View Full Version : Off to the Dentist tomorrow...eek..

07-09-2006, 10:42 PM
Just hoping you all could give me some dutch courage as I head off to the murderhouse tomorrow, (thats what we referred it as children), I have had a tooth bothering me for about a month on and off, but due to finances I put it off, but low and behold I am eating my dinner and i bite into something crunchy that should not be there, you guessed it part of my tooth, and no not the same tooth , another one..

Lucky it is not a visible one, but it did have a rather large black filling in it done many years ago, so now i am in for double the cost and then on top of that hubby tells me this morning better book me in , my filling just fell out.

So yep this is gonna hurt, my pocket mostly, i cannot even pay it off at the dentist, but will have the option of applying for three months interest free credit, so thats the way i will have to go.

So please wish me luck ,I am so scared, here I have had two children and yet I fear the dentist more than anything.

I am hoping they can use the water laser treatment on my back tooth as it has a white filling in it, it is supposed to be pain free and drill free, so fingers and paws crossed please, Thanks in advance.

07-10-2006, 01:24 AM
The name you just gave the dentist is so "fitting"!!! Let us know how your visit turns out.

Laura's Babies
07-10-2006, 07:49 AM
I hate going to the dentist too. I have a tooth that has been bothering me for over 6 months and just don't want to go... I don't know why either, the last time I went, I had found a new dentist and I really liked him a lot. The tooth he pulled had grown down around my jaw bone and had to be cut out in pieces and he never hurt me the first time! The shot didn't hurt and all that cutting, digging and work, didn't hurt me a bit or leave me bruised. I was amazed and about fainted when I got the bill. He X-rayed it and spent over a hour getting it out and the bill was around $154. I was expecting a $400 to $500 bill for all he did.

07-10-2006, 10:38 PM
Well i just got back and I can only say my experience was awful, I came home and burst into tears,not that is was that painful or anything, but the injection did hurt and it is just such an uncomfortable procedure, and my back was hurting like hell as well.

It is worse than i first thought, i have two other teeth requiring filling i did not even know about and one is under an old filling and is a biggie, I cannot understand why i really do look after my teeth well,and then she wants to do a crown the total cost over $1700 dollars, yeah right like i have that kinda money, my other option is a cheapie fix up at $155 but then she does not know how long that will last, but i think it is my only option really.

Gosh and the crown procedure takes an hour and half and then another half hour appointment, if i choose that i am going to be sedated, there is no way my back can stand that for one,they don't have intravenous sedation only pills, so i might look at going elsewhere as i have had that before and it is great.

To be frank i just don't want to go back, but i know i have to otherwise i will be in a bad way if i don't, but i am dreading it.

I was not looking forward to it, but i was not prepared to feel so bad about it all,it has kinda made me feel quite depressed.

I guess it could be worse.

07-10-2006, 11:13 PM
Aw I'm sorry to hear that.

But I for one like the dentist when we get fillings we can watch movies , listen to music or something else.

07-11-2006, 05:16 AM
Gosh and the crown procedure takes an hour and half and then another half hour appointment

I just spent 2 hours in the dentist chair last evening getting an old crown replaced! :eek: I used to be terrified of the dentist but nothing bothers me anymore as I have had so much done to me. I feel sometimes the dentist has a lot to do with that, mine is a perfectionist and I never feel any pain or the injections.
I wish you best of luck in whatever you decide to do Carole.

07-11-2006, 09:05 AM
Thoughts and prayers coming your way, Carole. I HATE going to the dentist. That is probably one of my biggest fears. I hope it doesn't hurt you too much in the purse strings.

07-11-2006, 02:16 PM
I won't say going to the dentist is enjoyable, but it's a necessary evil and I actually like my dentist. She believes in dentistry being pain-free and a pleasant experience. For the most part it is. Shop around, ask friends, until you find a dentist you're comfortable with. You only have one set of adult teeth and want to hang onto them for as long as possible - you are well worth the investment.

07-11-2006, 02:29 PM
My dentist is evil. I have a lot of teeth issues. ( thanks to my brother, *glares angrily at brother :mad: )

When I was in 3rd or 4th grade, my brother opened one of the school windows which was, at the time, right at my tooth- level. Of course at that time I only had one adult tooth. But what one does he have to hit ? ! ? ! :mad:

So, the evil dentist had to put in a fake one, which really hurt. :( She froze my mouth, and I thought it was cool-feeling. So, just like a puppy, :rolleyes: I chewed it. GREAT, afterwards that really hurt, I had to get antibiotics because I chewed a hole right through my lip, because at the time I couldn't feel it. So now, I not only have a fake tooth right in the front, but I also have a perminent scar on my lip from were I chewed it. I hate my teeth. :mad: :(

Also, a couple of weeks ago, I had my last two baby teeth pulled, ( one of them was right sideways and was falling apart,ewww. )

But, I survived both experiences, you will too, so don't worry. Good Luck ! :)

07-12-2006, 03:06 PM
Thanks for the encouragement, yes i will be shopping around, i really don't particularly like the place i go, have had two female dentists and they are ok, personable enough but they don't strike me as very caring, whereas my old dentist was great, sadly he had two heart attacks at only 50 and has retired because of it.,he had a TV as well, but none of the others provide that to my knowledge.

I am not going to have a crown done, i simply don't have that kind of money, it was a root canal filling that fell out,i will just opt for the filling and hope it lasts,as i write this hubby is in the dentist chair right now getting a filling fixed, so you see it has been an expensive month.

I cannot believe i have a huge hole under my filling as i have had no pain whatsoever in that side of my mouth,just as well For x rays, as she could not see it either without them.

I am very sensitive to drugs and pain, so i have to wonder if maybe the injection made me feel the way i did,so upset,oh well that bit is behind me now, just have to pluck up the courage to go ahead with the rest now.

07-12-2006, 03:34 PM
I had a dentist years ago who was trying to buy a new boat. Get where I'm going here??? I have problems with bone loss in my jaws, and my front top tooth is loose. I went in to see him because I had a small abcess on the gum hear that tooth. He tells me that I have one of two options, I can either have a root canal (I nicknamed him "Root Canal Joe" for obvious reasons) or have the tooth pulled. I told him I needed to think about it. He leaves the room and not 10 minutes later, he comes in all prepped to do a root canal! I told him that I was going to seek a second opinion. He was pissed (guess he was really counting on that BIG sailboat). I wound up going to a former associate of his (a woman dentist who really knows her stuff) that ventured out on her own. Good thing too. She injected an antibiotic into my gum which totally got rid of the abcess. Many moons later (try 23 years +) I still have my original tooth (hope his damn boat sank!!).

Needless to say, this jerk left a (pun intended) BAD TASTE IN MY MOUTH for dentists. :p :rolleyes:

07-12-2006, 03:56 PM
Moosmom, your story reminds me of an endodontist I had years ago. I quit going to him as every time I saw him I ended up several thousand dollars poorer. He lost MANY patients because we all got wind of the fact that this guy was just taking us all for a ride - but none of us got rides in his race cars, sailboats, etc. :p The dentist who had initially referred me to him is from my current dentist's office (he sold his business to her when he retired) - even HE wouldn't go to that guy anymore and brought all of his endo patients back into the fold. None of us have gum problems anymore - amazing! :rolleyes: