View Full Version : Just a Follow up on our Rescue

07-10-2006, 05:41 PM
Well alot has gone on in Rusty the amazing felons life since he joined us, new house new fursister a pink brother housetraining and as we all know now another pink brother. For a Dobe that wasn't raised around cats he now has four that he adores or small animals 5 guinea pigs he steals and tries to clean on my bed no small dogs his sister is a cocker :rolleyes: no kids he now has a 9 and 6 yr old brother the younger being very tiny Rusty has decided that his role in life is to follow and clean him and steal him at every opportunity! Since he could not steal him from the tub last night he made do by joining him in it! after the mess was cleaned and kid and dog dried off we have resigned ourselves to the fact that no amount of preaching is going to make Rusty believe he is a BIG dog and have given up :rolleyes: His housetraining is almost foolproof and his joy in life a pure delight. He is still the biggest felon this side of the mason dixon line but thats another story!

07-10-2006, 05:54 PM
Rusty amazes me!!!! JUmping into a bath tub!!! Cleaning guinea pigs? Did I read that right? :D . :confused: He sure sounds like a wonder dog, your felon!!!! And he tolarates cats as well. :eek: I wonder, does he even know how big he is?

That's the funniest story this side of the Mason Dixen Line for sure!!!!!!

07-10-2006, 05:57 PM
I don't think so Dorothy we keep showing him pictures of Dobermans and telling him he weighs more that his littlest brother but he just looks at us like we are idiots and happily tears through the house like a min pin ! and yes he cleans the kittens and the piggies thinks he is a Papa smurf i believe! silly Felonious dog!

07-10-2006, 06:05 PM
Oh My God, that is doggone hilarious!!!!! What a little big dog!!!!!!