View Full Version : OMG - we've been robbed!

07-04-2006, 10:11 AM
They took everything, My house is trashed. All my jewelry. Every last bit even the junk stuff.
My camera is gone.

We called the cops 15 minutes ago and they're still not here.

They got my stiunking engagement ring and wedding band.... I never take them off, but did because I was painting outside. I can't think.

07-04-2006, 10:25 AM
:eek: Oh NO! That totally sucks the big one. People these days suck! I'm so, so sorry. I cant begin to imagine the shock you are in. Is your family all ok?

07-04-2006, 10:26 AM
Oh no! How horrible! Is everyone okay? They didn;t wreck the baby's stuff, did they? At least you must still have a computer, but still ... I hope they get the creeps1

07-04-2006, 10:30 AM
Oh Kim that is horrible :eek:. Is everyone ok? Cameron? the cats?

You will be in my thoughts {{HUGS}}.

07-04-2006, 10:35 AM
OH...................MY.......................GAAA AAAAWWDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just called Kim. Got her husband. She is talking to the police right now. Hopefully she will call me back SOON!

Kim, if you read this before calling, I can come down to help with ANYTHING! Just say the word!

HUGS and prayers.

07-04-2006, 10:35 AM
Kim I am so sorry all ours prayers are with you and I hope eveyrthing they touched burns their nasty theiving hands! big hugs!

07-04-2006, 10:41 AM
i'm so sorry Kim

Russian Blue
07-04-2006, 10:42 AM
How horrible Kim. :( Everyone is ok though, right?

07-04-2006, 10:45 AM
That's awful!! I'm sorry this has happened. I hope you can get some of your stuff back. **HUGS**

07-04-2006, 10:47 AM
Thats horibble, Kim! Some people just have no lifes whatsoever. I hope the catch the loser! :eek: :mad:

07-04-2006, 10:58 AM
Oh Kim, I'm so sorry. I hope that everyone is okay. We are sending you good thoughts.

07-04-2006, 11:06 AM
Kim, how awful. I'm so sorry. I hope they get the creeps for sure.

Prairie Purrs
07-04-2006, 11:07 AM
I've been through this myself, and it's such a shock! I hope all the humans were away at the time and that the kitties are OK.

I'd recommend alerting pawn shops within a fairly wide area as to descriptions of the jewelry and any other items of reasonable value. Don't count on the police to investigate a burglary too thoroughly.

07-04-2006, 11:08 AM
All people (and I am assuming pets) are OK. No one was at home at the time.

07-04-2006, 11:10 AM
I'd recommend alerting pawn shops within a fairly wide area as to descriptions of the jewelry and any other items of reasonable value.

07-04-2006, 11:12 AM
Oh no . . . I couldn't believe seeing this . . . especially after all the problems, financially, that you've been having lately. It's still pouring . . . how horrible! I'm so sorry, Kim!

Just please be happy that everyone is safe . . . I know that home invasions around here have been getting worse - in broad daylight - and have not ended very well . . . just be happy for your safety & the safety of your family!

Will be praying for you! {{{Hugs}}} sweetie!!!

07-04-2006, 11:14 AM
Some gaurd dog Nicki is. All the cats are present and accounted for (except Allen but I'm not gonna worry about him since he's been hiding al week becauseI've been medicating him) Flutter refuses to come out of hiding. She's really freaked.

We think they knew us, since it was obvious they knew what they were after. They were not afraid of nicki in the least. They had to know she was a nice dog. They went through the whole downstairs. Bypassed hubby's NEW laptop. Bypassed Ashley's NEW Canon camera. They passed two credit cards sitting on my desk (not that there's any available money on them, but they missed them!) They went straight for MY jewelry. and took my camera since it happened to be sitting right in plain view a few feet away from my jewels. Oh whoop-dee-doo. Such extravagant jewels I had. :rolleyes: All I care about are my wedding bands and my college ring (an awesome tanzanite and diamond piece) Still, I'm adding the list up for the police and I'm actually amazed at the price that they amount to! I have NO pictures of my jewels. I photographed them once but deleted the photos for some insane reason.

and I want my camera!!!

Oh, but everyone is perfectly safe. Ashley went shopping with her sister and a friend. She took the baby with her. I had ot go take care of the cats at the adoption center.... and for some strange reason, I MADE hubby go with me. He NEVER goes to help me with the shelter cats. I shudder to thnk what might have happened if Ash or hubby were home alone while this happened. So thank God we're all safe. All they took are possessions. We can replace them and move on.

Still, it seems as if not for bad luck, we'd have no luck at all!

Russian Blue
07-04-2006, 11:27 AM
I shudder to thnk what might have happened if Ash or hubby were home alone while this happened. So thank God we're all safe. All they took are possessions. We can replace them and move on.

In the end, that's all that matters Kim. It sounds like the robbers have been in your house and knew the layout. Often a group of robbers will rob several houses/cars only for specific items and will leave the rest.

We had our car broken into and the police said that 'professional' robbers will go for only specific items on specific days. I guess your on their jewellery day.

It's a horrible thing to go through but am very glad to hear that everyone is safe.

07-04-2006, 11:29 AM
How horrible! :( I'm so glad everyone's safe though. Fingers crossed that your belongings are returned to you soon.

07-04-2006, 12:05 PM
How terrible. :( I still remember when this happened to me in 2004.
It can take months to feel safe again in your own home.Another thing
I remember is that it took me a week before I actually discovered how
many things were actually taken.I am surprised that they left the laptop
and another camera. Do you think your coming home scared them away?

I am so sorry this happened to your family.

07-04-2006, 12:22 PM
OMG, Kim!!!! That is just awful!!!! :( What a terrible thing to happen!!!

But I'm relieved that everyone is safe!! Hopefully the police will find them! Does your insurance cover burglary?

I'm so sorry that this happened to you!


Laura's Babies
07-04-2006, 12:28 PM
I know how violated you feel having had your home broken into. I suggest that you hit the pawn shop yourself and look for your jewelry. I know a lady that got her stolen jewelry back by going to all the pawn shops in her town and tell them what she was looking for. YOU will know it better than any policeman if you see it.

I am SO glad all of you are alright and all the kitties are accounted for. I am like everyone else, I think it was someone you know.

07-04-2006, 12:47 PM
Laura, you know my plan! I know the police won't be investigating this at any form of priority. It'll be up to me to find my missing stuff. None of it really matters except my wedding and engagement rings. I do understand its just "Stuff"

I'm really upset about my camera. It was an awesome camera and felt like an extension of me. I could use Ashley's but its HERS and I don't want to take it away from her. I guess I'll rely on her camera for baby photos. No cat pics any day soon. And I had some really cute ones of Flutter swatting Nicki on the nose last night.... she's grown into quite the spitfire! Flutter still has yet to come out of hiding. I see her but she's not moving from under the bed for anything.

As for insurance, were not even going to file a claim. I tried to file a claim for our bathroom last month, but the agent told us we CAN'T file until October because we filed a few other claims in the past few years and they need to come off the records before we can make another claim or they'll drop us like a hot potato. This is just not worth it. If we didn't make a $20,000 bathroom claim, we're certainly not able to make one about a missing camera, cell phone, and jewelry. Besides, the cop said the insurance will be hard to work with because none of it was photographed or listed separately on the policy.

So now I'm just sulking through the house like a wounded bunny. I'm not going ot the party tonight that I've looked forawrd to. I just don't have the heart and I want to be left alone. I cleaned up the house and put all the drawers back where they belong. I was disappointed that they didn;t take fingerprints. Calling the cops was a huge waste of time. Like I said, it's going ot be up to me ot find my own stuff.

Daisy and Delilah
07-04-2006, 12:52 PM
(((((((HUGS))))))) This is horrible Kim. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. :( :( :(

07-04-2006, 12:56 PM
You know, I was feeling blessed the other day..... I photographed this because it shows just how close we were to a catastrophic fire in my bedroom. We not only would have lost my jewelry, but everything. I noticed the singe mark when I unplugged somethign to plug my haridryer in. What would havbe happened if I never tried to use my hairdryer?

Samantha Puppy
07-04-2006, 12:57 PM
Absolutely sickening. I'm very sorry this happened to you, Kim, but at least everyone is safe and unharmed. Good luck finding your stuff... I hope by some miracle, it all turns up again. I definitely suggest calling pawn shops within a huge radius of you to let them know what to look for.

07-04-2006, 12:58 PM
Thank God everyone is all right! Yes, possessions can be replaced, it is just a shame that it happened. It happened to us a few years ago and it takes awhile to feel comfortable again.

07-04-2006, 01:01 PM
I'm really upset about my camera. It was an awesome camera and felt like an extension of me. I could use Ashley's but its HERS and I don't want to take it away from her. I guess I'll rely on her camera for baby photos. No cat pics any day soon. And I had some really cute ones of Flutter swatting Nicki on the nose last night.... she's grown into quite the spitfire! Flutter still has yet to come out of hiding. I see her but she's not moving from under the bed for anything.

I can understand you very well! A camera IS an extension of us, it's a way to express ourselves. I'm really sorry that you've lost it that way.

I'm also sorry about the insurance, and I can't believe the cops didn't even take fingerprints! :mad:


Prairie Purrs
07-04-2006, 01:02 PM
Boy, do I know how you feel! When my house was burglarized, I lost my grandmother's wedding ring, a wonderful 35mm camera outfit, and most of my tarot card collection. I didn't think the tarot decks were worth much until I tried to replace them--one deck turned out to be an out-of-print limited edition, and the only copy I've seen since then cost $500! :eek:

Try not to feel too discouraged. Do check with the pawn shops. If you know how the burglars broke in, do what you can to secure things better. And if you are acquainted with your neighbors at all, check with them and see whether anybody noticed anything--they'll also most likely want to be aware that someone is breaking into houses in broad daylight!

07-04-2006, 01:02 PM
Kim, I'm sorry you have to go through this, it must be awful knowing that someone went through all your stuff, and took your jewelry and camera. Some things mean a lot and can't be replaced. :( I hope you'll get the important things back somehow.

Go to the pawn shops to see if you can find any of it. Good luck!

07-04-2006, 01:05 PM
so sorry Kim!!!

But, glad that all the family members are fine.

This must feel like such a violation - this has never happened to me but I felt sick in my stomach while reading about your experience.

07-04-2006, 01:09 PM
And if you are acquainted with your neighbors at all, check with them and see whether anybody noticed anything--they'll also most likely want to be aware that someone is breaking into houses in broad daylight!
We think its the neighbor's son. We told the police that. He broke in 6 years ago and our RB Sammy got him good (blood everywhere) but he ended up hurting her back. but its a different MO than before.... so we're not sure.

07-04-2006, 01:12 PM
I'm so glad you all are ok. What a way to spend the 4th huh?

Prairie Purrs
07-04-2006, 01:24 PM
We think its the neighbor's son. We told the police that. He broke in 6 years ago and our RB Sammy got him good (blood everywhere) but he ended up hurting her back. but its a different MO than before.... so we're not sure.

Are there any other neighbors who might have seen something? If it was a neighborhood kid, someone might have seen him around your house and recognized him.

On the other hand, it seems strange that the neighbor's son would pass up other goodies and zero in on the jewelry. That sounds more like a professional burglar who has a specific "market" in mind.

07-04-2006, 02:41 PM
Sorry to hear about this. My parents house was broken into (while they slept) so I know how scarey it can be. You feel violated - that's your stuff that you worked hard for and nobody should touch it. I'm awfully sorry.

Perhaps you can contact some pawn shops in your area (if you have any)? Give them descriptions of what was stolen. Perhaps whoever stole them will try to pawn them off.

Good luck. I'm glad nobody (including your animals) weren't hurt.

Take care.

07-04-2006, 02:49 PM
Oh my, Kim, I am so sorry to read this thread! I am so grateful that no onw was home, and that all furbabies are okay (althought a little scared). I can only imagine how frightened you must have been when you walked in and found the house a mess!

Many prayers coming from Indiana that you are able to find your things!

07-04-2006, 03:08 PM
To say that Thank God all of the kitties and all of you are alright, might have a hollow ring right now - but it really is the truth.

I have been through this myself and you feel so violated.

I now live with closets with deadbolts and an alarm system. Lots of fun!

I am so sorry that this happened to you - and can only hope that you can get some of your items back.

Big hugs to you.

07-04-2006, 03:18 PM
How completely awful.

07-04-2006, 03:45 PM
wow I am so sorry! :( ((hugs)) I hope they find the creeps who did this.

07-04-2006, 03:49 PM

That is absolutely awful!! :( "Stuff" can be replaced. But something as special as your wedding and engagement rings can never be replaced. I do hope that you find them at a pawn shop.

I've PM'd you. Hang in there. If you need ANYTHING, please let me know.



Mad Mags Moo
07-04-2006, 03:50 PM
Kim, I am so sorry that this has happened to you but so glad that no one was at home and you, the kids and the furkids are all ok. Hugs to you, Take care xxxxxx

07-04-2006, 04:51 PM
:( That is so horrible Kim & Ashley = Hope you can get your stuff back .. Glad the family is all ok.. Hope they put that jerk in jail & make him spend some time :mad: ...

07-04-2006, 05:05 PM
Kim I am so sorry!! Thank God, as everyone else has already said, that no one was harmed and all kitties but Allen are present and accounted for. I'm sure he'll surface as soon as he feels a little more secure. My Andy would probably hide for a month after something like that.

Do you know how they got in? I imagine you will want to possibly change locks, etc.(?) Years ago there was a series of burglaries in my neighborhood. They occurred in between Thanksgiving and Christmas and sometimes the person actually broke in when people were inside and upstairs sleeping. :eek: It turned out to be a teenager stealing things to buy drugs for himself and his mother. :rolleyes: :mad: So many neighbors got security systems after that (us included). In this day and age, I guess the creep might even resort to selling your things on e-bay. Maybe you could check there too. (((Hugs))) to you and your family.

07-04-2006, 06:16 PM
OMG - we had the dumbest robbers!

I was on the phone with a PTer.... dusting and taking stock while I talked. Wiping away evidence of their presence in MY room. I organized the drawers.... I decided to look in the top of the jewelry box to see what costume jewelry they left behind. Imagine my surprise when I lifted the lid to see that EVERYTHING was safe and right as I left it!!!!! The stupid robbers had no idea the top of the jewelry box was actually on a hinge that could be lifted up! WOOHOO!!!!

My engagement ring is there! My tanzanite ring is there! I am missing a lot of rings, but at least two of the three rings I cared about are still here! Unfortunately, they DID get my wedding band. I had left it in the small jewelry box that I keep on my dresser.

Hubby said its ok that the wedding band is lost. He'll get me a new one ASAP. Our 5th anniversary is next month, so I hope to have it by then. Its really important to me.

Basically, most of what they got was my Silver Jewelry Club jewelry! LOL all that "free" silver jewelry gone! Guess I need to order some more! :p They DID get plenty of valuable gold... all my necklaces, all my bracelets, and a handful of rings. I only wore silver earrings (I lose them too easily to actually wear gold) and all I had at the moment was costume or the free silver stuff

And... the cops called me back. He asked for the serial number of the camera. If the robbers are stupid enough to pawn it, they'll know. Pawn shops are apparently legally bound to report any and all serial numbers they recieve. Lets just hope they are stupid enough to pawn it. I want MY camera back.

I am so relieved and happy I could kiss the world! Yes we were violated but after thnking my whole world has crashed, I find out that they missed some vital things! I feel like a dummy for not checking the top of the jewelry box until tonight. But why should I have done so? Every drawer was pulled out and dumped on the bed or floor. I thought they took everything and the lid fell closed.

07-04-2006, 06:21 PM
YIPPEE! Just a bit of good news! Such a relief about the engagemnet ring. Now we'll pray for the camera!

07-04-2006, 06:35 PM
Oh, some good news at last!

Glad the cops will check on the camera #. And the person who pawned it...hee hee hee...I hope it IS in a pawn shop, because then they have a chance to catch the idiot!

hugs! to you and your family (fur and non!)


07-04-2006, 06:43 PM
Just a thought, the person or persons might know you and that's why they didnt take the credit cards. It's also harder to use stolen credit cards because more places are requiring i.d. when you use them, unless you use a "u scan" at places like Walmart, Meijer for example. Apparently smart enough to go after stuff that will pawn easly (jewerly/camera). Be glad they didnt take prints it makes one heck of a mess through out the house.

07-04-2006, 06:54 PM
I think the reasons they didn't take the credit cards is because it was kids. They know they'd have never been able ot use it anywhere. I REALLY think its next doors son. Hubby had him in his class 2 years back, a BAD kid. The footprint size would be right for a young teen.

Ok, I just found out the STRANGEST thing they took. My sock basket! :eek: This is war! Take my jewelry and my plastic piggy bank filled with a $1 worth of pennies, but NOT my sock basket! All those unmatched socks out there in the world... whats to become of them? Oh the horror!

I'm sure thats what they used to carry everything out. No wonder the cats were freaked: its THEIR BASKET! Someone was probably in it. I hope they sunk their teeth into the robber's wrist as they shooed a cat out of it.

I wonder what lese they took that I'm missing?

07-04-2006, 07:19 PM
Do you know how they got in? I imagine you will want to possibly change locks, etc.(?)

I too was wondering abou that. I can't imagine your sense of violation and the resulting sense of insecurity. It really is a horrible thing to have happen regardless of what they took or didn't take. I'm very sorry to hear this and I hope you find out who the perpetrator was.

07-04-2006, 07:25 PM
The back door sticks funny. Its been a problem for a while -- remember me writing about the back door being wide open for no reason? The door sticks where we swear its shut tight and/or locked... when in reality it isn't.

We'll definately be stopping my Home Depot when we get some money. Right now, our joint checking accounts have a grand total of $2. We won't be getting any money til friday when I get paid. So until then we'll be watching the doors like hawks.

07-04-2006, 09:42 PM
I just saw this and wanted to say I am so sorry this happened to you. I am glad to hear that everyone is okay and that you found at least a couple of your rings.

07-04-2006, 09:54 PM
Any point in talking to the boy's parents? Or might the cops do that?


07-04-2006, 11:03 PM
Oh no!!! :(! I am so sorry! Everyone is alright, you, cameron, ashley, furbabies, etc? I hope they can recover your things! :(

EDIT - I just read all the posts. Glad to hear that at least some things are looking up! :)

07-05-2006, 05:24 AM
will you be changing the locks on the doors this week? it's actually pretty easy to do. and consider having a security service added to your home.i also have individual window locks, that make noise if a window is forced open. i have brinks, the cost is just $40 a month, but i've got coverage for break ins and fire. it's well worth the piece of mind for me. the window signs and window decals are great warning. i'm so sorry that you've experienced this.

07-05-2006, 08:31 AM
Funny thing is the locks ARE new.

My BIL is a construction contractor. He's going to come out today to give us an estimate on completely replacing the back doors and adding a security bolt to the basement doors.

I am actually starting to be fairly hopeful of getting my camera back. I actually had the serial number... and they have a camera without the proper USB cord and no battery charger. This camea does not use a typical battery and if you plan on using it, plan on buying a $100 battery and charger. So..... hoepfully they'll find out what a waste my camera is and pawn it to get some money. Please get the PT prayers going to make sure my camera comes back to me!

As for the son.... well, we' really are stuck here. I talked to the neighbors that moved out, and they are shocked. They NEVER locked their doors and nothing ever happened. The first thing they said was that their landlord's son did it. The landlord moved back in and we get robbed. The last time we were robbed was when the landlord lived there... we haven't been roibbed since he moved out for 5 years and the best old neighbor moved in. Everything does point to the landlord's middle kid. The size of the footprint, the fact that they knew Nicki enough to not be afraid, the fact that the neighbor was out of town (the boys don't live with thier father). Anyway, the cops will be handling that one. We don't have a good relationship with the landlord neighbor as it is. You can feel the tension in the air when all of us are outside. You see, the landlord neighbor's son was in hubby's class 2 years ago and he tried to sue the school district for discrimination when his "bright" son was failing. Hubby told him point blank that no discrimination was going on, except that his son was discrimating against work. The boy is lazy and relies on daddy to shame teachers into giving him better grades, and get him out of messes. Because landlord neighbor KNOWS hubby is not a racist, he had to drop the lawsuit because it would get thrown out of court if they heard how we were neighbors and shared a lot of stuff up til then. Anyway, its not a good history with the boy and daddy and us.

finn's mom
07-05-2006, 08:41 AM
wow, that's terrible! i'm glad you are hopeful though about getting your camera back.

07-05-2006, 09:53 AM
My dads car was broken into last year. The cops told him to wait 1 week until he started to search for his car battery charger. After 1 week, dad went to the 2 pawn shops & reported his missing item. a week after that the pawn shop called dad & said can you describe your item.. Dad said it was in its box with a butt load of tape on the bottom of the box.. They said yep we just got it in! So dad called the cop back & the officer went intot he shop with dad & verivied the info that dad gave on the description with what was in the pawn shop to be dads. Dad got it back & he also foundout who did it.. it was A-holes brother upstairs! So dad now knows who also has been breaking into the lockes in the parking garage.. He knew it had to have something to do with the A-hole upstairs.

Best part..

The A-holes car broke down when dad was outside one day (dad is mr. fix it for the condo building & he cares for many of the older ladies & does emergency work for them in the middle of the night). Dad said too bad someone thought it was funny to steal my car battery charger eh! hehe

So keep a close eye on those pawn shops :)

07-05-2006, 12:28 PM
I am so glad to read that you have found some of the items that you thought were taken! That is great! But the poor sock basket.... where will the kitties sleep now??? I bet THAT was the only place for them, huh???!!!? ;)

I hope you are able to call/visit the local pawn shops! The robbers sound so stupid, I bet they head right to the pawn shops! Hope the police will continue to pursue the neighbor's son possibility. Sounds logical to me that they should!

07-08-2006, 11:17 AM
I'm so sorry your home was violated like that Kim, but I'm so happy that you found two of your rings and I hope your camera turns up soon as well!


07-08-2006, 11:24 AM
Kim, I'm glad you got a few of your rings back, and I hope you'll find your camera - I'll keep my fingers crossed!

As for your landlords' son: It sounds very likely that he was the one who did it, unfortunately you have no proof. I just hope the cops will watch him closely after you gave them the hint...

How are you doing meanwhile? And how are the kitties coping with the fact that their home has been violated by a stranger? Would be nice if they could talk and tell you who it was. God, I'm so happy that the robber did not do any harm to them!!


Maya & Inka's mommy
07-08-2006, 12:32 PM
Oh no, Kim, that is horrible..... !! I am so glad that nobody was home, and also that the "thief" didn't harm your cats!!
I will pray that you find your things back!!

07-08-2006, 12:41 PM
Kim, I know I'm a bit late but I just wanted to let you know how sorry I am that this happened to you and your family.:( I'm glad that 2 of your rings weren't stolen and hopefully you'll be able to get your camera back too. I also hope that the cops find out who robbed you so they get what they deserve. Please take care.

07-08-2006, 09:45 PM
I just saw this thread..

If it is the landlords son, I hope you get your items back especially your engagement and wedding band. You must feel so violated.
So sorry you have to go through this.

07-08-2006, 10:03 PM
OMG! That's horrible! I'm glad nobody was at your house when the robbery was going on. I'm glad you and your family all right.

07-08-2006, 10:40 PM
I also just noticed this thread, I am so thankful that no one was harmed. Also that you found two of the three rings you missed most. I am so sorry that you had/have to go through this, it must be really scary. I am praying that the dumb robbers turn your camera into the pawn shop and you get it back soon, same with your wedding band. By the way you talk it sounds like it was the landlords son, hopefully the police can use this information to catch the robbers. God be with you Kim!

07-08-2006, 10:45 PM
That is so horrible, i'm so glad you're all all right. Hopefully the people that do such a thing will get caught, if not, they will get their *reward some day. ( i belive in karma )

07-09-2006, 02:41 PM
and also that the "thief" didn't harm your cats!!
I will pray that you find your things back!!

Yes, and thieves seldomly close the door behind them.
That's what I most worry about. Our alarm system doesn't shut the doors for us.

07-09-2006, 02:48 PM
Yes, and thieves seldomly close the door behind them.
That's what I most worry about. Our alarm system doesn't shut the doors for us.

I can certainly relate to the above comment. Years ago we were burglarized during the holidays. We came home after a wonderful Christmas party at about 10:30 p.m.

There, walking around outside was my first cat, Sugar. We had left him indoors. What was he doing outside? And then we saw the broken window...........................

07-09-2006, 02:56 PM
Thanks to everyone's replies on this. Its been a bad few days. I keep having bad dreams and have yet to get a good night sleep.

I just found out that there was a rash of burglaries on the 4th. One town over, someone was out mowing his lawn and surprised the robbers.... and he got seriously stabbed with a knife. That could have been hubby if it was the same robbers!

I'm still not settled with all this. I miss my camera something awful. I can't secure financing to get one on a credit card. Its something I have to live without until I can find a way to afford a $400+ camera. :(

I've come to terms as best I can with my missing wedding ring. I am wearing a sapphire and gold band I bought many years ago. It went on just fine and feels comfortable, but there's no way I'd ever be able to remove it without losing 20 pounds. I've tried everything to get this band off. Its not budging! So I guess this "new" old band is staing put as my wedding band for a while... maybe forever~!

07-09-2006, 04:02 PM
Oh my! Thats terrible!! :eek: I can't believe it! I'm really hoping the cops get them. Can you believe people have the nerve to ruin peoples property like that. Makes me sick to think that people actually think they'll get away with something as terrible as that. :(

07-09-2006, 05:33 PM
OMG, I decided to take a walk today. I walked past this new business on the main street - block and a half from my house. Its upstairs to the shop that sells drug paraphenalia (sp?) like bongs and such. The lower level shop is not known for... um... shall we say... better element people. The new business is a CONSIGNMENT SHOP! Advertising jewelry, electronics, etc. OMG, could it be that I've checked EVERY pawn shop in the area but the one where my stuff is? OMG OMG OMG OMG... this one is too close and seems too seedy to be true.

Oh, I forgot to tell everyone that a block down from my house is a methadone clinic, ya know, a place where all the druggies go to get their governmentally provided drug fix? The consigment shop is a few houses away from the meth clinic. Oh yeah, my town is really one of those special places... 'cause right behind me is a crematorium! Woohoo! :rolleyes: (maybe hubby is right when he's pressuring me to move.)

You better believe I'll be walking over to the consignment shop tomorrow!

07-09-2006, 05:36 PM
I've come to terms as best I can with my missing wedding ring. I am wearing a sapphire and gold band I bought many years ago. It went on just fine and feels comfortable, but there's no way I'd ever be able to remove it without losing 20 pounds. I've tried everything to get this band off. Its not budging! So I guess this "new" old band is staing put as my wedding band for a while... maybe forever~!

Wait until the dry winter air sets in, and you'll be able to get it off even without losing 20 pounds, I bet!

Good luck at the consignment shop tomorrow! Hope your camera is there!

07-09-2006, 05:39 PM
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
So sorry for your misfortune!

07-09-2006, 05:50 PM
OH! Best of luck at the consignment shop tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!

(So where was this ring?? that it was not taken? curious minds want to know)

07-09-2006, 06:25 PM

I was on the phone to Kim when she found her engagement ring. It was in her jewelry armoir. I guess the idiots didn't bother to look in the top compartment (they obviously didn't realize that the top had a hinge on it and it opened). :eek:

Good luck at the consignment shop!

07-09-2006, 06:35 PM

I was on the phone to Kim when she found her engagement ring. It was in her jewelry armoir. I guess the idiots didn't bother to look in the top compartment (they obviously didn't realize that the top had a hinge on it and it opened). :eek:

Good luck at the consignment shop!
No, not the engagement ring, this one.....

I am wearing a sapphire and gold band I bought many years ago

Are they one and the same ring???

07-09-2006, 07:15 PM
Jen, the engagement ring was there along with a few other rings. I still had my sapphire band, and the other rings were ones I never wear for many different reasons (mainly because they are too big and get in the way with drawing and dog training). Simple is better for me now. The thieves took all my nice simple pieces with low mountings.

I am considering selling most of what's left.. I'd just keep the band thats on, my engagement ring, and my tanzanite. This has made me realize I don't care about the other rings at all. But I'm hesitant to sell them because I know I won't get half of what they're worth. Though I guess it doesn't matter, so long as I sold whats left for enough money that I could actually replace my camera! I feel so lost withotu my camera. Ashley keeps urging me to use hers... but I just CAN'T bring myself to use it. Its not the same. Its not MINE. Does that make sense? If nobody understands, thats ok, I freely admit I'm a nutjob! :o

07-10-2006, 01:58 PM
I checked out the consignment shop today. They were closed (though not supposed to be) and the smell of pot coming from the basement nearly knocked me out. :eek: Peeking through the windows shows that its highly unlikely my stuff would be there. First, apparently this place has a habit of closing for no apparent reason (leading me to think the theives would never have had the ability to go in and sell my stuff to them) and secondly, it was all hippy-ish. My stuff is certainly NOT what their customers would be looking for.

In the meantime my new plan of attack for the camera fund is to ebay the everything in the house! Maybe I'll get a few bucks, and clean out a lot of junk! :p I just have to get everything together and photograph it.

07-10-2006, 02:08 PM
I checked out the consignment shop today. They were closed (though not supposed to be) and the smell of pot coming from the basement nearly knocked me out.

I'd let the cops know about it - the smell of pot, anyway, and have 'em raid the place for drugs, if they do such a thing.

Edwina's Secretary
07-10-2006, 02:39 PM
Gosh...there are so many other things the police can do rather than raid a private establishment whre people are doing weed? Catching burglars?

07-10-2006, 03:01 PM
Gosh...there are so many other things the police can do, rather than raid a private establishment where people are doing weed? Catching burglars??
Yes, it's pathetic isn't it! Go after the minor crimes and let the big ones flourish. :rolleyes: It's like that everywhere!

07-13-2006, 02:59 PM
Ok, my life is indeed a strange thing. You know the consignment shop I wrote about? Well, they walked into Ashley's work today and asked to use the fax. They don't have one (I don't understand HOW a business has no fax, but they don't) and then she told them *I* have a fax machine and called me up asking if she could send them home to fax their papers!!! :eek:

OMG, I almost fell over when she called! Thank goodness my lovely digital phone service garbled up the call at that point because Ashley hung up in frustration and just sent them over to another local business!

Can you believe it if they actually came over... if they actually HAVE my stuff? I still haven't found a time when they're open to go look for my jewelry. You'd think they are open right now, wouldn't ya? Nope. Closed. :rolleyes:

07-13-2006, 03:15 PM
i hope you find your stuff! what a terrible thing to go through! i'm glad Ashley didn't send them to your house!

07-13-2006, 03:17 PM
Ok, my life is indeed a strange thing. You know the consignment shop I wrote about? Well, they walked into Ashley's work today and asked to use the fax. They don't have one (I don't understand HOW a business has no fax, but they don't) and then she told them *I* have a fax machine and called me up asking if she could send them home to fax their papers!!! :eek:

OMG, I almost fell over when she called! Thank goodness my lovely digital phone service garbled up the call at that point because Ashley hung up in frustration and just sent them over to another local business!

Can you believe it if they actually came over... if they actually HAVE my stuff? I still haven't found a time when they're open to go look for my jewelry. You'd think they are open right now, wouldn't ya? Nope. Closed. :rolleyes:

No they are out looking for a fax machine :D lol

Sorry this happened to you. I'm sure it was a scary and invasive experience. I hope you recover your stuff. Keeping my fingers crossed.

07-13-2006, 04:38 PM
:eek: :eek: :eek: