View Full Version : IMPORTANT: Need your opinion

Toby's my baby
07-07-2006, 11:12 PM
I need everyones help/ opinions. We (me and my family) are going to be moving to Arizona either next August (2007) or the year after. We will be going to a school with about 2000 students in it. 9-12. The school I got to now has 180 studenst, K-12 (the school is NOT in my city, its about 20 miles away, we ride the bus to the school). This year, in the town I live in we would be going to a bigger school if we go there. A little bit smaller than the one we will be going to in Arizona. Should me and my sister switch to the bigger school in my city or stay at our small one untill we move?? We don't have any connections really, except our close friends and basketball, but we are going to be moving anyways, so basketball isn't really a big issue. I love the school I go to now, but there are so many more opertunities at this bigger school (has about 1500 students) and will get us used to going to a bigger school. We know a few people at this bigger school, so it's not like we would be strangers to everybody. One of my best friends is also probably transfering to this school. The school I go to now, only has your general classes, and when you get into the 11th and 12th grades, after lunch, the students from my school drive to the bigger school for more classes.

I REALLY need to know what you all think. Stay at our small school, since we are moving in a year or two, or go to the bigger school, get used to biggers schools, and having more oppurtunities?

Thank you everyone!

Suki Wingy
07-07-2006, 11:45 PM
I haven't voted, because that's really hard question. Do you think you'll have a hard time adapting to a school with 2000 students in it?

07-07-2006, 11:55 PM
just MO, if basketball isn't that important to you (I presume you play) and you are interested and excited about the new opportunities and expanded curriculum at the new school, then I suggest you transfer now. It will definitely make the transition easier for you when you move to AR. Anyway, you will do just fine in AR if you transfer or not!!!

Kids are resilient, and you seem to have the right attitude and interest in new adventures!!! Good luck in whatever you choose!!!

07-08-2006, 03:08 AM
OMGosh! You're going to be moving:eek: Well, the question you have asked is hard to answer. As Suki Wingy asked, will it be hard for you and your sister to adjust to a school of 2000?

07-08-2006, 03:54 AM
Stay in the small school until you move.

Whats the point making an extra transfer for no real reason?

07-08-2006, 06:52 AM
I'm so confused. How do students in Minnesota transfer to a school in Arizona after their day's classes are over? Or does Arizona have nothing to do with moving schools in September?

If the move comes at the end of the school year, then I'd stay where you are now because in a year's time you'll only have to get used to another new school. Changing schools is much harder than you think it is. Especially from 180 kids to 2000 kids. Its very different even if you know a few kids.

Unless there's a reason ot change schools, like you're way above the basic classes your current school offers. Then go to the new school for a year to get the curriculum you need to stay ahead.

Toby's my baby
07-08-2006, 10:55 AM
I'm so confused. How do students in Minnesota transfer to a school in Arizona after their day's classes are over? Or does Arizona have nothing to do with moving schools in September?

Lol, in Minnesota, at the small school I go to now, after lunch the older students drive to the bigger school to take more classes, because my school just doesn't have them.

Eva and Steph, I have NO idea if it will be a hard switch or not. I'm guessing not, because me and my sister make friends really fast. I know it will be a lot harder than I think.

Bobs Dad, me and my sister are two of the better players on our team. There are several games throughout the season where me and my sister don't even sit on the bench at all, we play the whole game. I "think" I am more into basketball than my sister. To me, basketball is my life, and the school I go to know, our basketball team is great. But, since we are moving before we graduate, I probably won't get the chance to play Varsity, and have the oppurtunity to go to state or go far with my team. I'm not quite sure about the bigger schools basketball team, I guess I'd have to as Steph (jesse_3) since she goes to the school I'd be transfering to.

I have no idea what to do, thank you everyone for your comments so far! :)