View Full Version : Please keep Buddy in your thoughts. *GOOD UPDATE*

07-11-2006, 09:04 AM
He has hookworm and had his first oral de-worming Saturday night. He already had diahrea, but it got worse... and worse. To the point where he couldn't even control himself and went in the house 3 times and his crate, he's thrown up several times too. We went back to the vet yesterday and the vet thinks it's a partial blockage from a clump of worms that died. We would have had an x-ray taken yesterday but the machine was broke. We go back at 11:30 for an x-ray to confirm.
Please keep him in your thoughts and hope for a speedy recovery!
My poor baby boy has not eaten since Sunday night! And the vet told me not to give him water either!! (They gave him fluids at the office yesterday)

07-11-2006, 09:15 AM
Poor Buddy, many prayers are on the way for your sweet boy. Hope he's back to normal soon :( Gentle (((hugs))), Buddy.

Ginger's Mom
07-11-2006, 09:54 AM
Oh Angie, I am sorry to hear that. Prayers going out for Buddy, and Hugs going out for you.

07-11-2006, 09:56 AM
:( Poor buddy, hugs for our buddy.

07-11-2006, 10:05 AM
How scary. Buddy & you are in my thoughts for sure. I hope it's something simple and that he's feeling better in no time. {{hugs}}

07-11-2006, 10:09 AM
:( poor thing. You and Buddy will be in my thoughts. (((hugs)))

07-11-2006, 10:18 AM
Aww! Buddy I hope you get better soon. Poor baby. :(

Samantha Puppy
07-11-2006, 10:22 AM
Poor Buddy! I'm so sorry he is so sick! Please keep us posted as to how he's feeling... Give him a big hug from me and a big kiss from his Samantha.

07-11-2006, 10:25 AM
Oh Poor , Poor, Buddy!!!!!

You're on the way to the Vet by now, so, I will check back this afternoon to see what the x-ray revealed.

I really feel so bad for Buddy, as I often look at the signiture of your German Shepards. Which one is Buddy? The darker one on the right?

He must feel so sick !!!! I sure hope he gets better by the end of this week!!!! Please let us know what his treatment will be, ok?

Hugs to Buddy from Dorothy39!!!!!! :(

07-11-2006, 10:30 AM
Awww poor Buddy! :( :( I hope he heals up soon Angie.

07-11-2006, 11:35 AM
Awww, so sorry to hear that. Poor Buddy.May I ask if Buddy was on
Heartgard when he got sick? I only ask because it's what I've been useing
to control various worm infections. I hope his treatment goes well & Buddy's
back to feeling better again soon.

07-11-2006, 11:57 AM
poor Buddy!
Hope we get a positive uppiedate soon.

07-11-2006, 12:15 PM
awww buddy! i'm hoping that you feel better soon! did you get the xray results?

07-11-2006, 12:28 PM
Well... the Dr. didn't see a blockage on the x-rays.
He's lost 12 pounds between being scared during the 4th weekend of fireworks, and then we had a few days of thunderstorms... then the worms. So he's had diarrhea for at least 2 weeks!! He is one sick little boy. :( They kept him, they want him on an IV for at least a day, and they will offer him bland tonight so they can see how it comes out. The Dr. will call me tonight and let me know how he's been. Then to make matters worse it looks like thunderstorms are going to roll through tonight and tomorrow! I let them know that I have to tranquilize him during storms, and if they expect him to keep an IV in during a thunderstorm they better sedate him. Ohhhhh!!!!!!!! My poor baby boy.
Sierra is already lost, she doesn't know what to do with herself, and I have to give her a tranq tomorrow when I leave for work (separation anx)
So, Sierra and I have to sleep alone tonight (the husband is still working out of town) we won't have anyone to scare away the boogie man. :(
Please pray that he gets better fast so he can come home!
And will someone Please make the thunderstorms stay away!

Lizbud: No, he was not on hearguard, but will be starting it as soon as he's better. We went to the vet (the first time) last Monday to be tested for heartworm.

Dorothy: No, Buddy is the Black and Tan.
If Bud can't keep anything down/in by tomorrow, they are going to do a test with barium to take a closer look if there is a blockage that wasn't able to be picked up on the X-Ray. They also have an MRI machine too if need be.

Paws Crossed please!

07-11-2006, 12:32 PM
Oh no, poor Buddy! :( You both will be in my thoughts and prayers. (((Hugs)))

Toby's my baby
07-11-2006, 12:34 PM
Poor Buddy!! :( I hope he gets better fast, so he can protect you and Sierra from the boggie man!! ;) He will definently be in my prayers!! {{HUGS TO EVERYONE}}

07-11-2006, 12:37 PM
If Bud can't keep anything down/in by tomorrow, they are going to do a test with barium to take a closer look if there is a blockage that wasn't able to be picked up on the X-Ray. They also have an MRI machine too if need be.

Paws Crossed please!

When I first read your post earlier today I was hoping they would do a barium, I honestly don't think they can detect worms with just a regular x-ray, in fact *almost* all blockages can only be deteced via barium. I've rarely heard of a regualr x-ray to check for a blockage.

We've still got our fingers & paws crossed for you. {{{hugs}}}

07-11-2006, 01:07 PM
Oh no! Poor guy :( He'll be in my thoughts and prayers. Hope he gets well soon!

07-11-2006, 03:16 PM
I feel so sorry for poor Buddy .I did catch the news at noon and saw what Ohio was in for tonight. I would need a tranquilzer by now if I were in your shoes!!! Wow, he has lost 12 pounds since the 4th :eek: I've never owned a big dog like Buddy, but I have 2 German Shepard Grand dogs. (They ought to both lose 12 pounds!!! as they are overweight)

I was so hoping that you were able to bring Buddy home and begin a treatment regimen by now. Sorry that he has to stay at the Vets!!! It's just the wondering and worrying to work with !!!!!!! :confused: :rolleyes:

Please keep us posted . give your Sierra our hugs as well.

I know how you must be feeling right now too. , all of us are keeping our toes and our fingers crossed for Buddy to come home soon!!!

07-11-2006, 04:05 PM
Oh wow.I didn't know this had been going on so long. Poor Buddy. :(
I will double up on prayers & good positive thoughts for that sweet boy.
I do know what you mean about the storms causing anxiety in Buddy. Both
of my pups are the same way.Please let us know how he's doing after the

07-11-2006, 11:35 PM
How's Buddy doing? Endless prayers for a speedy recovery and many well deserved treats.

Gawd, is it a GSD thing? Mz Logan is petrified of thunder and lightening storms. No sedation, she finds her own private "safe" place and I don't coddle her, but it's so sad, it breaks my heart. Otherwise, she's perfection.

07-11-2006, 11:37 PM

Paws and everything crossed for you sweetheart.

Daisy and Delilah
07-12-2006, 06:16 AM
So sorry to hear about Buddy. I hope he gets better soon. Delilah sends kisses cause she hates thunderstorms too. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. GET WELL BUDDY!!!!

07-12-2006, 07:24 AM
We were VERY lucky up in the very north eastern corner of the state, we didn't get the storms they were expecting us to get!
Well I just got off the phone with the vet, they had him on an IV all night, they decided not to offer him food last night, they did give him food this morning and he ate it like crazy! (One good thing is that through this whole thing he's never lost his appitite.)
So the Dr. will call me back later this morning/early after noon to let me know if he kept it in/down. If he did then I get to pick him up today after work but if not, then they do the barium test.
Paws crossed that the food stays down!!

07-12-2006, 07:29 AM
So glad to see that you didn't get those nasty storms!!!

Keeping our fingers crossed up here for your Dear Dog, Buddy!!!

Thank-You so much for that up-date. Hoping his food stays put where it belongs!!!!

Thank-You for the up-date. ;)

07-12-2006, 11:04 AM
The Dr just called me and he has not vomited or had the runs since his feeding this morning at 7:30am so I can pick him up today.

I don’t fell all the good about it because the last time he threw up it took 12 hours before he threw up. So… I’m still not 100% convinced that he doesn’t have a blockage. It’s just going to be a waiting game at home now. Just waiting for him to poop and hoping and praying that something besides water some out. I won’t be able to pick him up until after work, so at least he’ll be there for another 5 ½ hours, if he hasn’t vomited or had the runs by the time I get there tonight… then I’ll feel a little better. But I won’t be totally convinced until I see him poop for the first time.
He will have had an IV in for almost 30 hours. So he'll be totally re-hydrated! :D
I know sure Sierra will be Overly excited to see him!!

Thank you all for your continued prayers!!

07-12-2006, 11:13 AM
Buddy will be in my thoughts. Get well soon big boy {{Hugs}}.

07-12-2006, 11:59 AM
I'm sorry I haven't replied yet so far... but I'm so glad the Buddy hasn't gotten any worse. Please get better soon, sweetie! He will be in my thoughts.

07-12-2006, 12:03 PM
Angie, I have been self-absorbed with pet issues of my own and I am only now seeing this message about Buddy. Please forgive me. :(

I do hope that all will go well today and when you get him home, he will be on his way to a full recovery.


07-12-2006, 12:36 PM
I hope he is ok, and that he is on his way to recovery.

I'll keep you and him, and his sister, Sierra in my thoughts.

Ginger's Mom
07-12-2006, 12:54 PM
Hoping that it is all a good sign and that Buddy is on his way to becoming his old self. As you said, the vet's office can keep an eye on him for the rest of the afternoon, and maybe (hopefully) he will have a nice bm in that time period.

07-12-2006, 01:00 PM
I hope Buddy is back to being his self when you get him home. You both are still in my thoughts. (((Hugs)))

07-12-2006, 01:00 PM
Thank-You for up-dating again.

Sure do hope Buddy regains his health after all this trama!!

Just keeping my fingers crossed that he does not have a blockage.

07-12-2006, 02:23 PM
Yeah, I still have it in the back of my mind that he still could have a blockage. I won't be 100% convinced until I see him poop at home.
But #1, he's never lost his appetite and #2; he's remained active.
Monday night Sierra kept trying to get him to play but he kept ignoring her but then finally gave in and chased her around the yard for a little bit.
So the more I tell myself these things the more I think I've talked myself into believing that he may not have a blockage after all.
Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes!
I'll post some pictures of the 2 tonight when I get home.

Between Buddy loosing 12 pounds (he's now down to 78 pounds) and Sierra FINALLY getting up to a good weight (73 pounds) it's weird to see them so close in weight! At one point Buddy was about 25 pounds heavier than her! :eek:
When I adopted him he was only 76 pounds and was just skin and bones, it took awhile but I got him up to 90 and was looking great!! Then this happened... :( Guess we're back to square one!
Thanks again!!!

07-12-2006, 04:00 PM
Thanks, I'll check and see if there are pictures of Buddy and Sierra tonight!!!

07-12-2006, 04:30 PM
I just read this. I am sorry that Buddy is sick.. but I hope he is better by the time you go pick him up...hopefully he will be..

Please let us know about him.. thanks!

07-12-2006, 05:58 PM
HE'S HOME!!!!!
This is what I look like right now: :D
This is Sierra right now: :D
And this is Buddy: :D
And.... drum roll please.... he pooped and it was Good!!!
I was so happy to see a good firm poop I felt like taking a picture of it! :o
Oh I can't tell you how happy I am to have my baby boy back home!!!
He's on Hills I/D for a few days. 1/2 can every 4-6 hours for a few days, then I'll start mixing in his food. I have to watch his water intake also.
He's just got a boo boo on his right front leg from the IV and he's on the skinny side but besides that he's doing good!! :D
I'll take and post pictures just as soon as I find that darn camera.... where in the world did I leave it???
Thank you all soooooo much for your prayers!
I know he's not 100% out of the woods yet, I still have to be very careful with his food and water, but he is well on his way to a speedy recovery!
I am going to start both on Interceptor as soon as Buddy is better.
Thanks you all again!!!
Sierra, Buddy and Angie :D

Ginger's Mom
07-12-2006, 06:34 PM
Yay for Buddy! Glad to hear he is home and doing better. I am sure he won't mind eating every four hours. :) I hope he keeps improving.

07-12-2006, 07:06 PM
Great news! Glad everything's "coming out" alright! :D

07-12-2006, 07:22 PM
Glad to hear Buddy is doing better! Can't wait for the pics! :)

07-13-2006, 12:06 AM
Thats good news, Angie! Glad he is doing better.

{{Big Hugs to Buddy please}}

07-13-2006, 05:34 AM
For the life of me, I don't know why I missed this GOOD news while on line last night.

But, I found it and I am over joyed too!!! :D I wonder how Buddy might react if he knew that you are telling the world about his recent bowel movement!!!!!! :eek: :D --Hey, We're Fur Mothers Buddy!!!!!! We are so glad every thing came out okay!!!!!

Now, remember, you promised a picture of Buddy and Sierra.

No poop pictures please!!!!!!!! :eek: :p

Gosh, I am so happy he's HOME!!!!!!

07-13-2006, 05:59 AM
I was so happy to see a good firm poop I felt like taking a picture of it! :o

LOL! LOL! Like Dorothy said, we are all fur mommies and we understand the excitement about things like that! I arrived a little late to this thread and actually I am happy that I did because it seems like Buddy has turned a corner! I hope that he continues to do well. Now we'll just hope there are no more thunderstorms coming your way! :eek: My sister-in-law's 90 lb. GSD always hid in the fireplace when thunderstorms went through. :p

07-13-2006, 07:56 AM
My sister-in-law's 90 lb. GSD always hid in the fireplace when thunderstorms went through. :p

How funny!! Buddy does that exact thing too!!! :D
We have a fireplace down the basement that is not used and that's where he goes sometimes during storms!!!

All three of us slept like babies last night!!
I fell asleep with my arms around Buddy and woke up with his head resting on my shoulder. I didn't want to go to work!! Wahhhh!! :(
But I have to work to pay the vet bill! I shouldn't complain, it was only $240 and I don't think it was all that bad.

07-13-2006, 08:02 AM
Wow, that's not bad, considering he was on an I.V., spent the night, etc.

I don't blame you for not wanting to go to work today. Buddy and Sierra sound like the best dogs in the world right now.

I'm so very glad that he is doing much better!!!!!!!

07-13-2006, 08:21 AM
Yay! I'm glad hes home and feeling better! :D

07-13-2006, 09:16 AM
I'm so glad to hear that he's home and doing so well.

07-13-2006, 09:35 AM
Yea, I'm so happy to here thats he's home and doing good. :D

07-13-2006, 12:41 PM
Yay!! That's great news... I'm soo glad he's home and doing well. :D

07-14-2006, 07:38 AM
Another great day where everything "Came Out" perfect! :o :D
He's such a good patient taking all of his medicine like the good boy that he is! He's still eating 4-6 times a day, this morning I threw in a tiny hand full of dry. I'm not going to rush the introduction of his dry food at all!! I don't care if it takes a month!! :eek: I don't want him to get the runs again!
Thanks again everyone for the prayers!
I'll take new pictures to post just as soon as I find my dang blasted camera! :mad: We've been re-doing different rooms in the house and everything that doesn't have "a place" anymore goes into the spare bedroom, (the black hole) and I think the camera is in there somewhere.

07-14-2006, 07:55 AM
I know what you mean in reference to
The Black Hole" syndrome. It is aggravating to say the least!!!!!

I am so Happy to learn that Buddy is doing even better!!!!!! and that His picture will be posted in due time.

Hugs again to Buddy and Sierra!!!!

07-14-2006, 08:33 AM
Angie I'm very glad to hear that Buddy is doing well:)

Hugs and kisses to both of them (and I'm looking forward to the pictures!).