View Full Version : Baby birds in my fern - SAD UPDATE :(

07-09-2006, 06:21 PM
Yay! A pair of purple house finches built a nest in the top of one of my ferns on the front porch and laid four eggs. I've been watching them for two weeks and today I saw one of the eggs is opened at the top. I had to water the fern but I took a quick peek. When I came back in I watched from the window and momma is helping her little baby break out. How exciting!

We typically have a nest there each year, but it's usually Carolina Wrens. This is the first time we've had finches. The mother is brown striped and the father is purple and brown - very pretty.

Just had to share.

UPDATE: They are gone! :( I looked out the window yesterday a few times and never saw the momma bird but I assumed she was gathering food for the babies. Today I decided to walk out on the porch and look and the nest is empty. :( No signs of anything, no eggs, no pieces of shells and no babies. I don't know what happened! The nest is in a fern in a hanging basket under the roof of my front porch. Nothing looks disturbed so I can't figure it out. BOO HOO! This is the second nest of babies birds I've seen not make it this year. The other was at my Dad's house.

07-09-2006, 06:35 PM
Wow , you lucky bird watcher!!!! I get excited about these things myself. What a great post.!!!!! Wish I had a front row seat with those finches!!!

Laura's Babies
07-09-2006, 06:35 PM
WOW! I would be excited about that too.. I love birds.

07-09-2006, 06:44 PM
Sounds Really Cool! I've Never Heard Of Purple Finches???

07-09-2006, 09:12 PM
Not sure if that's the right one but he is handsome. :)

Oops, the link doesn't work, I'll find another one.


07-09-2006, 09:34 PM
aww! How wonderful to witness! :D
I remember when I was six or so at the place my dad used to work, they had a small tree out front that always had eggs every year during the summer. I would go to work with him everyday just to see if the eggs had hatched.
You're so lucky to be able to watch the baby birds hatch and grow!

07-09-2006, 10:49 PM
Not sure if that's the right one but he is handsome. :)

Oops, the link doesn't work, I'll find another one.

I'm not sure if that is what they are or if they are just House Finches apparently it can be hard to distinguish which is which. I found this link that looks like them too.
House Finch (http://www.birds.cornell.edu/AllAboutBirds/BirdGuide/House_Finch.html)

07-11-2006, 12:40 PM
UPDATE: They are gone! I looked out the window yesterday a few times and never saw the momma bird but I assumed she was gathering food for the babies. Today I decided to walk out on the porch and look and the nest is empty. No signs of anything, no eggs, no pieces of shells and no babies. I don't know what happened! The nest is in a fern in a hanging basket under the roof of my front porch. Nothing looks disturbed so I can't figure it out. BOO HOO! This is the second nest of babies birds I've seen not make it this year. The other was at my Dad's house.

07-11-2006, 01:54 PM
Awww! I'm so sorry. Maybe something got to the nest and scared off the parents. :( :(

07-11-2006, 04:45 PM
:( Can raccoons climb to the plant? Crows & bluejays are also notorious thieves of eggs and newborn birds as well. Mother Nature can be so cruel Lori. :(

07-11-2006, 05:08 PM
:( Can raccoons climb to the plant? Crows & bluejays are also notorious thieves of eggs and newborn birds as well. Mother Nature can be so cruel Lori. :(
Actually we had a baby raccoon in the bird feeder on the back deck last night - boy were the cats excited - but I don't believe he was anywhere near the fern up front plus it's on a weak hook and chain and I believe anything very large would have ripped the whole basket, chain and hook out of the porch ceiling. The nest wasn't disturbed one bit, even the white fluffy stuff used to line the nest is still perfect. Maybe it was the blue jays. :( We have tons of them at the three feeders in the back yard. I haven't seen any crows around lately.

07-11-2006, 06:05 PM
actually sounds like a snake theft. Im sorry about your babies and the parents. (mothballs under the porch will deter snakes)

07-11-2006, 06:30 PM
actually sounds like a snake theft. Im sorry about your babies and the parents. (mothballs under the porch will deter snakes)
It is possible but the basket is hanging about 5 1/2 -6 feet above the porch floor by a chain and hook from the celing. There is a column a couple of feet nearby but the snake would have a horrible time climbing and reaching over I would think. Also my porch is solid concrete so nowhere for a snake to get under.

This may just have to be one of life's mysteries, a sad one at that.

07-11-2006, 07:14 PM
Im sorry Jazzcat. and you are right tough with a concrete porch I grew up in Murfreesboro and King snakes would theft all the time. I hope next summer you are blessed with several Finch families. :D

07-11-2006, 10:50 PM
Im sorry Jazzcat. and you are right tough with a concrete porch I grew up in Murfreesboro and King snakes would theft all the time. I hope next summer you are blessed with several Finch families. :D
Murfreesboro TN? I went to school there for three years at MTSU. I transferred back here to UT to finish.

07-11-2006, 11:17 PM
Small world! yes I bought my first horse in shelbyville and rode barrels for yrs then moved on to other things other places miss "home " though. :rolleyes:

07-12-2006, 08:56 AM
How sad. I hope momma was able to move her babies to a safer place.

Nothing to do with birds however, last summer I watched our black squirrel move her 2 babies from one nest to another. Another predator in the neighbourhood have prompted that decision, I'm sure. It was the most incredible thing to watch her carries the little ones in her mouth, much like a cat carries her kittens. Well, both her babies made it and came back to collect peanuts on our deck :D

That was one smart momma squirrel :)
