of the baby phone last night. That way, I'm not so isolated from my girls in muggy summer nights...


07-14-2006, 03:43 AM
Still laughing... :D :D

But don't worry, here at PT we all understand ;)

07-14-2006, 04:01 AM
I hope so, because my mother thinks I'm losing my mind! ;) LOL


Maya & Inka's mommy
07-14-2006, 04:09 AM
You are not alone! My SIL has a baby phone too fro her 14 year old cat!

07-14-2006, 04:11 AM
Lut, I'm relieved to hear that! ;)


Laura's Babies
07-14-2006, 07:22 AM
I don't see why not..... what is wrong with that? Sounds like a great idea to me.

07-14-2006, 08:45 AM
I hope so, because my mother thinks I'm losing my mind! ;) LOL


Ah, you told your mother...! I wouldn't have done that, although... my mother could understand I think! :D

In the same kind of idea, I often thought about having a webcam that could move in the house at look at my cats when I am at work :D I suspect they sometimes invite buddies for a great party!

07-14-2006, 08:51 AM
I wouldn't have done that, although...

Yep! Big mistake! :D LOL

I often thought about having a webcam that could move in the house at look at my cats when I am at work

I was also thinking about this, too, but as we're not allowed using internet at work, it won't help much! :)
But when I looked for a baby phone, I saw that there are some with a camera included - very expensive, of course!


07-14-2006, 08:58 AM
I think this is a great idea, Kirsten. It only makes good sense to have this since you are to sleep apart from the girls. I know I would not be able to sleep for worry of not being able to hear them if they got in some trouble.

We keep thinking about taking a few days to drive to Texas and see my dad and our kids will stop by to care for the kitties and I also thought that I would want to set up the camera to at least be able to see when they are in that room...

Good for you.

Oh and I am thinking you ordered a baby monitor right? The thing that has receivers that are portable? I am not familiar with baby phone but think it must be the same thing. :)

07-14-2006, 09:00 AM
Oh and I am thinking you ordered a baby monitor right? The thing that has receivers that are portable? I am not familiar with baby phone but think it must be the same thing.

Yes, I think that's the same thingy. It's called baby phone over here. :)


07-14-2006, 09:03 AM
Yes, I think that's the same thingy. It's called baby phone over here. :)

Missy had one for Tyler when they were staying with us - and that thing was so powerful that we could hear him breathing if the volume was set up high :eek:

07-14-2006, 09:06 AM
Nothing is too much, if it means that your Dear Lily and Luna are safe.
Theres nothing on Gods Earth that can replace those two beautiful Girls.

07-14-2006, 10:34 AM
They are good things to have for kitties or babies.

We knew Terra had gotten herself in trouble a few weeks ago because we heard it on Mimi's monitor. She had gotten a back claw stuck in the curtains by her window seat and ended up hanging from it. We were able to get her done with no injuries, at least, not to her.

07-14-2006, 11:28 AM
Have you seen the pet collars that you can call from a phone so you can talk to your pets during the day when you are gone?

I want one! LOL

07-15-2006, 02:28 PM
Maresche, Terra was lucky that you heard her over that monitor thingy!

Have you seen the pet collars that you can call from a phone so you can talk to your pets during the day when you are gone?

No, never heard of those, but sounds great! ;)
