View Full Version : Update on Ying and me

07-12-2006, 04:30 PM
We are both out of the hospital. I am very tired and worn out and haven't been doing anything but sleeping and taking care of the fur gang and me. Ying has some damage that we don't know yet if it will be permanent or not. My feeling is that it will but I hope I am wrong. This whole ordeal has been a nightmare for me and my babies. I always thought I had made plans that if anything happened to me, like me having to go in the hospital that my babies would be boarded at the vet( at least the ones that needed special medical care). I thought I had that covered. What I didn't plan for was that I go into the hospital on a big holiday weekend when the vet was completely full and couldn't even take my special needs babies. I was lucky she was able to take Ivy(my FIV+ diabetic) and Scooter my other FIV+ baby that live with Tom. Tom was going out of town for a few days and they would have been left alone with no on to feed them or give Ivy his insulin. So now I am going to re do my emergency plan and also make a backup plan so if this ever happens again, God forbid, it will be covered. I have a hospital, doctor phobia enough let alone adding to the stress of worrying about my babies. I urge all of you to not only think about this but to arrange an emergency plan for every possibility you can think of. Believe me your babies lives depend on it!!!!!! I am not up to telling my long nighmare yet but will try to do that in the next few days. I want everyone to know how serious this is. Thanks for all of your prayers and good wishes while Ying and I were ill.


Laura's Babies
07-12-2006, 04:38 PM
Your plans sound like the plans I have made and I had the backup plans in place too and had them fail... Plan "A" and Plan "B"... The sad truth is when you depend on humans there is always the unexpected thorwn in at the last minute.

It is just to bad all us pet talkers don't live in the same area so we could help one another when the help is needed with our fur kids and their purents.

07-12-2006, 05:21 PM
I have made plans with the Animal Welfare Association, and the first thing if I was incapacitated would be for the Found Cats to go to the Pampered Feline.
Thats the most important thing.
All the bills are handled automatically.
The Cats come first.

07-12-2006, 05:40 PM

My cats are all cared for once I leave here. They're in my will (not that I have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it OUT of, my you). Each cat has specific instructions. I also have an evacuation plan in case of fire, etc.

Sounds like you've got a plan there, girlfriend. I'm glad you're BOTH out of the hospital and can mend each other's souls. Cats were put on this earth for a reason. I thank God everyday that mine are in my life.

If there is anything I can do, please PM me, okay??

(((((HUGS))))))) to both you and Ying


07-12-2006, 09:21 PM
I urge all of you to not only think about this but to arrange an emergency plan for every possibility you can think of.

I have not done this, but after reading your story, I must get this done. The will, too.

Thanks for letting us know how you and Ying are doing. Really hope it's not permanent. Take care of yourself.

07-12-2006, 11:08 PM
I am so glad I am not the anal retentive here! lmao all our furbabies have a plan signed and notarized if a tragedy hits they are also in our will. Our first thought after our ppl kids was them so it was only natural to plan for them also. and here we thought we were a tad extreme :eek: