View Full Version : favorite cat toy??

05-16-2002, 04:29 PM

My sis is a super cat lover (2 lovely kitties). I have one kitty, but she doesn't own too many cat toys. It's my sis's birthday coming up--what would be a great cat toy or cat-related gift I can give her??

Her kitties do NOT get along, by the way...



05-16-2002, 04:43 PM
Welcome maxine, I think you will come to love this place, there are lots of nice people here, you can get lots of advice on any question you have.

Cat toy? some little things to bat around go over well here, little balls that rattle, feathers on little sticks to involve the human too, or even milk jug rings. :D

Any pet store, or pet section in some stores will have packs of little balls.

05-16-2002, 04:59 PM
Mine loooove those fake little mice! I swore I wouldnt buy them any and now they have over 30 of them (Ok ok I bought a couple packs b/c they tend to gut, tail and dehead them) LOL

05-16-2002, 06:40 PM
Hi Maxine,

Welcome to Pet Talk. If you're like me you'll love it here!

How old are her cats and what do they like to play with? My late cat, Sassy, adored his "Cat Dancer". My other two enjoy it, but not with his fervor. We're into interactive toys here: feathers on stick is a BIG favorite and so is laser-light (very careful of the cat's eyes). Catnip and catnip mice are also popular. My fur-kids like most ping-pong sized balls, but I try only to buy soft ones. [I HATE :mad: stepping on the hard ones in my bare feet in the middle of the night! Hurts like the dickens, as you may have noticed with your baby. :o :( ]

Why don't her cats get along? Are they recent additions that haven't made their peace yet, or are they just different personality types that don't work together?

05-16-2002, 07:28 PM

Her cats are about 6-8 years old. They loved the worm on the fishing pole toy (as did our kitty).

My sister had her first cat for a year and then adopted her second cat Her first cat, who used to be very affectionate, became distant and moody. The two cats used to reaally fight, but now they just try to stay out of eachother's way. It's so sad! They both just want her attention...

My sister visits this site often (that's how I found out about it!) and she posted a lot here about her problem introducing her new cat into her home.

Anyway, I was just wondering if there was some hot toy that cat lovers all knew about! One cool thing I found online was a kitty glive--this glove with long fingers and pompoms on the end:



05-16-2002, 08:49 PM
The fake fur mousies are always a hit, but I always "de-tail" them first because, as someone else noted, they end up being eaten.

A wiffle golf ball to roll around the floor can also be entertaining.l The kitty teasers (feathers on a stick) are good human/cat interaction play, but should be put away when humans not in the room - parts can be easily removed and eaten.

05-17-2002, 12:56 AM
Does she have a kitty condo? I think that would be a great gift for someone with more than one cat.

Kylie's favorite toys are the rings around milk jugs. BUT I have to keep them from Keegan so she doesn't eat them. Oh this puppy stage!!!

05-17-2002, 12:59 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk Maxine. I'm sure you'll love it here. My cats like to play with mice, balls, the cat dancer, string, catnip bubbles, a round tube that has a ball inside of it (I forgot the name), and also something called quickdraw mcpaw. It's a red tube with a handle at one end and yellow feathers on the other end. You pump the handle up and down to make the feathers go in and out. They love to try to eat the feathers. LOL:D

05-17-2002, 01:20 AM
Well, actually my cats love paper wads and bread ties the best :rolleyes:
However, as far as 'store bought' toys go, they LOVE their laser light pen and the feathers on a fishing line thingy. :)