View Full Version : Fenway Killed His First Chipmunk

07-06-2006, 09:44 AM
It was awful (for me at least). A bug hit my eye so I didn't even see the chipmunk. I was too busy trying to get the bug away from me and then it flew right into my eye. The next thing I know, Fenway has a chipmunk in his mouth and he's biting it. I felt so bad for the chipmunk but it was too late. The chipmunk was squeeling. Fenway finally dropped it and started to bite it a little. The chipmunk moved a little bit but then it just stopped moving. I thought it was pretending to be dead but the next day, the chipmunk was still there - dead. Fenway just sniffed it. It all happened so fast!

I didn't punish him (that is his natural instinct and as a terrier, that's what he's bred to do). I said "good boy" (after screeching a bit and freaking out). But I felt bad for the chipmunk.

RIP little chipmunk. I'm sorry Fenway killed you. :(

Lori Jordan
07-06-2006, 10:04 AM
My maggy does this on a regular basis,The lady we purchased our home from used to feed them strawberries right off the back step.We have lived here for about 4 years and there still brave enough to come up.Last summer we even had one in the house,Maggy has killed millions i feel bad but what can ya do?

07-06-2006, 10:04 AM
Oh I am sorry you had to go through that.