View Full Version : Here I go again...I got a new job!

finn's mom
07-06-2006, 03:10 PM
Yeah, so, I went for my interview today, and, walked out with a job. It seems awesome, but, I'm keeping my mind open. ;) I know not everything is as good as it seems at first, and, I'm sure there will be things I don't like. But, overall, I think it will be a job I love doing and I think I will be great at it.

It's at a pet resort, and, I'll be doing the "behind the scenes" work of cleaning the resort itself and bathing the dogs. Basically all the grunt work, but, hey, it's around dogs, so, I don't care. And, I actually like that type of work, I've always liked being in control of cleanliness in my surroundings and being able to keep things tidy and organized. I feel like I'll be a good addition and I think the job will add to my life as well.

The coolest thing is that I can take Finn, Freckles and Dudley with me while I'm there! I'm sure I'll take advantage of that! And, when David and I go out of town, we can board them there for free! Woo hoo! I won't be working weekends and I will be getting paid once a week.

So, here I go again. I loved working my last job in South Carolina, but, it wasn't meant to be and I moved back out here. Everything happens for a reason, though, and, I'm excited about this new opportunity.

I wonder how many times I've posted about a new job? ;) One of these days, I'll get it right!

07-06-2006, 05:59 PM
And, I actually like that type of work, I've always liked being in control of cleanliness in my surroundings and being able to keep things tidy and organized. I feel like I'll be a good addition and I think the job will add to my life as well.

This sounds like a perfect fit and I'm very excited for you. Considering what you have said here, I think your new employers are doing high fives and thinking they have hit the lottery. No wonder they didn't want you to walk out the door without a commitment for the job. I'm not sure whom to congratulate....you or them!

finn's mom
07-06-2006, 06:01 PM
I'm not sure whom to congratulate....you or them!

aw, thank you! and, they also are interested in utilizing my amateur photography skills! woo hoo! i won't get paid extra for that, of course, but, it will be awesome practice!

07-06-2006, 06:16 PM
Congratulations on your new job - sounds like there are alot of nice perks for the pups! I LOVE having my two with me when I work from home.

Daisy and Delilah
07-06-2006, 07:53 PM
Kari, I send you big congratulations and best wishes as always. Any place that has you working for them has won the prize. You would be a great asset to any company. Bringing the dogs to work is awesome!! Let us know how you like it. I hope it goes great and you love it!! :)

finn's mom
07-06-2006, 08:31 PM
I hope it goes great and you love it!! :)

Me, too! ;)

07-06-2006, 08:34 PM
Congrats it seems perfect for you! :D

07-06-2006, 09:42 PM
Kari, I send you big congratulations and best wishes as always. Any place that has you working for them has won the prize. You would be a great asset to any company. Bringing the dogs to work is awesome!! Let us know how you like it. I hope it goes great and you love it!! :)

Congratulations! There is nothing more rewarding than doing the things you like to do. The biggest perk is having your "kids" with you - that's a wonderful thing.

Have fun and let us know how things progress. I'll bet you'll have some great stories to share and I look forward to hearing all of them :)


07-06-2006, 09:42 PM
Congratulations to you!!!! :) I hope this will be the beginning of something really good for you, Kari. I know one thing, those pets will all be better off because of you being there!!!!


Toby's my baby
07-06-2006, 10:04 PM
Wow, sounds like a blast!! I'm so glad you found a good job!! I hope it all works out for you, AND DAVID! ;) Good luck!

finn's mom
07-07-2006, 08:01 AM
Thanks a lot you guys! I'm looking forward to finding my groove there, and, getting to know the people and the pets! :)

07-07-2006, 10:38 AM
Sometimes it takes a couple of tries to find the perfect match, whether it is career, mate or house! So, better you try a few out (okay, maybe not the mate part) and find what you love, then settle!!

Congrats on your job.

07-07-2006, 10:42 AM
Congrats Kari! It sounds like a great job. Please keep us posted on how it goes, and how you like it.

Russian Blue
07-07-2006, 10:56 AM
Sometimes it takes a couple of tries to find the perfect match, whether it is career, mate or house! So, better you try a few out (okay, maybe not the mate part) and find what you love, then settle!!

I couldn't have said it better. But I'm lucky I found Rob on the first match. ;)

Congrats on the job Kari! I'm in a similar situation right now. My last two jobs have been less than perfect and really just paid the bills. It's never a waste though, since you build on what you do want in a job and know exactly what you don't want from past experience.

I just came back from a second interview this morning. I'm keeping my fingers crossed since it seems to be a perfect fit. :)

finn's mom
07-07-2006, 11:04 AM
So, better you try a few out (okay, maybe not the mate part) and find what you love, then settle!!

Oh, yeah, I know all about playing the field, in many aspects! I have done the mate search, too, but, I've always felt David and I would fit well together, and, so far, so GREAT! ;)

Please keep us posted on how it goes, and how you like it.

You know I will, even if it's just through PMs with interested parties! ;)

It's never a waste though, since you build on what you do want in a job and know exactly what you don't want from past experience.

I just came back from a second interview this morning. I'm keeping my fingers crossed since it seems to be a perfect fit. :)

Oh, definitely...I'm all for trying things out and taking risks...and, I'm beginning to really know what I want out of a job. I really am glad I'm learning from other people's mistakes that, even if it means you have to struggle a little financially, it's better to do something you enjoy than pick something 100% because of the pay. This job starts at over $9 an hour, though, so, that's not too shabby.

And, good luck with your job hunt, too! Seems like a lot of us are looking! :)

07-08-2006, 08:52 AM
Kari, it sounds great. Congrats & good luck! :D

finn's mom
07-09-2006, 03:06 AM
Kari, it sounds great. Congrats & good luck! :D

Thank you, I'm pretty excited! We just went to the local goodwill today and got me a couple pairs of jeans I won't mind getting dirty. ;) They are still cute, and comfortable, but, I only paid $6 for each of them. I start on Monday!