View Full Version : It's a GIRL!!!!!!!!! (and some pictures)

07-08-2006, 09:42 PM
We picked Tiffany up last night at 6:30 and couldn't be happier!!!! The woman who was fostering her and her sister cried a little bit, which made me feel guilty, but we're treating her rather well I think, so that makes up for it!!:) Bob and Don took it suprisingly well, there was a lot of hissing and spitting on their parts, and on hers......... Not so much, she didn't seem to really care all that much about what they were doing. They continually watch her, and even now, a day later, I don't think they quite know what to make of her. She woke us up at three am for a lot of cuddles, and she's a boundless ball of cuddly energy, which is great, and she's so pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We've nicknamed her Princess Tiffany VonKittington III........ :). A few questions though. The lady who was fostering her fed her dry kitten food in the morning and a little bit of dry mixed with wet at night....... How do we keep Bob and Don from eating all the food on her!!!!??? So far one of us keeps them distracted while she eats, and that seems to work just fine. Also, her claws...... Should we bother trimming them? It's weird, our guys are sooo big, and she's soooo tiny, that you almost have to conciously remind yourself to be gentle with her. But, I blather, I can always ask my questions later. For now, Pictures!!!!!!!!!!

Making friends?

Diet Pepsi isn't so great........

My baby girl

Causing trouble already........

Being a darling

And there she is, a cutie huh?:)

07-09-2006, 12:52 AM
Congrats on your new addition!!!:D She sure is gorgeous.:) I'm so glad that both Bob and Don are accepting her and that she's fitting in so well. You might want to either feed her in another room or put her food in a place where Bob and Don can't get to it. If her nails are long then yes you can trim them. It may be hard to keep her still though. Please keep the pictures coming.:)

07-09-2006, 05:15 AM
Congratulations! (again) She is adorable.

I would most definitely clip her claws (and you will find out why the first time she tries to climb up your leg. LOL) Kitten claws are SHARP!

As for the kitten food, you will just need to seperate her from the boys so she can eat in peace. Those boys can get mighty fat on kitten food. ;)

Keep the pictures coming.

07-09-2006, 08:17 AM
Shes a dead ringer for my Pouncer Angel, who passed on 13 years ago.
I think taht Don and Bob are just letting the Princess know that that they are in charge.
We know that they will be a Happy Trio soon.

smokey the elder
07-09-2006, 08:22 AM
What a sweetie! She looks a lot like my Mobius. It looks like she'll fit in just fine.

Laura's Babies
07-09-2006, 08:27 AM
She looks like my sisters Sassy and I think she is cute as a button. It will be so much fun having a kitten in the house and you are really going to enjoy having her.... especially if she is the cuddle bug you say she is!

07-09-2006, 09:13 AM
Awwwww... what a beautiful little girl she is too! Congratulations on the new kitty!