View Full Version : I'm in love with Lucy

Heather Wallace
05-18-2002, 07:20 AM
As many of you know I am a pet sitter and I look after most of the animals in my own home.

At the moment I am looking after Lucy,a 8 month old King Charles Spaniel, they are my favorite breed. She is absolutely adorable and she has taken to me just as much as I have to her. it is her first time away from her family but I think she is doing great!

We also have 2 dalmatians with us to and they are quite a hand full. I don't usually look after 2 sets of dogs from different families but Lucy's mum was deperate and to be honest I didn't want to miss the oooprtunity of caring for my favorite breed. Would you?????

So as you can imagine my house is ful with animals, 3 dogs plus my own pets, 2 cats and 4 rabbits!!!!!!!!!!

I will post pics of Lucy soon.

05-18-2002, 07:35 AM
Oh Heather! She sounds wonderful! I can't wait to see the pics of her:D
We used to have a dalmation when I was younger and we lived out of town. She was tied up, but somehow, every day she would get loose and follow the school bus till we got to the highway! I would call my mom to tell her, and she would look outside and she would be there! They are quite a handful!

05-18-2002, 08:27 AM
How much fun you must be having with all those animals!! Look forward to seeing pics!

Sam's My Baby
05-18-2002, 08:52 AM
I love cocker spainels too, my friend just got one down the street, he is so cute! Yep, dalmations can be a handful, but you gotta love them becuase they are so adorable! :)