View Full Version : Pit Bulls & Parents

07-07-2006, 05:40 PM
It seems lots of parents are against pit bulls. Are your parents? When we were camping I had a whole conversation about pit bulls with my parents. Here's my conversation (I'm in bold):

"Do you like pit bulls?"
"I like all dogs"
"Do you trust them now?"
"This isn't a morning conversation. Get out of bed"

And that was the end of that conversation.

And this was the one with my dad:

"Do you like pit bulls?"
"They're unpredictable"
"Would you live with one?"
"Because it'd turn into a bad dog"


07-07-2006, 05:45 PM
My dad likes them, but he's a sucker for all dogs!
My mom well she says that the ones that are bred wrong are unpredictable but that is true*sometimes*(for other animals, I've met a ton of people friendly pits that would love on me like crazy but would definitely try to kill another dog if they got a chance). We live by a lot of nasty pit bulls and stupid owners.

I think that if my mom were to let us have another big dog she'd let us get a pit bull, although she'd want to raise it from a puppy.

07-07-2006, 05:46 PM
Hmmm thats kind of strange because looking at Buddy, it looks like he has a lot of pit bull in him. Do your parents not see that?

07-07-2006, 05:51 PM
Hmmm thats kind of strange because looking at Buddy, it looks like he has a lot of pit bull in him. Do your parents not see that?

They think he's pure ACD :rolleyes:

07-07-2006, 06:09 PM
My parents are the same way.
They lived in a large city for quite some time, where there were dog attacks quite often (this was over 18 years ago).
We were watching tv just the other day, and my mum saw a pitbull on tv. The first words that came out of her mouth were "eww, those are pitbills". I told her that they weren't nasty or vicious, and she continued to say how horrid they were. She wasn't talking about their "aggressive"-ness, just the fact that others have been known to attack people.
Then dad said that the pittie reminded him of Ethan. Mum got a bit of a worried look on her face and asked "You don't think Ethan has any pitbull in him, do you?" She looked terrified when she asked that!
My father confuses me on this subject. One time we saw a pitbull pup in public, and I pointed it out to dad. He said "Well, its cute now, but wait untill it grows up." I told him that I thought Pits were cute no matter their age, and he told me he wasn't meaning looks, but instead personality and all.
Another time I was with dad and talking about pitbulls, and he agreed that they could be good dogs... so... basically he confusses me on what his real outlook on them is.
I have finally got the point across that its the owner that makes the pitbull aggressive or not. I was so proud of my mum when she said that its the way they are raised that makes them what they are^^. Now I just have to convince her that not all are raised wrong.
So basically, they still think pitbulls aren't good dogs, but atleast they know that they can be raised right.

((Also, I asked mum what she would do if I grew up and owned a pitbull. Her response: "I'll never visit your house". :rolleyes: )

Lori Jordan
07-07-2006, 06:40 PM
They think he's pure ACD :rolleyes:

Maybe some ACD but i see Pit Bull in him all the way,And there is nothing wrong with that I love Pitts!!

07-07-2006, 07:46 PM
Ugh mt mom is the same way!

I've told her everything I know and tried to get her to change her mind . shes givin into them a little but not much. I said oh well I'm most likley getting one when I'm older so tuff for you. And she said well then I wont be coming to your house.:rolleyes:

Yet my dad wants a English Bull Terrier who can be just like the APBT in some ways. They arent really good with other dogs or animals.And sometimes even kids even if they are raised with all of the above. And my mom and dad live together so ..I think my moms a little dumb founded when it comes to animals.

07-07-2006, 07:49 PM
my dad likes almost all dogs. he feared pitties until a friend of his had one lick him all over. my mom doesn't like them. she thinks they are, in her words, "yucky". she thinks that if a dog isn't small and has long fluffy fur they are ugly. i'm hoping that having Zuco here will change her a little bit. Zuco is part pit bull.

07-07-2006, 07:52 PM
My mom is the SAME way! :mad: I hate it! Not so much my dad, though...
They just watch. Someday, I'll own a pit bull, and THEN they will love them... :rolleyes:

07-07-2006, 08:45 PM
My dad doesn't really care either way. He's not easily influenced by other peoples opinions and whatnot. He observes for himself. I think he might like one but they wouldn't be his favourite. I know he wants a border collie soon.

My mom loves them. Thinks they're great and adorable and awesome. She is not easily swayed by others either. :)

As for my husband? They are his all time favourite breed. A little under ten years ago, his brother moved in with him. His brother had let his female get pregnant by another pure pit (on purpose), beforehand. Well, when the mama gave birth she had a large litter (between 10-12) and wouldn't take care of all of the pups. Troy took care of the last 4-6 and was able to find most of them good homes on farms and whatnot. His brother, unfortunately, took the others and gave them to (most likely) fighting places (Needless to say, we don't get along). My husband kept the pure white boy and named him Zeus. He soon realized that he didn't have enough room and gave him to a great home on a farm. We talk often with a lady whose elderly parents, through her, got one of the pups. She said he was a great watch dog and very loving.

07-07-2006, 09:13 PM
My stepdaad blames the owners and the "type" of people that would own a pit bull. He'd have to know the dog before letting it by the kids. My mom knows its wrong to discriminate by breed, but she doesn't trust them.

07-07-2006, 09:36 PM
That sucks =( Especially since Buddy is so clearly a Pittie mix! Do your parents know there is no such thing as a brindle ACD? And there are few dogs that do have strong brindle genes, besides bully breeds?

Luckily, neither of my parents discriminate against breeds. They have their favorites of course (my Mom's being poodles and my Dad's being Collies), but they've met way too many Pit Bulls in dog sports and my friends, all of them with great temperaments.

07-07-2006, 09:39 PM
My mom is more like that then my dad. But they are both the same way... they always tell me not to believe everything I hear. They can be hypocrites. :rolleyes:

Suki Wingy
07-07-2006, 09:51 PM
I'm lucky, my first dog was a dane/ pit, and the only reason we gave him backe was he was rambuncious and large and already was mouthy and nocked my two year old sister over. My mom and step-dad don't really discriminate at all. My mom just had to have a "dangerous dogs" meeting with some local doctors and succided in persuading them all that it is NOT the breed, and that BSL does absolutley nothing. My dad's a little weary of them though. He thinks I'm weird to love them, when I see them I tell him I have the urge to hug their big faces and he's like "ok, whatever". With my mom and step-dad though, any friendly dog would be welcomed to visit any time. (just not stay for good because out house is a zoo, you know :rolleyes: ) My mom calls Niņo her "vicious little puppy" because she recons he's at least 1/2 pit bull. I think he's also ACD but she said his eyes are exactly the same as the Am Staffs we met at the IKC dog show.

07-07-2006, 10:00 PM
My mom likes all dogs, BUT pitbulls. Everytime one comes onto the television she seems angry and always asks me what breed that is. It's rather annoying and I HATE IT! She gave in on one thing yesterday though. I showed her Jadapits girls and she actually said "AWWWWWWWWWW". I was stunned! She also said some owners are stupid on how they raise they're dogs and if I had a well behaved pit, she'd like it.

My dad is loves pitbulls. He wants one. I highly doubt that is going to happen anytime soon though... :rolleyes:

07-07-2006, 10:57 PM
My mom believes all of the hype that is shown on TV and that people say about pit bulls, so she doesn't like them.. She likes Morgan, despite what she says. She was even taking pictures of her the other day when she was outside taking pictures of my niece playing in the rain puddles. :)
Of course, who could resist a young pup?

My dad doesn't like most dogs, so therefore he doesn't like pit bulls.. He calls Morgan a "stupid pit bull" most of the time. :(

Of course, I don't techinically live with them, so they can't tell me what to do with my dogs. Even though we are staying with them at the moment, we will most likely be going home at the beginning of next week.

07-07-2006, 10:59 PM
He calls Morgan a "stupid pit bull" most of the time. :(

That terrible :(

07-07-2006, 11:57 PM
Sorry to go on again BUT I almost lost my left hand for the LOVE of a pitbull!!! You'd be surprised how many people think I'm a saviour until I tell them i saved a *gasp* pitbull, like I was really going to let it be torn to shreds like it has no living value?

It's all in the hands of the owner. i may get to see Boots this weekend and I pray every night he remains the same loving, sweet happy little dude.

How about "the" breed that attacked us? Same can be said for them. Good and bad in all breeds genetically, good and bad owners.

Lady's Human
07-08-2006, 01:42 PM
I love dogs. Period. Even the dog that bit me when I was a kid. As long as the dog is friendly I have no problem with them.

07-08-2006, 02:13 PM
My parents love Pitties. They didn't always, until I educated them ;) Most of my cousins own Pits, so it was easy to get my parents to love them :D

My mom well she says that the ones that are bred wrong are unpredictable but that is true*sometimes*

Badly bred Bordie Collies, Goldens, Chihuahuas, etc. can also be the same way. I know that may be what you meant, but I only hear that about certain breeds, so I had to clearify it ;)

07-08-2006, 08:53 PM
My dad likes pit bulls. I've seen him pet them & get kisses & give kisses to them.. BUT when I told him I was play fighting with Cyrus, he freaked & said he could have ripped your hand off!!

ummm no, Sure Cyrus was using his teeth But the second they touch skin the stopps closing his jaws. He also doesn't shake, he just moans & nibbles on my hand & arm during this kind of play. My arm & and was only red & swollen cause I'm allergic to dogs & its only when I get nibbled by a dog that I break out hehe

Cyrus gave a strangers baby a kiss.. Hes a big sucky poo & your more likely to get hurt from him kissing you :D

07-08-2006, 09:19 PM
My dad likes pit bulls. I've seen him pet them & get kisses & give kisses to them.. BUT when I told him I was play fighting with Cyrus, he freaked & said he could have ripped your hand off!!

ummm no, Sure Cyrus was using his teeth But the second they touch skin the stopps closing his jaws. He also doesn't shake, he just moans & nibbles on my hand & arm during this kind of play. My arm & and was only red & swollen cause I'm allergic to dogs & its only when I get nibbled by a dog that I break out hehe

Cyrus gave a strangers baby a kiss.. Hes a big sucky poo & your more likely to get hurt from him kissing you :D

I just love Cyrus! Do you have any up to date pictures of him? I'd love to see him again.