View Full Version : Help...My Ear

07-04-2006, 12:01 PM
This may be pointless to post here, but I am hoping someone knows what this is/had this before, something.

My ear is red, too sore to touch, and so is that side of my face. It's paining, but mostly feels uncomfortable. When I move my head or talk, it feels like that ear is "heavy" or hard to move.

This happened overnight, and I have no idea why. I tried to clean out my ear, but there was nothing in it.

I can't go to the doctor until my mother gets home, and I don't know when that will be. So I'm hoping to find out something, as I'm scared/worried.

*EDIT* Going to the doctors now. You can ignore this..

Laura's Babies
07-04-2006, 12:30 PM
I would be interested in what the doctor said it was. I have never heard of that happening before.

07-04-2006, 01:01 PM
I would be interested in what the doctor said it was. I have never heard of that happening before.

Same here, Robyn. It sort of sounds like a fluid filled inner ear - but yes, very curious what the doc will find.

Feel better sweet girl! :)

07-04-2006, 04:21 PM
Thank you for the concern :)

My doctor couldn't fit me in. I went to the hospital, and waited for over three hours but there was no movement(in people) during all that time. I found out that there were atleast eight people ahread of me, so I would have been there all night. Ugh. I came home and took some tylonol, and it's feeling a lot better. I'm going to see my doctor in the morning.

Laura's Babies
07-04-2006, 05:00 PM
Emergency rooms suck, don't they? If you are not dying, you could sit there 12 hours or more.

07-04-2006, 07:05 PM
Maybe a bug bite?

07-04-2006, 07:09 PM
Have you been swimming? I just heard a segment on the news about *swimmer's ear* where you get an infection from the bacteria which is in the water.

07-05-2006, 12:48 AM
My ear is still hurting quite a bit. I've been taking tylonol everytime it wears off. Hopefully I'll get some drops, or something, at the doctors.

I hate emergancy rooms. Some of those people did sound like they were dying, and nothing was being done.

Have you been swimming? I just heard a segment on the news about *swimmer's ear* where you get an infection from the bacteria which is in the water.

I actually was swimming on Saturday. Not sure if it would three days to start hurting?

I'll find out soon :)

07-05-2006, 08:30 AM
I'm glad you are going to see the doctor this morning, but try not to worry, it will be okay. Please update us on what he/she recommends.

07-05-2006, 12:31 PM
Ear problems can come on suddenly without any warning. A few years ago, I all of a sudden got so dizzy I couldn't stand up. I was rushed by ambulance to the E.R. It turned out to be an ear infection that had gotten into the inner ear and caused labrynthitis. It took several weeks to clear up - several weeks of vertigo that was so bad I couldn't walk, drive or go to work.

Everyone, who's sitting home with medical problems thinking they'll just go away by themselves, please stop it - get thee to a doctor, NOW! You only have one body in this lifetime, please take care of it. If you're not a doctor, please see a professional.

07-05-2006, 01:14 PM
Sounds like it could be otitis externa, which is an outer ear infection. Can sometimes happen from having a small scratch or someting you may not even notice and with the swimming it's a good possibility. Could also be an inner ear infection that has caused the external part to be infected as well. Antibiotics from your doctor should clear it up. It's pretty common and not something to be overly concerned about once you see your doctor. Good luck, hope you feel better soon.

07-05-2006, 03:29 PM
My doctor said it was my TM Joint? causing the pain, since it was mostly in my jaw, and hurt to open my mouth. I'm still not sure that would make my entire ear sore? Oh well. I've got some meds to take for it, and will go back if it still bothers me.

Thanks again everyone. I know I worry over nothing :p