View Full Version : Bella's visit to the Vet!

07-04-2006, 04:15 PM
Bella and I went to see the vet today, and our visit had more than one purpose... First, I wanted the vet to look at 3 small lumps on Bella's back, and secondly I wanted to say goodbye properly, since we'll probably (hopefully!!) have left Copenhagen for good before Bella's once-a-year vaccination is due around Christmas. :)

I brought a bunch of flowers for the vet just to say "thank you" for everything - she has been wonderful and I (we!) shall miss her very much. She has been Bella's vet for 10 years, and all day I've felt like we have just said goodbye to a member of the family... :(

Luckily, Bella's "lumps" were only warts and perfectly harmless, but our vet removed them anyway as a sort of "going away gift"! And Bella was fantastic! She didn't panic when the vet shaved 3 holes in her fur and even though all three warts had a local anesthetic before it was cut out and burned (burnt?), she didn't get hysterical!!! She was such a GOOD GIRL!!! And I was SO proud of her!!! :) :) :)

She was cross with me when we got home, though, and hissed when I tried to touch her. She has spent most of the day resting in her wicker basket on top of the cupboard and I have spoiled her with one of her favorites - tuna - for supper... ;)

In a few days time when she is no longer sore, I shall try out the new comb we got from the vet. I was quite embarassed when she combed Bella with it and it's metal teeth got full of old winter wool that I thought I had removed long ago... :eek: Sorry Bella!

Well, that all from us today! See you around!

Lots of love,
Sus and Bella

07-04-2006, 06:55 PM
Sus ~ You must have misunderstood the vet. A beauty such as Bella couldn't possibly have warts! Those must have been beauty spots that needed to be removed. Right? ;)

I'm glad she was such a good girl.

07-05-2006, 02:57 AM
You're right of course...!! :D :D

Sus and Bella

07-05-2006, 06:04 PM
That was a lovely thing to do for your vet!!! I bet she just loved the flowers. I have given my vet my homemade chili and chicken soup!!! I have been going to the same vet since 4/22/1988!!! I just hope you will be able to find someone as nice when you are settled in your new place!!! GOOD LUCK!!

Laura's Babies
07-05-2006, 06:30 PM
Has Bella been catching FROGS?? Glad they were only warts and she will be fine.

07-06-2006, 04:55 AM
Has Bella been catching FROGS?? Glad they were only warts and she will be fine.

Frogs??? Do cats get warts from frogs????! - Or is it a joke???!!! No, she hasn't caught any frogs lately - the only wildlife we ever see on the first floor are insects with wings! :eek:

Lots of love,
Sus and Bella :)

07-06-2006, 06:38 AM
I wish my Bella was as cooperative as your Bella.

She becomes hysterical about the trip to the vet, and turns into a giraffe when it comes to be put in the carrier. :rolleyes:

I got her a special soft carrier, so she doesn't hurt herself, she's the only cat I've ever seen that doesn't want to go back into the carrier after the vet exam.

I'm glad your Bella was a perfect little lady. :)