View Full Version : Starr's Pyschic Reading

07-05-2006, 11:41 AM
Hi,as many of you know I've been painting my condo. I still have to paint the 2 bedrooms and the bedroom doors but I finally have my room back and can now sleep in my own bed. While the cats were in bedroom, I was having some problems with Starr so I decided to contact a pet psychic which a few of you have used before. Starr was pooping outside of the litterbox and he also peed on my bathroom rug. I was able to talk to her by phone and through e-mails too. I learned a lot about Starr and his issues and I thought I'd share his reading with you. I'm also going to have a reading done on my RB Pepper but she has a few more ahead of me and sometimes she can't get a clear reading from deceased animals so she'll let me know. Any way here's the reading.

-pooping outside the box...yes
-feels very claustrophobic
-worried others will be around the box
-box and room feels very closed in
-it is NOT a litter issue
-felt very closed in getting into the box
-creates a more closed in feeling
-pearl is a nice cat
-he feels low on the pecking order or preceives himself low on the pecking order
-not sure of himself
-is not intentionally trying to be bad
-gets stressed when confined
-this is how a lot of cats react to stress
-is not liking being in the bedroom. feels very stressed
-a cat without a lot of confidence is going to react to stressful situations or feel that a situation is more stressful than a more confident cat
-stress is in the air at your house
-stressful energy being put out
-very thick in the air
-he is very sensitive to it
-seems to be from you
-other cats do not react to it
-he reacts to it...sensitive to things much more so

second reading(this is when you let him out once to sleep)
-overly excited to sleep with you and be with you.
-just craves and craves and craves attention
-seems to be reacting to negative attention as well.

-when he pooped on the rug...this time was very upset that he was out and was now back in.
-very difficult to be confined with the other cats. gets very stressed by this

-***i feel a lot of this behavior will change once the PHYSICAL changes
-could take a day or two of readjustment.
-loves the tops off the boxes. does not feel anywhere near so confined. being in the room is still a huge problem though. tops off relieves some of the stress pressure.

peeing on the rug was out of anger, not due to having to go to the bathroom. very very frustrated at being kept in small confined places.

i feel that once his physical situation changes, he will stop this. i do believe that when he is stressed he will continue to do this. he is very sensitive and will react constantly to your stress as well.

She had left out his biting isssues so I contacted her again and this is what she e-mailed me about it.

the biting did come up as negative attention. the negative attention stresses him out but he thinks you will keep petting etc...even though this clearly does not work and you push him off of you. is he meowing really loudly at this time as well? the biting and then i hear very loud persistent meowing which is very aggervating. i told him this does not make you happy and you will withdraw all attention if and when he does this.

Her name is Nancy Efrusy and she lives in Michigan. She only charges $30 per animal and she didn't even seem concerned about me paying her so she's not in it for the money. At the end of both readings she gave me her home address and I mail her a check. Her e-mail address is [email protected].

The cats have now been out in the main area of my condo since Monday night and all much happier now. I use covered litterboxes but since I learned about Starr's problem, I've taken the cover off of one litterbox and all is going well.:)

I forgot to add that in the beginning I wasn't sure which cat was pooping outside the box but I thought it might be Starr. Storm let the psychic know that it was Starr and just wanted to let her know that it wasn't him so he wouldn't be blamed for this. The others could care less if they were blamed. This sure sounds like something that Storm would say. LOL:)

07-05-2006, 11:58 AM
Very cool!

I've wanted to do that for a while.... now that we were robbed yesterday I'd especially like to do it. I would do Flutter. She runs to the bedroom to hide whenever strangers come. Since my bedroom was hit, she must have seen everything. Of course, Miss Nicki must have seen everythign too.

07-05-2006, 12:23 PM
I use a lady named Brenda in Mass, she does it over the phone, email or in person...of course in person is a lot more expensive. She really helped me with Gracie's eye surgery and of course with move from our old house to my mom's and then finally the new house.

What a good reading for Starr...isn't it amazing how simple of a problem it can be. Remove the tops from the boxes and things go back to normal. I don't know what I would do without having the opportunity to talk to my babies. I'm so glad I received the information that I have.

Laura's Babies
07-05-2006, 01:04 PM
I would love to have Amy done. I would like to know why she seems to want to go in the bathroom to potty and will use the puppy pads or rugs when I know she can get in the litter box. I also would like to know if she is ever in any pain or hurts..and mainly, is she ok with me leaving her at home when I go to work..or would she rather go to Kevlins.

07-05-2006, 01:43 PM
I think pet psychis readings are cool! I would love to have Tabitha done, although I am fairly certain she would be angry because Sasha came to live with us a few years ago! And Sasha, who knows what goes through that little Tortie mind of hers??!!! :rolleyes:

I am fortunate that I don't have any behaivior problems with either girl, but I would like to know what they are thinking!

07-05-2006, 01:49 PM
Wow, that is amazing! :eek:

What kind of things do they pick up on? I would like to have Soni and/or Isis done just to see what they're thinking or wanting to say. Maybe to learn a little about Soni or figure out why Isis has the issues she does.

07-05-2006, 01:55 PM
OMG, this is so interesting!!!

A lot of this reminds me of Luna. You know, she's also pooping on the floor.

I would love to have such a reading for Luna!


07-05-2006, 06:22 PM
I am a little skeptical, but I know Tubby 2 has had accidents as the Kitten Trio is always chasing him.
I leave him on the Porch on his won, for a few hours and no accidents.
I wish I could have them ask Moose as hes moody.
I think he doesnt care for the Kittens either.

07-05-2006, 06:44 PM
What an insightful reading.

There are several cats I'd LOVE to have read.

07-05-2006, 07:56 PM
Kirsten - maybe you ought to contact this lady, as some of your kitty issues are so stressful for you and them.


07-05-2006, 11:43 PM
I'll attest to the fact that she is
I just loved her - keep in mind also Tracey that she doesn't charge for follow up visits for the same animal so if you need her in the future she doesn't charge. I think it was just her genuineness and warmth that exudes from her that makes you feel so good. I also have been taking my animals to another vet that does some animal communication and Kylie talked with her on her visit. Told her that her name wasn't originally Kylie and I said yes it was I never changed it and she said well she didn't like the way the other people said it! She also told me that Kloe belonged with me - she could feel that even tho she wasn't even at the visit and that Kylie doesn't think Kloe is as bad as she was but she doesn't want ME to know that!
Glad to hear a positive update for you! :D