View Full Version : Purina One For Sensitive Stomachs

07-09-2006, 09:01 PM
Has anyone tried this food for your cat? As some of you know..Jenna has a a poop problem for the past month. The vet keeps thinking it is worms because her poop was runny. I finally thought maybe is was her food (Purina Cat Chow Complete) and decided to change it. I got her some @ the vet and her poop was formed harder the next day. I need to find something cheaper besides the stuff at the vet. He said Wal-Mart would have some. Any suggestions?? Thanks :)

07-09-2006, 10:24 PM
I tried it because Ripley has a problem with throwing up easily. I didn't notice any change with him on the sensitive stomach food but he did better with Purina One Salmon and Rice. When he started having bladder infection I switched him to Purina One Urinary Care. He would still throw up but maybe a little less.

Now that I have several over weight cats I've gone to Nutro Complete Care Indoor Weight Management and every one is doing much better and hardly any vomit anymore - from anyone. Ripley still gets urinary care since he is in kidney failure but he loves the Nutro too.

Nutro isn't cheap but it's cheaper than what the vet sells plus the cats eat less of it so it last a little longer. The biggest benefits has been less poop in the litter box, it's always firm and doesn't hardly smell. Definitely worth the costs to me!

07-09-2006, 10:37 PM
I recently changed my older cat to Purina, he too is a daily vomiter, I actually found the sensitive stomach one worse than the others, but of course it is really hard to tell as it could have been a pure coincident that he vomited straight after it, as he does with other food too, however he loves the Senior one and weight management one, i think he is doing well on it, but yes he still has the vomits, my vet told me she has a cat just like him, and nothing she tried or did made an ounce of difference, some cats are just like that, Ash has had his blood tests etc done and is fine otherwise.

I think it would not hurt to give it a go though, each cat is different, i know he loves the taste of them, i have completely got him off wet food apart from some red meat now and then, and he is a happy boy.

07-09-2006, 10:41 PM
I've already given my opinion on Purina. I still think its utter crap. Many cats do fine on it. Then many don't. Sounds like you have one that doesn't. My guys won't touch it after being used to Nutro. I once got a bag of Purina from the rescue. I was low on Nutro and couldn't get to the store so I mixed in the Purina. My brats spat out each and every piece of the Cat Chow and left it sitting in the bowl, then they proceeded to scream for two hours for more food.

You can still give your cats good food at less money than the vets. A good food like Nutro Max will cost more per bag but seriously, but they'll eat less, AND you'll spend less in vet care. Go to Nutro's website and sign up, they'll send you a coupon book filled with $2 off coupons. Its on sale A LOT at Petsmart too.

07-09-2006, 10:47 PM
Nutro fixed Skinny's tummy problems. We have our gang on the Nutro Weight Management and it works (they are all loosing weight). A 20 lb bag costs $26.99 at Petsmart and feeds our gang of 4 for 1 1/2 months.
They always have it on sale ($2 to $5 off).

07-09-2006, 11:01 PM
Kim i hope you mean the Purina chat chow, as I find the Purina one very good, certainly not crap, I have seen a lot of animals fed on the cheaper brands and they do just fine, honestly i think way too much emphasis is put on certain brands, now that is just my opinion.

07-09-2006, 11:16 PM
Just to chime in on Purina Cat Chow. For about 11-12 years that was all that Ripley ever ate. My vet said it was fine back then and he did well on it but he was also a puker and did that all the time. The past 2 years I have been changing the food trying to find something that works for everyone since I now have 5 cats and not just Ripley. His puking has gotten better but I can't really say it was getting him off Cat Chow, I think a lot of it is he doesn't gorge himself anymore.

Anyway, my point is Ripley is now 14 so Cat Chow couldn't be all that bad. On the other hand though, now that I have discovered Nutro Complete Care I think it's better, less poop and smell for sure. So far it's worth the money. Now if I could just see some weight loss from Scout or Rumor.

07-09-2006, 11:19 PM
I had raven on Purina for a while, she didnt do well on it at all,she threw it up and eventually just stopped eating it..shes on Nutro now...im not too familar with what cat food brands are best though, my friends cat cant eat anything but meow mix, and he does just fine, while i know some other cats wont eat anything but the expensive stuff..i really dont know, im no expert when it comes to cat nutriton, sorry im no help :rolleyes: :p

07-09-2006, 11:31 PM
Yes, Sorry Carole, I shold have made it more clear: Cat Chow. Purina One is their repsonse to people demanding better food.

There is a reason for this hoopla over food. The cheaper food is like all the junk foods we humans eat. They are cheap and fill you quick and easily. However they have little nutirional value, and what fills you are fillers like corn and grain instead of whole proteins. The better food is like a real solid meal consisting of a balance of foods... the result being that you eat less, feel fuller. The food also is digested easier because its good whole foods and not waste and fillers.

Seriously, this is all said from a personal experience of having had a cat who had runs thanks to cheap food. I didn't know it really was THAT different until my vet informed me. And now I speak from experience since I have to know all this for work. Not just to inform cusomters but to talk about it in class. I have a whole class where I go over nutrition with my students. What I talk about is the product of research on my own - the stuff the company gave me to talk about? Ha! what a joke their guidelines were! They basically said to tell customers to feed the store brand :rolleyes: My students are looking to me to really help them make a good choice that makes sense financially AND health-wise for their pet.

I feed prescription diet to all 5 of my guys. Not because I believe its superior but because its the only thing that has actually keeps Pouncer from getting sick again. I'd love to switch back to all Nutro all the time, but its not possile, and neither is feeding just Pouncer prescription instead of all 5 guys. But the additional money spent is not even considered when I see that I'm not spending days worrying about Pouncer and paying for yet another test or round of antibiotics for Pouncer. $40 for a bag of food that lasts one month is well worth it in my book, but I do wish I could go back to the days of spending less than $20 a month. I swear my cats eat better than I do... thats another whole story all together! ;)

07-10-2006, 11:31 AM
My 12 cats have always been fed Special Kitty kibble with a weekly treat of canned. They are all strays that were supposed to be 'temporary'. Well, 'temporary' has turned into years. Only one has had a health problem. However, I decided to switch them to a better food.

I started to feed Nutro Complete for adults. I started with a 10 pound bag. That meant that I had to go to the store every 6 days and spend $16. But, hey, they NEED a better food.

After 4 weeks, I bought a 20 pound bag, $28. I used to spend $15 a month, now it's $65.

They thought it was as good as Temptations at first. Now it's just OK.

I did notice less odor and firmer litter box deposits, although it doesnt seem to be less volume. Maybe they will eat less as the novelty wears off.