View Full Version : Fister going for his annual and a teeth cleaning

07-13-2006, 03:44 AM
I made an appointment to take Fister to the vet tomorrow morning at 9.00. He's going for his annual vaccination, a teeth cleaning and a general check-up, so he can't eat after midnight tonight - not that I'll be up that late anyway.

I'm allowed to give him 5 mg. Diazepam if neccesary, hope it won't be, but the mere thought of getting him in the box is making me shiver, and of course I'm worried, as it will be carried out under full anaesthesia.

We're going in a transport box attached to a bicycle, as it's only 5 min. away. At least it's nice and quiet in the morning.

I have be at work at 10.00, and I'll get him on the way back from work.

Please send some good thoughts that it goes smoothly and everything will be fine.

Killearn Kitties
07-13-2006, 04:36 AM
Oh Fister, please be a GOOD BOY for your mummy. The nice vet will not hurt you!

Just think of how good you will look with those sparkling teeth! :D

07-13-2006, 05:43 AM
Oh Fister, be a good boy, it will be nothing! And meowmie will be proud of you ;)

Randi, is it so hard to get Fister inside his carrier? I can't imagine how I would do if Peppito would be like this. I carry him with me several times a year, to my parents, on holidays, by car, by plane!

07-13-2006, 06:02 AM
We'll be thinking of Fister today and hoping he (and you!) aren't too stressed with the whole thing. When I have to take Trevor and Andy to the vet I take them into the bathroom before trying to *capture* them and put them into their carriers. There is nothing for them to hide under and makes it so much easier. One day I had to cancel a vet appointment at the last minute, though, because I couldn't find one of them. :rolleyes:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-13-2006, 07:04 AM
Oh no, Randi. I sure hope Fister cooperates and it's not too difficult to get him in the carrier. I know you had worked out some sort of routine to make it easier, so hopefully that still works.

Will be sending good thoughts and prayers that everything goes smoothly and he's back home with his new pearly whites in no time! :)

Fister, you be a good boy ok? I'm sure your meowmy will reward you greatly if you are.....maybe even with some shrimps? ;)

07-13-2006, 01:21 PM
Hi, Randi!

Poor Fister, he won't like it :eek: And I guess neither will you! If you need any help with Mister Fister tomorrow, please just say so! But use the phone... I'm getting off the 'puter in a few minutes.

Otherwise, good luck tomorrow! ;)

Sus and Bella

07-13-2006, 01:51 PM
Keeping paws crossed. Do you have some garden gloves? They might come handy ;)

07-13-2006, 03:10 PM
Things are falling into place. Fister has been laying in bed with me watching TV, and I fed him crunchies, one at the time, he likes that. :), so I don't think he'll be starving tonight. :) He's allowed to drink water.

Sus offered to come over and help tomorrow morning, so we'll cycle over there together and she'll take the cycle with the attached thing back in the yard, so I can get to work.

I was rather dissappointed with their reaction to coming an hour late though. The place is really not THAT busy. I only hope they won't say bad things about me because of this to the temp agency who sent me there.

I'll let you know how Fister's vet visit went. ;)

I've hidden the B O X in the bathroom, I don't think he'll notice. ;)

07-14-2006, 01:54 AM
Randi, I hope that everything goes well for Fister tomorrow. Good luck and please keep us updated about him.:)

07-15-2006, 09:17 AM
Fister’s vet visit wasn’t such a big drama after all, but I was still a bit nervous though. I sat and brushed him and cuddled after breakfast, as usual. :) I thought he’d be hungry, since he hadn’t had any food during the night, and I went to pour some dry food in his bowl and was expecting him to come running to the kitchen, but he didn’t! He was enjoying his sunny spot and waiting for more tummy rubs, so I felt I betrayed him, coming back in to grab him instead.

I hadn’t given him a tranquilizer, as he’d then have suspected something was up. I managed to carry him all the way to the kitchen without bloodshed and put him in the box. Phew!!

After a few minutes he started howling, but soon calmed down again. :) I had everything ready, and Susanne was waiting in the street as we had arranged.

I had borrowed someones bicycle with an attached thing on, to transport him in. Susanne offered to go on that while I took my own bike, that way I could go straight to work from the vet. It took us about 10 min. in a very slow pace. Luckily there were hardly any traffic.

When we arrived at the vet, I saw this huge German Shepard inside, and thought Fister migtht be scared, so I went in to ask whether it was on the way out - it was.

First Fister was weighed, he is 7,5 kg. and then we talked about what needed to be done - vaccination, a teeth cleaning and general blood work. The vet said he would give him the anaesthetic shortly and do the teeth cleaning first, so that Fister would be more or less awake when I came to get him after work.

I was off from work at 15.00, so back to get the transport and over to get Fister. I met Susanne in the street and she was on her way over there too, so we went together. Fister was still a bit sedated, but doing well. :) His numbers on the bloodwork was fine ...

Urea 8,7 (normal = 5,7-12,9)
Alat 64 UL ( normal = 12-130)
Glucose 16,49 (normal = 3.94-8,83)

There was one more test done (I can’t remember which), but I can get the result on wednesday. He said the Glucose was a bit high due to the anaesthetic, so I didn’t need to worry. :) I wondered why he didn’t take the tests before Fister was put under anaesthetic. However, I trust he’s a very skilled vet, and he’s also a nice guy.

I bought some powder called “Plaque off”, it’s supposed to prevent plaque on his teeth. You sprinkle half a tea spoonfull on his food every day. The vets assistant uses it on her cat and says it’s good. Well see!

When we got back, I opened the lid of the box in the kitchen, and Fister was out like a rocket, racing to the bedroom - although he didn’t run in a straight line. LOL! He stayed under the bed for a few hours. Coming out from there, I gave him a few crunchies, some new ones (Royal Canin Vetenary, Sensitive) I had gotten from the vet, he loves them! He also slurped some water, that was “funny” to see, as he almost fell asleep over the bowl.

I carried him to “his” chair and kept an eye on him, he slept for another few hours, until he finally made a succesful attempt to hop on my bed. :)

Today, he's back to his normal demanding self. :D

Here's a picture of my brave boy, taken just the other day.


Cinder & Smoke
07-15-2006, 09:50 AM

You Guys had quite a day of it!!

Glad the tests and toofie cleaning went A-OK.

And he seems to have "forgiven" you already! :D

THANKS for being such a GOOD BOY, Fister!


07-15-2006, 09:58 AM

What a sweet picture of our handsome Fister! And what a day you both had :eek: So glad everything went well with the "tune-up" and Fister is in A-One condition :D


I sure hope Mom had the treats piled up for you when you got home big boy - you sure deserved them :D


07-15-2006, 10:53 AM
I'm so glad to hear that everything went well and that Fister is now back to his old self today.:)

Killearn Kitties
07-15-2006, 10:58 AM
Aw Fister, what a good boy you were! :D I love your new photo - very handsome!

You must let me know how you get on with that powder, Randi. I've never heard of it.

07-15-2006, 11:01 AM
Randi I am so glad (as I know Fister is) that it is all over. He looks in the picture like he is still rolling the whole process over in his mind (betrayal by meowmie and all!) :D Tell him he should be happy because if he was human he would need to go through this twice a year without the benefit of going off into *LaLa Land.* :D

Fister, Trevor and Andy are glad that you are back to your old demanding self. That is as it should be. ;)

07-15-2006, 11:20 AM
Randi, I am so glad it all went well. :D And what a great picture of your handsome boy!

p.s. I had heard of that plaque off stuff and meant to get some for Ebby and Bob, now I have that recommendation from the vet assistant (thanks) I will give it a try. :)

Edwina's Secretary
07-15-2006, 11:49 AM
Greetings to Fister from New Jersey! I LOVE the new pic and am so glad the check up went so well.

How were they when you arrived at work?

07-15-2006, 01:46 PM
Karen and Chris, I'll certainly let you know how the Plaque off works. Lets hope it doesn't taste of ANYTHING! I'll sprinkle it on wet food, he gets a bit of that every few days.

Actually, the picture above was taken 3 days ago, here are a few from yesterday. On the first, he decided to go from under the bed to under the cupboard, but somehow didn't quite make it all the way. :D


This one is the position he chose after I had put him in the chair... I suppose he says: Just leave me alone!!


Sara, making a fuss about me coming 1,5 hour late at work, didn't really seem important after all, and no one mentioned anything. Anyway, I made it in time to answer the phone calls from 10-11.30. However, I was rather disappointed that it was mentioned at all, and it didn't make the vet visit any easier. :( I chose friday because I have the weekend to care extra for Fister, and my vet and the girl I borrowed the bicycle from is going on vacation in week 30+31. Plus, at work they said it would get busier next week. :rolleyes:

07-15-2006, 02:37 PM

There is a saying: "You're no one until you've been ignored by a Cat!" Seeing your pictures of Fister makes me believe that YOU are one special SOMEONE!! :D

I'm my opinion, that is some pretty special body language - wouldn't you think?


07-15-2006, 02:41 PM
Aw, Fister what did your mommy do to you?

Sorry I missed this or prayers would have been flying from me. Looks like you made it in fine style anyway.

Just remember your mommy loves you and wants you to stay healthy AND you won't have to go back until next year!!! :D

Killearn Kitties
07-15-2006, 03:32 PM
Oh dear, I don't think the poor boy was happy when you brought him back, Randi! :D
Please give him a huge squeeze from me.

07-15-2006, 04:47 PM
Well, I guess we did have quite an exiting day yesterday! Mostly you, of course! I think Fister did great and it was fantastic that you didn't have to sedate him before his trip! He was such a good boy! :) :)

I'm snatching some pics for my private collection just so that you know...!

Sus and Bella!

smokey the elder
07-16-2006, 07:11 AM
Sounds like Fister was a VERY good boy! I love the pic of him in the chair. "Lemme be. I'm hung over and need to sleep it off!"

07-16-2006, 07:29 AM
*If I can't see you, you aren't really there. If you are, though, would you please go away?* :p

07-16-2006, 11:31 AM
I'm so glad everything went okay but that last picture is too much. Poor Fister, it will be okay.

I think he is saying "find a happy place...".

07-16-2006, 12:44 PM
Strange.... we went through this ordeal friday, he perked up before midnight and was fine all day yesterday, but today, he has been under the bed, not eating, not drinking. :( He came out around 5 o'clock this afternoon. I gave him some crunchies and we cuddled for a while. Now, he's back under the cupboard.

During the night, he made a nice big puddle in is box, but no poop yet.

Well, I suppose it's because of the vaccination etc. Hopefully he'll feel better soon! He'll probably get very active just when I go to sleep tonight and rearrange the sand in the box for half an hour. :rolleyes:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-16-2006, 03:50 PM
He'll probably get very active just when I go to sleep tonight and rearrange the sand in the box for half an hour. :rolleyes:
:D :D So true, Randi. :D

I'm glad everything went so well, but I sure hope the temporary setback is just a temporary setback. Poor Fister, you were such a good boy for your meowmy! I sure hope you're fully recovered real soon!

07-18-2006, 02:00 PM
I think that is an especially cute picture of Fister- maybe because he was just a little tired ;)

The vet may have taken the blood for the tests while Fister was anesthesized because he was afraid whether he could keep his arm in the other case. Plus it saves the animal some stress. We had Filou's and Tigris' bloodwork always done when they had a tooth cleaning.

I am curious to hear how the Plaque off works. Royal Canin sensitive is a favorite here too :)

10-02-2006, 05:11 PM
I bought some powder called “Plaque off”, it’s supposed to prevent plaque on his teeth. You sprinkle half a tea spoonfull on his food every day. The vets assistant uses it on her cat and says it’s good. Well see!

Randi, there is a thread in Dog Health which reminded me to ask, what is your verdict on Plaque off?

My verdict is pretty good, Bob's teeth and breath are very much better for using it.

10-25-2006, 09:33 AM
....what is your verdict on Plaque off?
Barbara and Chris, it's dificult to say, since Fister hardly gets any wet food - but when he does, I sprinkle a little on and he eats it. :)

However, it's bloody difficult to get a look in his mouth!! :rolleyes: