View Full Version : Garfield needs home

07-14-2006, 01:08 AM
Garfield is a ginger tabby about 3 yrs old, neutered, indoor-outdoor. He was adopted from being a neighbourhood stray by the 19-year-old housemate of a friend of mine. This is in Calgary, Canada.

Now it appears Garfield has a bladder infection, and the young man will take him to the pound on Saturday if I can't get the antibiotics from my vet. I wouldn't ask my vet to do such a thing, and they wouldn't without seeing the cat first! I guess Kevin wants a fair-weather pet...

Gar is a really nice cat, would do well as a pet on an acreage. Please email me ASAP if you can help and would take him for a proper vet visit.



07-14-2006, 01:12 AM
grrr! at your house mate! keep him yourself, who cares what he wants to do with him! :p

Laura's Babies
07-14-2006, 07:24 AM
What is wrong with the guy? The excuses people can find to get rid of their pets..... :rolleyes:

07-14-2006, 10:16 AM
This guy has the money to go to a vet, he just won't. Poor Garfield, as I was told this morning, is peeing blood!

My friend who is there - she is on medical income (which is sh**) and has a cat of her own. Kevin did agree to pay the $20 to surrender him to the one place in the city that will fix him up and rehome him.

She and he had a HUGE fight last night; she was in tears (he is 19, she is 41. no romance there. He is the son of an ex-BF). He was just going to throw Garfield out, and she said he would follow - her name is on the lease and she would bott him out. And she WOULD, too!

I live with 2 cats in a condo and can't take him.

Will keep trying.
