View Full Version : Oscar LOVES his pills now!

07-07-2006, 10:39 PM
Poor Oscar - he is in his 3rd week of Clavamox, 125mg twice a day. Before that he was on 25mg of Zeniquin once a day, and used that for 12 days til tests showed it wasn't working well.

So with the Clavamox, I bought some really smelly but good wet food. The 'hide in the wet food' trick worked about 90% of the time...til the last several days.

I went hunting for the Pill Pockets...because I had heard of them, and because Oscar would eventually get stressed being pilled (though he is a very good boy and would get scared of me, but never bite or scratch).

Mom found some at her vet for me today, and picked them up. I brought them home.

Oscar LOVED the smell even before I opened the bag. I put his tablet in the hole, closed up the treat, and put it on the floor. He chewed it ALL up, I heard the pill crunching - then looked up at me with bug eyes demanding ANOTHER one!


One more week - I am away til Friday night and Oscar will get tested once more a week from Monday - so I hope this keeps working and Oscar's UTI will be gone at last.

This is the parent company: http://www.nutecforpets.com/

And this is the product, Pill Pockets: http://www.pillpockets.com/index_fs.htm Just scroll down a bit and they have the ones for both dogs and cats side by side. You can see how they are designed - and they are rather squishy in texture.

Hope this helps someone!


Laura's Babies
07-08-2006, 08:06 AM
I had seen some pill pockets at PetSmart and I found them to be expensive. I don't remember the brand or exactly how much they were. I remember I was excited over finding them until I saw the price.

Right now I use the pounce treats to give Giz her pill everyday, she is getting wiser and wiser and spits the pill out more than she did at first but I get it in her with 2 treats or less.

07-08-2006, 08:37 AM
These Pill Pockets were $9.82 local price(CDN). Online, you can get pks of 4 for a bit less.

To me, they are worth every penny - but then, Oscar is on this stuff temporarily. For chronic pill takers, the bulk deal might be an idea.

The website has contact info and they might be able to point out another local dealer.

Oscar is just happier and loves his "treats". (ha ha fooled him...mind you, he is a CAT and it is only day 2....lol)


K & L
07-08-2006, 08:53 AM
Now why didn't I think of that! :D Great idea and as many cats as we medicate I'll have to look into these. Thanks!

Maya & Inka's mommy
07-08-2006, 12:12 PM
Thank you so much for that link!! I sent them an e-mail, asking if those pillpockets are also available in Belgium! They would be perfect for 3 of my cats, cause they are so difficult to pill! Inka is the easy one, the pill is in her mouth before she realises what I am doing :D