View Full Version : over the counter meds

07-07-2006, 01:15 PM
Does anyone know what I can use to help heal a sore on the back of my cats neck. He keeps scratching it open with his back paw. Is there a spay I can use? He licks the salve ointments off.

07-07-2006, 02:33 PM
Ask the pharmacist - if you can get a spray like Bactine that numbs the area, then your cat will be less likely to bother it.

Double check with your vet...has the sore been there for quite a while, or what caused it?


07-07-2006, 06:08 PM
You should check on a Cat First Aid Kit.
I have one, and it has been very helpful for minor scrapes and cuts.
I got mine from PetsMart yeras ago.

07-08-2006, 01:40 AM
Cleaning with hydrogen peroxide (it does sting a little so the cat may not like it) and neosporine ointment work pretty well.... If it doesn't seem to be healing in a few days, try to get to a vet. Cats develop abcesses very easily and infections can be dangerous and need antibiotics.

The hydrogen peroxide and neosporin will help prevent/fight infection, but if there is swelling around the area there may already be an abcess happening, so keep an eye on it, as I am sure you are or you would not have asked for advice. Hope it goes well.

07-08-2006, 06:57 AM
I'd first try to trim his back nails as short as possible. The shorter they are the less daage they'll do. Or put Soft Paws on them until his neck heals.

The alcohol and neosporin (the cream, not ointment) trick is the best one. You can also put on Liquid Bandage to cover the sore.

07-08-2006, 09:12 AM
Won't liquid bandage burn him? I have cut his back nails. Thanks all for your advise. Nagi is very allergic to things. He weighs 35 pounds and is white and beige, believe it or not he was the runt of the litter. He has blue eyes and is so very precious but very stubborn. We have 4 other cats also. They keep us busier than our children used to. But we love them as if they were our children.