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View Full Version : How do you exercise your dog/s every day?

07-12-2006, 08:23 PM
My two get a half hour walk everyday. Sam usually gets a game of fetch and Molli gets to play soccer. Then afterwards they both come outside and they romp around until they drop. :)

07-12-2006, 08:26 PM
usually we take an hour walk in the moring and in the evening..some days we'll go to the dog park for a run, or take a hike in the early morning

critter crazy
07-12-2006, 08:28 PM
I put a romp in the yard, but realy it is a romp in the horse pasture playing with my horses!! It is pretty cute, it is like they are playing tag!! The horses always win tho!!!:D

Suki Wingy
07-12-2006, 08:29 PM
He loves to be in the yard in the summer and we play fetch and he runs around a lot and then at night when it cools down we go for a walk. Sometimes 15 minutes but usually about 45.

07-12-2006, 08:29 PM
My dogs get a varitey of excersizes. I play sports with them, such as frisbee, agility, and flyball. They get walks around the block and get an off-leash romp at the school field when the school is closed. They also get to romp with me, and eachother in the backyard. Tired doggies are good doggies!

07-12-2006, 08:34 PM
I voted for all of them...except the last one :D

07-12-2006, 08:38 PM
I voted for all of them...except the last one :D

Hehe. If my dogs didn't get daily exercise they'd drive me nuts and probably themselves, too.

Molli and Sammy usually tire themselves out by play fighting inside... I forgot to add that.

07-12-2006, 10:25 PM
I voted for all except for the last also.
This thread reminds me of a sad thing. At work one of the dogs has rawhide treats, and is to be given one a day during boarding. The treats are called "Exerhides". It seems that the treat is marketed so that people think of chewing on a treat as a proper outlet for an energetic dog. Its as if giving a dog exerhides provides what the dog needs in daily exercise. Its sad to think that these labels are allowed with full knowledge that they give a false sense of fulfilling a dog's needs.

07-12-2006, 11:04 PM
my dogs get inside play, outside play, walks, and Gracie gets daily walks on her tredmil.

07-12-2006, 11:27 PM
we walk 2 miles a day (no kidding they actually walk to the vet a mile away and walk home for routine visits) they also have plenty of yard play (two boys 9 and 6 plus friends) and then of course the play fights while we try to stare at the tv :rolleyes:

07-13-2006, 02:25 AM
Most days they just play inside and outside. Kaedyn has fear aggression issues, and Kai is fearful of cars and people (he's so fearful that he slips out of harnesses!), so they can't go for regular walks around the block. During the weekend and on weekdays that I get out of work early enough, we go to the dog park or open field.

Pawsitive Thinking
07-13-2006, 04:51 AM
My boys get 3 (sometimes 4) good walks a day - one in the morning, one at lunchtime, one when we get home from work and sometimes a last thing at night stroll round the block.

They also chase the heck out of each other all day long and cajole us into a game of fetch or 10! I'm exhausted :rolleyes:

07-13-2006, 07:09 AM
We go into the forest for 2 hours and she runs around while I walk on A trail. We also do agility for 1/2 hour each day. :) I voted walking although we also do much fetch. :)

07-13-2006, 07:09 AM
P.S. I am so glad there were 0 of "They don't get daily exercise "

07-13-2006, 07:10 AM
All of the above. We are both exercise nuts. :p

07-13-2006, 07:20 AM
All of the above.... except the last one ;) :)

07-13-2006, 09:51 AM
Roscoe and I usually walk for about a half hour in the morning, then again in the evening. Sometimes he gets a third walk when I get home from work, or if hubby walks him when he gets home from work. Lots of playing fetch, either inside or outside or both. I should have voted for a romp around the yard too, as he will do that sometimes. He does have a frisbee that I throw to him, but he hasn't quite caught on to that yet, we're working on it ;)

07-13-2006, 10:05 AM
We have flyball once a week during winter, twice a week during summer (Daylight savings). And on non flyball days we go to the park for atleast an hour, where the dogs free run, wrestle and play fetch. Clover also gets a few small obedience sessions a week (Mental exercise).

07-13-2006, 04:43 PM
My dogs get a walk, they play fetch, get a romp around the yard, and play inside.

07-15-2006, 03:38 PM
My two girls get walks, (except Rita, she can't, she hasen't had all her shote yet)
They LOVE to play fetch, too. :)

07-15-2006, 07:57 PM
all of the above lol my moms dogs dont get daily exersize, what they do get is exersize at the dog park and from dogsports. Happy and Misty get indoor play, a romp in the yard, a walk, or a run, all depending, plus I also do pulling with them which gives a MUCH harder work out in a much smaller time frame.

07-15-2006, 11:40 PM
Tango gets 2 walks daily, each about 45mins to an hour and a half long. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Her walks also consist of off leash time in which I either practice her obedience skills with her or throw a ball or frisbee for a while. I also take her out for an evening jog/run in the evenings on nice days. Besides that, she spends hours upon hours playing fetch in the yard, wrestling with Morgan, and swimming in our pool.

Morgan usually goes with Tango and I on one of our walks lately and as I said, she plays/wrestles with Tango in the yard a lot. In the early mornings she exercises herself by doing a bunch of laps around the yard for about a half hour or so.

Winston doesn't really do a whole lot, but he does play tug with either Tango or Morgan (sometimes all three tug together) and I do sometimes throw a ball for him. Most of the time though he prefers to laze around on the couch. He gets about 4 walks a week aswell.

Tia doesn't do much of anything but sleep and chase bugs in the yard, occasionally she'll go for a walk but she's quite content just to sleep the day away.

07-17-2006, 10:05 AM
My dogs get exercised daily but what we do varies from day to day. If it is extremely hot outside they may get a short walk or game of fetch outside in the early am or late pm if it is cool enough, if it is too hot even at those times we just play a LOT in the house.
What we do on an average day with not too hot or cold temperatures varies too. Depends on if it is raining out or how much time I have. But sometimes we go on long hikes or walks, shorter if it's raining or snowing a lot. Sometimes we practice commands, weather it be obedience, agility or tricks. Sometimes we go to the dog park or a friends house with dogs.

07-17-2006, 11:27 AM
I was surprised that there are 2 votes for no exercise. Is this because your dog(s) are old or feeble?

Fenway gets walks each day (even when I'm too pooped to walk) and we go to the ballfield and I throw a baseball around so he can fetch it. Or we go to the pond and he hunts for frogs and digs holes. Plus he goes to DDC about 2-3 times per week.

He went to the vets on Friday and the vet kept saying "he's in excellent shape and he's so strong". I was like "that's my boy!"

I also told the vet "you'd think I'd be skinny with all the exercise Fenway gets but I know how to open the fridge door and Fenway doesn't." heeheehee.


07-17-2006, 09:25 PM
My dogs go for a 30 minute walk daily, they play in the fenced yard together, and I play fetch with Lou Lou(8 months) atleast 3 times a day, I have to throw the tennis ball up to 30 time depending if there is any lighting bugs to distract her! We also play fetch in the house throughout the day! If I don't do all of this then Lou Lou will drive me nuts! We also took Lou Lou swimming for the first time last weekend, she loved it and Chester has always loved swimming(he is 6 years old) so I am going to try and take them swimming once a week while it's nice out! She sleeps so much better when she has had an active day! :)

07-19-2006, 01:50 AM
Me & my sister go to a fenced field every evening to play with the dogs for an hour, almost no matter what. They also go to the lake & run around & swim a few days a week. Gonzo practices Flyball on our own set of jumps & box, and he goes to practice for 2-3 hours every Saturday morning. Gonzo jogs with my older sister every morning for a few miles. They play through out the day in the backyard. I don't do walks with Fozzie at all, because I feel the repetitive motion on a hard surface is bad for growing pups.

finn's mom
07-19-2006, 12:13 PM
And, swimming, I didn't see that as an option. :) We try to take Finn, Freckles and Dudley every night around 7:30 to an open range (about 200 acres!) park area where they run off leash and play in the creek. It's an awesome place, and only about a three minute drive from the house. We also try to get them out to the lake for off leash fun and swimming at least once a week. They don't get walks as often as I used to walk Finn, but, we have a back yard that we play around in several times a day. Plus, Finn loves to be chased, so, Freckles and Dudley chase him around the house all the time. ;) David was running Finn daily, but, his knees have been bothering him so it hasn't happened as often as it was. I need to get up early enough to walk Finn while it's at least tolerable outside. We're working on getting a routine down. ;)

07-19-2006, 12:30 PM
Oh, sorry, I really didn't think about swimming.