View Full Version : Not so happy 4th of July... *UPDATE*

Toby's my baby
07-04-2006, 10:55 PM
Ugg.. I was SO excited about today!! We (me, my sis, mom and dad) brought the boat 3 hours to a lake that we used to live at in the summers. We obviously dont live there anymore, but we go there for every 4th of July. Today, me and my sister unloaded th boat at the boat dock, and my dad and sister got in the boat. My mom and I went back to the car to grab some things, and my sister and dad went for a drive. When they got back, I helped my mom into the boat, but she didn't hang on to the dock to keep the boat near it so I could get in. So I stayed on the dock, and my dad backed the boat up. When he got past the end of the dock, he brought the boat forward, and I was SUPPOSED to catch it from hitting the dock, so I stuck my hand in front of it to stop it. BAD idea. My fingers got crushed between the boat and the dock. :( And of course, I got yelled at, yep it was all my fault for it happening. I ruined the day (yes, this was said). I started yelling at my dad, because I supposedly ruined the day for everyone. I told him to just go, out and go skiing, that I would suffer, so we did. My sister went water skiing and tubbing, and I did a little bit, but I'm pretty sure my finger is broken. I've never broke a finger before....anybody wanna tell me what it is like so I know if I did or not?? Right now it is in a finger brace thing until tomorrow, I will probably go get it x-rayed. I'll attach a pic...

07-04-2006, 11:19 PM
Can you bend it? How does it feel? You might have just jammed it ...

Lady's Human
07-04-2006, 11:24 PM
It looks like it might be broken, Xrays are in order. Any time something is that swollen and misshaped it needs med attention. There isn't much they can do for a broken finger, mainly set it and splint it.

Toby's my baby
07-04-2006, 11:25 PM
I can barley bend it, a little bit but hardly. I can't straighten it all the way either. It doesn't hurt as bad anymore as it hurt before, but it hurts if I try to bend it. Its in a little bit of pain, because it is being forced to stay straight. (it's in a finger brace)

To jam it, doesn't it have to get hit from the top?? It got crushed between the dock and boat...

Edit: Any chance I'll be able to show at the 4 day horse show next week?? :(...great timing...

07-04-2006, 11:33 PM
I'm sure you'll still be able to show! Get the xrays tomorow anyway, no doesn't have to be hit from the top to be jammed, I mashed my finger in a night deposit one night - it was literally FLAT when I finally got it out, but puffed up afterwards, and wasn't broken, to my utter amazement.

07-04-2006, 11:51 PM
I'm sorry you had a bad 4th. :( (((hugs))) I hope you feel better soon! :)

07-05-2006, 12:46 AM
Since I'm now an expert on broken bones..ahem..(not really), you wouldn't be able to even bend it a little if it were broken, your head would hit the ceiling. When you press it, does the skin tone.color return? is it "shiny"? Looks like you hit the knuckle joint pretty bad. Immediately apply ice every 20 minutes. Never keep in a splint more than a few hours if not broken, then apply moist heat. Give it at least 2 days if the pain, movement is bearable, then get an Xray.

I can't believe you're always "blamed" for everything. Accidents happen. It's the story of my life. Just remember, it wasn't your fault, ignore the harsh criticism, don;t fight back, it makes it worse. A big kiss on your finger!

Laura's Babies
07-05-2006, 07:51 AM
Good luck, I hope it isn't broke.

07-05-2006, 08:08 AM
That is awful! I can't believe somebody said you ruined the day! They shouldn't have said that at all...they should have taken you to the emergency room to get x-rays. I am so sorry you had a bad 4th....(((HUGS)))! I hope everything feels better soon!

07-05-2006, 08:09 AM
I slammed my finger in a car door once. It swelled up like that, but it wasn't broken. I hope yours isn't!

07-05-2006, 09:09 AM
I broke my pinky years ago because someone steped on it (AND WOULDN'T LET OFF!!:mad: ) but it swelled up a the size about 3 fingers put together.... I couldn't bend it any way because it was completely numb!!! :eek: I didn't go to the doctors or anything for it, I just borrowed a finger brace from someone and wore it for a few weeks.... I'm pretty sure it broke though...

Hope you feel better!!:)

07-05-2006, 09:22 AM
I hope you feel better soon. That was really mean for your dad to say you ruined the fourth of July. We know you didn't.

Toby's my baby
07-05-2006, 10:01 AM
Thanks everyone for the kind words. My dad I think just got mad, because I am always the one to get hurt. I have a twin sister, and she never gets hurt. In the past two years I have broken my ankle (walked on it for a year, with it chatterd, and THEN the stupid doctors figured it out :rolleyes:), had surgery on my ankle, broken my wrist and have had 3 surgeries on it, and now this.

I don't think I'll be going to the doctor today. :o My mom is pretty set in her place that it isn't broken, and is just sore. It is still pretty swollen, but I can still bend it a little bit. The thing is, when I broke my wrist (my hand was on the right side of my arm, and the growth plate was down by my elbo) I could still bend my wrist a little and move my fingers. I don't know what to do, argue with her, or just wait till tomorrow and see how it feels..?

07-05-2006, 10:04 AM
Why don't you keep it iced and elevated in the mean time?

Toby's my baby
07-05-2006, 11:46 AM
Doctor appt. at 3:30 central time. I'll update you all when I get home.

07-05-2006, 01:01 PM
Good luck at the doctor's.
When you find out whether it is broken or not, ask the doctor if he recommends you doing the horse show or not.
I hope you feel better soon, in the meantime ice and elevation will help keep the swelling down.

07-05-2006, 01:20 PM
You ought to be able to go to the horse show just fine, with a little help with banding and tacking up etc. I once had a mustang mare I was training who dumped me off and broke my pinky finger and we still went on an all day ride in the mountains, didn't get it fixed until later. So I'm sure you'd be fine to go to the show even if it is broken.

Toby's my baby
07-05-2006, 08:39 PM
Back from the doctor, found out that my finger is not broken. I had a wonderful doctor, that was so nice and funny. All the nerves and tendons got crushed, but he said in about 3 months, it should be back to normal. I have to have my pinkie wraped onto my ring finger for 3 weeks. But, the good news is, that I can do whatever I want. So I get to show at the horse show next week, and I also remebered I have baskeball next week! :o Thank goodness I'm good to go! :) Thank you everybody for the kind thoughts!

Laura's Babies
07-05-2006, 09:14 PM
Great news!! I didn't think it was broke..glad to hear it isn't.