View Full Version : How should I introduce Sam to small animals?

07-12-2006, 11:53 AM
Since we are moving and Sam has to stay with my dad for awhile, I'm worried how he'll react to the chickens and cats. I know Cocker Spaniels are sometimes used as hunting dogs... do they have a very high prey drive? Sam loves to chase squirrels, but then again so do most dogs and lots of them are good with other animals.
I'm so worried he will chase them... but most of the roosters and guinea hens will fend for themselves and probably will attack him if he tries to chase them. How should I go about introducing him to the poultry and cats? Any advice would be very helpful.

BTW... He won't be able to get into the pasture so he won't chase the horse or goats. If he did Dreamer would probably kick him. :eek: :( At least I don't have to worry about that.

07-12-2006, 01:45 PM
Well, you could carry him and let him see the animals, if he doesn't react well, I would suggest having a cable with a chain on it, so he can run around, just not reach the animals. But if he DOES do well, keep doing that, then switch to having him on a leash, and after a little bit of that, you could try off leash.