View Full Version : Fitness Fridays Health Club #2 - Get Up & Get Moving!!!

07-10-2006, 07:48 AM
We had a GREAT first week - Fitness Fridays #1 (http://www.petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=108183)! I couldn’t ask for a better response! I am so happy that everyone is excited about getting healthy!!!

Let’s keep up the pace!

Please keep the HEALTHY Recipes coming!!! I enjoy trying new things and I’m sure that others like new ideas as well!

Please keep us updated as to what you're doing each day - as far as exercising & activities! I believe that this motivates others to stay active AND motivates yourself to keep it up!!!

Also, I am going to start posting some "home exercises" for those of you who can't, or won't go to a gym. ;)

So here we go on our second week . . . have a great one and drink your water! ;) Get your rest! Eat healthy! And MOVE that body!!!


07-10-2006, 09:45 AM
I think Jazzcat Lori requested this be posted last week . . . sorry I'm so slow Lori! ;)

Mozzarella Stuffed Turkey Meatloaf

1 ½ pounds or 1 package ground turkey
1 10oz. Pack of chopped spinach, thawed & drained
½ cup minced onion (or one fresh onion, chopped)
½ cup dry seasoned bread crumbs
¼ cup parsley
1 tsp oregano
2 egg whites
½ tsp salt
¼ tsp pepper
1 cup mozzarella cheese - fat free if you can find it!!!
2 tbsp ketchup & 2 tbsp mustard

Preheat oven to 350.

Combine turkey, spinach, onion, bread crumbs, parsley, oregano, eggs, and S&P. (Feel free to omit the spinach if you don’t like it - but it is GOOD!)

Press ½ mixture into a pan.

Top with cheese.

Press remaining mixture on top of the cheese.

Mix the ketchup & mustard in a small bowl. Spread on top of meatloaf.

Bake 1 hour.

Let stand 10 minutes before serving.

07-10-2006, 09:47 AM
Anyone like Philly Cheese Steaks??? I DO!!! Try these instead!

Philly Cheese Steak Wraps

1 lb Round Steak or Beef Round
2 tsp cooking oil
2 cups sliced onions
2 bell peppers
½ cup grated provolone or pepper jack
Low Carb or whole wheat Fajita shells

Slice beef THIN

Cook peppers & onions – set aside.

Sautee beef strips.

Combine and add cheese.

Serve on warm fajita shells.

07-10-2006, 09:57 AM
This thread was just the what I needed.

Drinking lots of water. I have to stay away from caffiene but I do sneak in a few cups of coffee each morning.

I will visit this thread more often and try to print off recipes to take along while grocery shopping.

I've got a nice, clean workout room , loaded with equipment that needs to be used. Since losing my dog, I've sat on the pity pot way too long :eek: ,

Great thread!!!!!!! Refreshing and brilliant!!!!!

07-10-2006, 11:01 AM
This was on AOL wedsite this morning. There some real good ones in here. http://diets.aol.com/dietbasics/rodale/_a/100-smartest-diet-tips-ever/20051226205009990001

07-10-2006, 11:41 AM
That link will come in handy, Thank-you for posting it. I'll put it onto my favorites!!!!!

My Peanuts
07-10-2006, 01:07 PM
I had a really great workout on Saturday. I did 60 minutes of cardio and then I hit the weight machines on my legs. I was feeling good. I didn't go yesterday. I'm supposed to go today, but I think I might have the flu and I'm dehydrated. I'm at work though. I will see how I feel when I leave here. Right now, I'm planning on skipping the gym.

Toby's my baby
07-10-2006, 01:46 PM
Congrats everyone on surviving the first week ;) I can't wait to see those home exercises Christa!! I'm going to be so active this week. I have basketball from 8-11 Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and then starting Wed. I have the county fair, which I willl be doing TONS of walking, and lots of horse shows!! :) I'll definently get my exercise!

07-10-2006, 02:52 PM
I had a really great workout on Saturday. I did 60 minutes of cardio and then I hit the weight machines on my legs.

That reminds me . . . LECTURE FOR THE DAY . . . LOL

If you're going to do both, you should always do cardio AFTER you lift.

A lot of people (especially women) think that you're supposed to do cardio first. Not sure why. I mean, it's good to do 5 minutes of cardio to *warm up* but not a full cardio session.

By lifting first, you are getting your muscles warmed up, getting your metabolism going . . . then when you do your cardio, you're going to burn LOTS more calories - you'll get a better cardio workout.

Plus, if you do 60 minutes of cardio first and you're fatigued, most likely you'll have poor form while lifting, which will lead to injury.

When you lift first, you'll be able to lift heavier because you'll be stronger - you won't be worn out from just doing 60 minutes of cardio. :)

07-10-2006, 02:56 PM
This was on AOL wedsite this morning. There some real good ones in here. http://diets.aol.com/dietbasics/rodale/_a/100-smartest-diet-tips-ever/20051226205009990001

Thanks for posting that link!

I should stitch this one on a pillow! #9 on the list!

*Use a salad plate instead of a dinner plate.*

I give that little tip a lot of credit for my weight loss!!! I HIGHLY recommend it! Helps a lot to control portions!!!

My Peanuts
07-10-2006, 03:55 PM
That reminds me . . . LECTURE FOR THE DAY . . . LOL

If you're going to do both, you should always do cardio AFTER you lift.

A lot of people (especially women) think that you're supposed to do cardio first. Not sure why. I mean, it's good to do 5 minutes of cardio to *warm up* but not a full cardio session.

By lifting first, you are getting your muscles warmed up, getting your metabolism going . . . then when you do your cardio, you're going to burn LOTS more calories - you'll get a better cardio workout.

Plus, if you do 60 minutes of cardio first and you're fatigued, most likely you'll have poor form while lifting, which will lead to injury.

When you lift first, you'll be able to lift heavier because you'll be stronger - you won't be worn out from just doing 60 minutes of cardio. :)

Thanks Christa! That's why I'm here, for advice like that :). I don't know why I do it backwards. I never really thought about it. :)

07-10-2006, 04:05 PM
I found this great "at home" workout that I thought I'd post! It's a circuit workout - for those of you who aren't familiar, a circuit just means that you do one thing right after the other until the entire routine is finished.

Short-Circuit Workout

This 30-minute circuit workout is great to keep in your exercise archive for whenever time is tight. The only equipment necessary is a set of 5- to 8-pound dumbbells, a sturdy chair, a floor mat or towel, and a watch or clock with a second hand. After warming up with walking or light jogging for five minutes, you'll alternate the cardiovascular and strength moves described here, completing the entire circuit twice. Then you'll cool down. Make sure to add abdominal work and stretching at the end of the circuit.

Cardio Shuffles: With feet spread wide, shuffle sideways back and forth across the floor for one minute.

Push-Ups (for the Chest): Assume your preferred position: legs straight with toes on floor or knees on floor, bent at 90-degree angles. Lower your body until your chest is about fist-distance from the floor; push up until arms are fully extended. Do eight to 12 repetitions.

Cardio Jumping Jacks: Do one minute of jumping jacks with this modification: When legs are spread wide, bend knees into a semi-squat.

Rows (for the Back): Hold both weights in one hand, and bend at the hips, placing opposite hand on chair seat. Allow arm to extend toward floor with weights. Bend elbow as you pull arm back. Elbow should point toward the ceiling; weights should end up right at waistline. Release slowly toward floor. Perform eight to 12 repetitions; repeat on opposite side.

Cardio Ski Jumps: Holding onto chair back with both hands, jump side to side for one minute, keeping feet together. Try to jump the width of the chair, or place a towel on floor to jump over.

Rear Fly (for the Upper Back): With a dumbbell in each hand, bend from the hips until upper body is parallel with the floor. Lift weights up and back, as if you were a bird preparing for flight, leading with the elbows. Concentrate on squeezing your shoulder blades together, as if you were pinching a tennis ball between them. Pause, release slowly, and repeat for a total of eight to 12 repetitions.

Cardio Jump Rope: Pretend to turn a rope while skipping or jogging for one minute; keep arms flexed for a more vigorous workout.

Dips (for the Triceps): Sit on the edge of a chair. With elbows relaxed, firmly grip the edge and slide your bottom off the chair. Legs should be together, knees bent, toes pointing up. Slowly lower bottom, keeping back close to chair seat; then push up until arms are straight. Straighten the legs slightly to intensify the exercise. Perform eight to 12 repetitions.

Cardio Jog: Jog in place with knees high for one minute. (If jogging hurts your knees, march quickly, making sure to keep knees high.)

Standing Curls (for the Biceps): Stand upright with one weight in each hand, arms at sides. Bend both arms at the elbow, slowly bringing weights toward the shoulders. Keep arms and elbows close to body; lower slowly. Perform eight to 12 repetitions.

07-10-2006, 05:15 PM
I am doing terrible. The weekend was really bad for me and I ate like crazy. Really pigged out yesterday. I feel emotionally drained and stressed out. I know that is what triggered the eating. I haven't exercised at all either. I had actually lost 9 pounds before this happened. I'm not about to step on the scale and see what kind of damage I have caused. Well, enough of that crap. Time to get back on the program!!!

Toby's my baby
07-10-2006, 05:16 PM
Thanks for posting the at home workout thing!! I'll be sure to use that when my scheduale calms down.

Today, while at basketball, we were working on passing, and I asked if we could add some running into it. :p After passing the ball to your partner, I asked if we could run to the end of the gym, run back, and then pass the ball again, and your partner do it. EVERYONE got mad at me, but I told them, "chill, how much have YOU exercised this summer, you need it" lol :p They got over it fast ;) :D

07-10-2006, 06:23 PM
I am doing terrible. The weekend was really bad for me and I ate like crazy. Really pigged out yesterday. I feel emotionally drained and stressed out. I know that is what triggered the eating. I haven't exercised at all either. I had actually lost 9 pounds before this happened. I'm not about to step on the scale and see what kind of damage I have caused. Well, enough of that crap. Time to get back on the program!!!

It's hard to start a healthy lifestyle from scratch, Robin! Don't give up now! Just because you've had a rough few days doesn't mean that you're not going to be able to do it. We all have days that we more hungry than others. We all have days that we feel like crap and want to eat things that are bad for us. That's just life. The main thing is that you KNOW what is good for you and you stick with it . . . you know what is causing your set backs and you can avoid them as best you can . . . just another hurdle to cross. You're doing great hon!!! I mean, come on! 9 pounds!!! That is fantastic!

And trust me, you can't put on 9 pounds in 1 day!!! It's probably not as bad as you think. Your weight will flucuate, that's normal. I might even suggest that you NOT weigh yourself every day.

When I was loosing weight, I would weigh myself every Sunday morning - so I would get an accurate weight (same time of the day, same day of the week) . . . and if you weigh yourself every day, you'll drive yourself crazy - because it'll just go up and down and up and down.

The best way to tell that you're loosing weight - your clothes! They'll start getting looser!!! That's the best feeling in the world!!!

Hang in there, Robin!

07-10-2006, 06:26 PM
EVERYONE got mad at me, but I told them, "chill, how much have YOU exercised this summer, you need it" lol :p They got over it fast ;) :D

LOL, that is AWESOME! Getting everyone in shape!!! Very good job!

07-10-2006, 07:30 PM
I've been reading all of the weight loss threads but have no really chimed in. I'm always motivated and have strong starts to my weightloss but then all motivation is lost. I guess my main worry is that I wont be able to loose weight, which sounds stupid...but that's what it is. I don't have access to a gym bcause I don't drive, and don't have the money for a membership. So the only things I'm relying on are jogging, walks, and things like the home exercises that were posted before. (If you guys no anymore please post them for me). I'm just don't know if I'll be able to loose weight with just doing that? Like I won't be able to condition my arms, abs, legs and such. So is running, and fitness that doesn't require a gym going to result ina weight loss for me?


Another thing, I *think* someone on PT once posted a site that will keep track of the amount of calories you eat every day. If anyone has any idea what that site is...or a site similar to that, could you post it?

07-11-2006, 08:36 AM
Morning everyone! Ready to start the day!

I need some breakfast . . . I can't believe it's 9:30 already and all I've had is a cup of coffee. SMACK MY HANDS!!!

Who's gonna GET UP OFF THAT BUTT today!!!???!!!


I think maybe my coffee was too strong this morning - I feel really hyper for some reason! Maybe I should go ahead, eat & go to the gym NOW! LOL

CagneyDog: Hey!!! Glad you joined us!!! I just wanted to say that if you CAN run, DO RUN!!! A lot of people can't run because it hurts their joints (ankles, knees, hips) . . . but running is one of the best ways in the world to loose weight! It will fall right off! Especially if you run EVERY DAY!!! Just make sure that you have some good *running shoes* :)

Also, that website that you were talking about is probably FitDay.com :D And if not - it's still a GREAT site to use!!!

Good luck & hope that you come back EVERY DAY to Fitness Fridays!!! Even if you can't afford a "real" gym membership, ours is FREE!!!

07-11-2006, 11:21 AM
Well I'm checking in to say I'm not doing well this week. I had a hard workout Friday that left me sore and hardly able to walk Saturday and Sunday and then I got sick yesterday. I was hoping to go to the gym today but I'm too swimmy headed to drive and I don't have much energy. I hate this!

I'll be spending the day with my Dad tomorrow but maybe I'll get back in the gym Thursday.

07-11-2006, 11:27 AM
SQUATS! (legs)
Put your hands on your hips or fold them over your chest. From a standing position, feet about shoulder-width apart, squat down until both knees reach 90 degrees. As you lower yourself, keep your lower back slightly arched, head up, and stick your glutes out as if you were going to sit in a chair - Go as LOW as you can go - until knees & hips are fully bent! Once you reach the bottom position, flex through your quads, hamstrings and glutes to power yourself back up to a standing position and repeat. This can also be done with dumbbells in your hands if you have them at home.

PUSH-UP (chest)
Place your hands a little wider than your shoulders, put your toes on the floor, feet and legs together, and raise up into an arms-extended position. Slowly lower yourself until your chest just touches the floor, return to the starting position and repeat. As you lower yourself, concentrate on feeling the stretch in your chest, and flex on the way up rather than using a quick piston action to finish your set. If you're a beginner to push-ups, you can put your knees on the floor.

Or if regular push ups are too hard, you could try COUNTER PUSH-UPS!
Stand facing a sturdy table or counter arm's length away. Rest your hands on the edge, palms down, fingers forward and shoulder-width apart. Lean in, then walk your feet out in back. Lower your hips slightly so that your body forms a diagonal line. Bend your elbows and lower your chest to the counter. Look down, not forward. Tighten your abs to support your lower back. Push up by straightening your elbows and repeat 8 to 15 times.

CRUNCH (abs)
Lie faceup, your knees bent and feet on the floor. Keep your hands behind your head--avoid the temptation to pull on your head. Curl your torso as you bring your shoulder blades up a few inches, squeeze your abs, and then slowly return to the starting position. To keep the pressure on, don't spend more than a second in the "down" position; the longer your shoulder blades are off the floor, the more work your abs must do. Remember: Quality over Quanity!!! It's better to do 10 good crunches than 100 bad ones!

Back Extension (Back)
Lie facedown on the floor and place hands behind head (advanced) or fold them behind your back. Contract your lower back to lift your chest a few inches off the floor and lower back down. You can simultaneously lift legs for more intense exercise.

07-11-2006, 11:29 AM
Well I'm checking in to say I'm not doing well this week. I had a hard workout Friday that left me sore and hardly able to walk Saturday and Sunday and then I got sick yesterday. I was hoping to go to the gym today but I'm too swimmy headed to drive and I don't have much energy. I hate this!

I'll be spending the day with my Dad tomorrow but maybe I'll get back in the gym Thursday.

LOL . . . nothing worse than being sick. Sounds like you needed a few days rest after that Friday workout though! What exactly did you do? LOL Must have been a leg day??? Sounds like my leg day . . . can't walk for 3 or 4 days afterwards! :eek: Hang in there Lori!

07-11-2006, 11:33 AM
Christa - big leg day. I did way too many squats at too much weight and I did the elliptical backwards for most the time which kills my thighs. My thigh muscles hurt to touch for two days. I felt like I should look like Arnold Schwarzenegger but when I would look down it was just my flabby ole thighs. :rolleyes:

My Peanuts
07-11-2006, 11:52 AM
Ok, guys I'm pretty excited about this. I have these 2 pairs of jeans that were a bit too tight to wear. Well, I wore them both this past weekend! :D I'm losing VERY slowly, but I think that means it will be easier to keep it off. I wasn't feeling well yesterday and I didn't make it to the gym, (plus I got home from work @ 8pm and had to clean two big fish tanks) but I am definitely going tonight. :)

07-11-2006, 01:03 PM
Christa - big leg day. I did way too many squats at too much weight and I did the elliptical backwards for most the time which kills my thighs. My thigh muscles hurt to touch for two days. I felt like I should look like Arnold Schwarzenegger but when I would look down it was just my flabby ole thighs. :rolleyes:

Lori: Too many squats? How many did you do??? How much weight are you using? Are you using the barbell yet? I do 1 set with just the barbell - usually about 10-12 reps (just to warm up) . . . then I do 4 sets of 8 with . . . I think I'm up to 15 pounds added to the barbell (two 5 lb plates and two 2.5 lb plates). That's usually enough for me . . . then lunges with dumbbells . . . usually keeps me from walking for about 3 days!!! :eek:

Another thing, if you're not used to doing heavy leg days with weights like this, it WILL get easier . . . you're discovering muscles you didn't know you had! :eek: BUT . . . if it does get easier, you need to go up in weight.

07-11-2006, 01:05 PM
I'm losing VERY slowly, but I think that means it will be easier to keep it off.

That is AWESOME!!! Clothes are a great predictor of weight loss because a lot of times, if you're lifting weights at the same time you're loosing weight, you might not "loose" as much on the scales, since muscle weighs more than fat! :eek:

And yes, it's better to loose slowly. It will be more likely to stay off that way. They say that a good number is about 2 pounds per week. :)

07-12-2006, 07:44 AM
Morning everyone . . . Just reminding you that it's another day and not too late to get started :D living healthy!!!

Sick of me yet???

I can't wait to get to the gym today. I got sick yesterday so my workout was below par. Hard to believe, I was feeling so good yesterday morning! Just can't avoid that time of the month though! LOL. Anyway, I just wasn't up to speed. Gonna do some lifting today for my shoulders :eek: and then get in some cardio!!!

Hope you all have an excellent day!

Let me know how you're doing! And WHAT you're doing!!! *tapping foot in anticipation*

07-12-2006, 10:49 AM
Low Fat Spinach Lasagna (with ground turkey)

Box of whole wheat pasta (any kind)
Jar of Healthy Choice Tomato Sauce
2 packages of ground turkey
Fat Free Cottage Cheese
Frozen spinach (chopped) - thawed
Fat Free Mozzarella Cheese

Preheat oven to 350. Spray a 13x9 baking dish with PAM.

Cook noodles as directed on box.

Cook ground turkey thoroughly. Add tomato sauce. Bring to a boil and remove from heat. (you can add any Italian spices you'd like to this mixture)

In a medium bowl, combine cottage cheese and spinach.

Layer tomato sauce mixture ~ noodles ~ spinach mixture ~ Mozzarella Cheese.

Repeat layers using remaining ingredients.

Cover with foil and bake for 1 hour. Let stand for 10 minutes before serving.

YUM! Serve with a salad or enjoy by itself!

07-12-2006, 08:08 PM
So did we all take the day off or are we just being shy about it??? :eek:

07-12-2006, 08:31 PM
Lori: Too many squats? How many did you do??? How much weight are you using? Are you using the barbell yet? I do 1 set with just the barbell - usually about 10-12 reps (just to warm up) . . . then I do 4 sets of 8 with . . . I think I'm up to 15 pounds added to the barbell (two 5 lb plates and two 2.5 lb plates).
I've started doing squats on the Smith machine and I went up to adding a 45 pound weight on each side but after 10 squats I thought I was going to die so I went back to two 35 pound weights. I did 30 total at that weight - 3 sets of 10. With that and all the backwards elliptical at a high resistance I was almost paralyzed Sunday. It hurt to touch my thigh muscles - forget about actually using them. Richard was impressed to see me using that much weight, now I know why.

07-12-2006, 08:39 PM
Richard was impressed to see me using that much weight, now I know why.

I'm impressed too! LOL Keep it up though! It won't hurt as bad next time . . . and now that you know that you can do it . . . YOU CAN'T GO BACK! ;) You should try to squat the barbell sometime! It really challanges your core cause you gotta keep your balance. Lower your weight at first though. I like it better because my movement isn't as restricted, like with the Smith machine. I think that once you'd get the balance thing down, you'd like it a lot better!

07-12-2006, 08:47 PM
Lori and Robilee if it helps, you are not alone, I too have had a stink week, i have been on and off my programme all week, last week i lasted four days and blew it, this time two days and two days off, back on today, i really have to stop doing this, mind you I have been doing this all winter long, I am desperate to shift the two kilos i have gained and then get back to loosing more,but it just ain't happening.

Never mind don't loose faith in yourself, I know we can all do it, there are always hiccups along the way, I just have to learn how to stop myself binging,although i can write and say all this, in my head i know i am not feeling at all positive,but hey today is going ok so far, and tomorrow is another day, one day at a time,gotta get those positive thoughts in my head and keep then there, to everyone else who has done well congrats, and to those struggling as I am,sending positive vibes your way for a successful rest of the week and then some.

07-13-2006, 07:57 AM
Well, I'm using my 3,000th post to kick your butts into shape today! LOL Is that motivation enough???

(Sorry - I think I've been around my drill sgt. FIL too much lately!)


You all have done so well so far . . . but I DO understand the hurdles! Trust me, I have had plenty of them! I still do!!! I've been going through this for over 2 years now and have just now reached my weight loss goal!!! So when I say it doesn't happen over night, I mean it!

Robin, how's it going??? Haven't heard from you in awhile!!!

Sara . . . are you feeling better???

Anyone working out today???

What's on the menu for today???

Let's just keep motivating each other . . . any way possible!!! Keep moving, keep eating healthy and TRUST ME, it WILL pay off!!!


07-13-2006, 08:52 AM
Christa, you are a gem and so appreciated. I do get motivation from reading here, but like Carole I don't feel I am being all that successful in maintaining my good intentions and actually time on the computer is one thing that limits activities that expend more calories. What I do do religiously is my exercise program, and I am very attentive to eating healthy. What negates my success is obviously not *eating less*. That is what it is going to take to get the more mature woman to lose extra pounds. I also recently discovered that a medication I take for high blood pressure and irregular heart beat has as a side effect *weight gain* and might be part of the problem. But my motto is *no excuses, just try harder*. Sometimes I wonder if I have that in me any more.

07-13-2006, 02:26 PM
Christa, congrats on 3000 posts!

Carole - I'm glad to know I'm not alone but this hiccup has turned into a week long case for me. :rolleyes:

I did get back on track exercising today. I went to the gym today for the first time since Friday. It was hard but I did it. I have been walking in the evenings here in the neighborhood but it's been so hot that I haven't been doing my regular 1 1/2-2 miles. I'm trying though.

07-13-2006, 03:13 PM
Well . . . I'm getting ready to go to the gym . . . I am so tired! I just made a 2 hour trip, in the pouring rain, with a migraine. My head is better but my eyes are so tired and I really don't feel like going. I need to though.

I think I'll go rest my eyes for awhile first . . .

07-13-2006, 09:28 PM
Congratulations on 3,000 posts Christa! :D

I will check in quickly, I have been keeping busy.

Drinking water - check
Exercising (aerobics and weigh lifting) - check
Eating well (Salad for dinner and fresh cherries-yummy) - check

Almost bedtime so checking out for tonight. ;)

07-14-2006, 07:52 AM
I will check in quickly, I have been keeping busy.

Sounds like you had a great day yesterday! Just what I like to hear! :)

I DID get to the gym finally but was in a bit of a fog, thanks to a double dose of migraine meds that I had to take yesterday :eek: . . . I was glad that I went though because now I can hardly bend at the waist without feeling the tightness in my ABS! LOL . . . Good ab workout . . . and got in some cardio.

Just wish I would have ate better yesterday . . . I was naughty at lunch, but I won't go into any detail :D . . . I did eat breakfast though & dinner was chicken & veggies baked in the oven. That was good.

Now I'm off to the vet (with Josie - for her asthma shot) . . . then off to the grocery store :) . . . and maybe to the mall. I think I need to get a new pair of pants! Mine are falling off of me!!! :D

07-15-2006, 03:21 PM
How's everyone doing today???

07-15-2006, 03:35 PM
We went to the gym today. I slept awful last night and I felt it working out. It was so hard. Then I came home and scrubbed down 5 litter boxes and the litter box room - whoa, that made the gym look like nothing, LOL!

We are having a little rain storm right now (yay! we are so dry) but when it passes I plan to go swimming.

07-15-2006, 04:36 PM
Well i have lost a kg thats like 2.2 pounds this week despite my not very good efforts, how did i do it, it is called stress, i am feeling so worried about my lil cat Lexie and the outcome, that i have not been able to eat much, my stomach is in knots, i guess it is the silver lining in the black cloud, but honestly i would prefer to loose it the normal way, by dieting.

Don't worry Lori, i know what you mean how it can last a week or more, just put it behind you and move on, and take each day as it comes,we all have to remember even if we blow it by one over-eating at one meal time or day, we can just get back on track the next day or meal, not always as easy as it sounds, but it can be done, GOOD LUCK everyone.

07-15-2006, 09:16 PM
We went to the gym today. I slept awful last night and I felt it working out.

I was the same today. I went to the gym - in the midst of a migraine. I thought it was going away but I think I made it worse. I've had it all week so I think I am just weaker than usual. I could barely bench press the bar! :eek: I'm such a weenie today, LOL! Then I only got in 15 minutes of cardio because I just felt so horrible . . . finally gave it up and came home.

Now it's 10:15 p.m., I'm drinking coffee, hoping that the caffine will help my migraine (putting off taking more meds) - hope this isn't a BAD idea. I probably won't sleep at all tonight . . .

07-16-2006, 03:32 PM
Today I went for a walk and a swim! :D

I just want to show you ladies these sites about weight training...

Part One (http://www.johnberardi.com/articles/women/lean_pr.htm)

Part Two (http://www.johnberardi.com/articles/women/lean_2_pr.htm)

you have to train with weights that are heavy for you, or simply loads that you can handle for 3-6 repetitions

Just a little food for thought for you all!

07-16-2006, 04:57 PM
Thanks for posting that Jackie! :)

Lots of women believe that if they lift, they'll get big like men, but the fact is, women CAN'T get like that. It's just not natural (unless you take drugs of course) I always encourage women to lift weights . . . I weight train right along side my hubby & the results have been fantastic! I'm getting the body I never dreamed of having!

That is a great article, I hope everyone takes the time to read through it. ;)

07-16-2006, 10:00 PM
I'm here!! Going to bed now though but today will be my first day! Will defiantly be trying the exercises at home because I got a confidence thing about going to the gym :o Bit sad I know .. but Its a start :D

07-17-2006, 07:22 AM
Is cous cous good for you? I just tried some and its actually quite nice if you mix it with some veg, anyway would it be more healthier than a sandwich for work? I'm also swaping white bread for wholemeal so that wont be as bad as white everyday.

07-17-2006, 08:25 PM
OK I am tossing up whether or not to go to a movie tonite,but i find it incredibly hard, as popcorn and the most yummy ice cream in the world are there for the taking, and i just love to eat something while at the movies, just habit i suppose, so has anyone any idea of a yummy low fat snack i could have instead, just so my jaws don't pack up on my from the lack of chewing lol,just kiddin. :)