View Full Version : To all my fellow PT kitties

07-08-2006, 03:31 PM
Dear Fellow PT Kitties, I hope all of you are well. I have a gripe and I'm sure you will understand. Meowmie is cleaning our house today. That's okay and I really don't mind the quiet cleaning like when she wipes dust off things or cleans the bathroom even though some of the bottles and cans have stuff that smells weird. My problem is that silly vacuum cleaner! The one Meowmie has is loud and swallows things on the floor and walls. Meowmie even uses it on my bed! As all of you know, making sure that we distribute our beautiful fur evenly around the house is hard work that adds a positive something to the decor. It seems that just as soon as I get it right, Meowmie lets that monster out of its hidey spot to disrupt everything. Sometimes she even lets it out during my nap time! Even though Meowmie says they don't swallow kitties, I'm not so sure. I don't want to get close enough to find out either. What do you do when your Meowmie lets that noisy, disruptive monster run around your house? Have any of you convinced your Meowmie that it's not necessary for doing cleaning? Earlier the monster ate MY food that was stashed away for a snack later on. That's the last straw!!! I'm asking for your advice on what to do about the monster. Stay out of its way or fight back and defend MY turf? I'm afraid to ask this question but I really need to know... do these monsters swallow up kitty cats?

Your friend,

07-08-2006, 03:37 PM
I dont think so Groucho, as our Dad has a Shop Vac that sounds like an army tank with arthritis.
If were safe with that monstrosity we think that you should be fairly safe too.

Killearn Kitties
07-08-2006, 03:41 PM
Groucho, you have touched on a question that is central to all cat life. We do not know whether those monsters swallow up kitty cats, we can only say that when the monster is produced, we leave the house instantly. We do not feel it is worth the risk. The noise alone is terrible!

We feel that if the monster has devoured your snack that you had intended for later, then it's intentions cannot be honourable. Really, we feel you should avoid it at all costs.

Please let us know what you decide.

Yours in support

Jessica, Samantha and Daisy

Edwina's Secretary
07-08-2006, 04:18 PM
Dear Groucho,

You must fight it! You must fight it on the floor, you must fight it on the stairs, you must fight it everywhere!

And please, let us know how it comes out because we are too afraid of it! We run at the very sight of it. If other people are using it.....we climb all over meowmie for protection.

With you in victory (from a safe spot under the bed....)

Edwina and Eddie

07-08-2006, 04:31 PM
We've learned to pretend it doesn't bother us by walking away slowly as if we are not scared and then when that monster isn't looking...we hide :D

Laura's Babies
07-08-2006, 05:08 PM
Dear Groucho

Our Mommie has one of those monsters too and we are terrified of it we run and hide. Chester is such a coward that he runs soon as he sees it being pulled out of it's hidding place and he stays hidden the rest of the day, even when it is gone. Amy gets extreemly stressed out when she hears the noise and it takes her weeks to get over it. Giz will hide but watches from a distance.... (waiting for the chance to attack it and save us I'm sure) I just look and see where it is from the high perch and go right back to sleep. I am afraid and run and hide when she gets in the room I am in... (I am a coward too!) It hasn't eaten any of us yet but it sure makes a lot of loud noise!

Your Friend, Samantha

07-08-2006, 07:14 PM
Dear Groucho,
The monster poses an interesting observation in our house. Riley just has to HEAR the monster and flees and hides under the quilt. Molly, Hayley, and Hope SImone runs to other rooms to escape from it. However, Tina Peepers, Nicholas, Norton, and Raven watch Mom use the monster and show her where she has missed!!! Is that a hoot or what?? And just where are those cats from??? The Clan

Maya & Inka's mommy
07-09-2006, 10:38 AM
My dearest Groucho! Let me tell you a secret: those thingies LOOK like monsters, but in fact they are just a long hose, and a noisy machine!! I am absolutely NOT scared of the vacuumer, I even chase it and jump on the hose!! I would be so happy if you would do like me, as you are my white prince! He he, what a great idea: let's get our knight's garment on, and fight the "dreaded monsters". Together we can free the cat-world :) :)

your girlfriend Inka

07-09-2006, 11:28 AM
Dear Groucho,

I think I'm rather smart - as soon as I hear my mom pull the cord out and plug it in, I go and hide under the bed. My mom thinks that's a very bad move, as I corner myself. She does try to get me out in another room, but that damn thing is standing there in the doorway, and I don't really feel like going past it, but I do in the end :o It's like a giant monster hissing at me ... well, I know you understand what I mean. ;)

Your friend,

07-09-2006, 12:03 PM
Ah, Nicki understands your complaint very well. My kitties seem to be the strange ones around here as they sit and watch me vaccuum. Perhaps their need to be in charge at all time outweighs their fear of the noisy machine?

Don Juan's mom
07-09-2006, 05:36 PM
Dear Groucho:

I'm a little scared of Mom's monster, even though it's not very big and she doesn't use it much. ( :o ) Don Juan told me that one time he went up to the monster when it was quiet and bopped it on the nose... and it didn't do anything! :eek: He doesn't like it because the noise disturbs his sleep, but he says it's nothing to be afraid of. It won't even pick up our hair. :D Grandmom who lives far away sent Mom a special yellow thing to pick up hair which is very quiet. Plus, Mom has to get down on the floor to use it, and it's much easier to distract her there so she'll pay attention to us. ;)


Zerlina Gattobello :)

07-10-2006, 12:18 PM
Dear Groucho,

The monster ate your food :confused: Unacceptable :mad: We are all with you, Groucho. We, cats, know how important food is! We cannot joke with it!
Be careful with that vacuum cleaner, my friend, it seems particularly aggressive. The one my mom uses does not scare me so much (I just sit on the stairs, watching from high when it is in use) but I saw it swallow mice toys from my sister :eek: !
Take care,

07-10-2006, 01:38 PM
Oh my Groucho.... we understand your concerns about the monster that makes noises and picks things up. We run for our hidey spots as soon as our Meowmie opens the closet door where she keeps it. Tabitha gets under the bed, but I am a little braver, and I will watch it from the top of the stairs. As soon as the noise stops, I come down to see what has happened.... and I can't tell that anything has changed except our toys are in different places! :rolleyes: When Meowmie uses the monster upstairs, me and tabitha hide under the bed, and then we run from one room to another to avoid the noise and to keep from getting eaten!

We agree that if it eats your food, then it can be no good for us! Run, Groucho! Run from it and stay in another room! That is the safest thing to do!

Tabitha and Sasha